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Digital Ocean & Django Deployment Guide

A installation guide for getting Django setup on Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean Setup

  1. Sign up for a Digital Ocean account Affiliate | Non-Affiliate

  2. Login

  3. Create Droplet

  4. Under Distributions select Debian version 8.6x64 or newer.

  5. Choose a size in your budget

  6. Choose a datacenter region likely one close to your target audience

  7. Leave out SSH Key unless you know how to create one.

  8. Finalize and create: 1 Droplet is fine

  9. Let Droplet finish initializing

  10. Check email for the following (unless you setup an SSH Key on step #7):

Droplet Name: <droplet_name>
IP Address: <ip_address>
Username: <username>
Password: <password>

Digital Ocean & Terminal/PuTTY

  1. In terminal(PuTTY if on Windows) and enter:

    # format
    ssh root@<ip_address>
    ssh [email protected]
  2. You should see a message like:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Dg4o2zcwBMMx72IJEgdhJm/iDWtoQzWVmSuRV8B4db4.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?   

Type yes then hit enter

  1. It should ask for your <password>, we recevied in our email (unless you setup an SSH Key)

  2. It will ask for your <password> again so you can reset it. Set a <new_password> and then confirm it. From now on, use this <new_password> with ssh root@<ip_address> to acccess your Droplet.

Setup Local Django Project here

Setup your Debian System for Django + Apache here

SSH & FTP Local Django Project to Digital Ocean

  1. Open an FTP Client (like Transmit or Cyberduck)

  2. SFTP into your <ip_address> using root and your password

  3. Navigate to /var/www/venv

  4. Replace src with your src

  5. Navigate to src/<your-project>/settings/ and remove

  6. Open Terminal/PuTTY

  7. SSH into your <ip_address> like ssh root@<ip_address>

  8. Update Apache2 to your project's name/settings if needed.

  9. Run the following:

    cd /var/www/venv/
    source bin/activate
    cd src
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  10. Restart apache sudo service apache2 restart

  11. Navigate to your <ip_address> (or domain name) in your browser.