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Sam Marshall edited this page Aug 24, 2013 · 2 revisions

Submitting Pull Requests

Pull requests are very welcome to this project, however I have a couple of guidelines that should be followed when submitting a pull request.

Cosmetic Changes

Any pull requests that alter only cosmetic appearance of the code, such as:

  • Replacing hardcoded hex values with the proper constant counterpart
  • Memory management
  • Almost anything that doesn't alter existing code logic

Will be reviewed and almost always be accepted. So long as there are no breaking changes that occur through a cosmetic change request, it will be accepted as quickly as possible.

Functionality Changes

If you wish to submit pull requests that alter the functionality or logical process of the code, then I am going to require that references to where the changes can be found inside of MobileDevice.framework. Please provide a reference to which function and where in that function the requested change can be found so I can compare that with the existing code. The reason for this is that I want to keep this as cross-compatible with Apple's framework code as possible. Please also include a detailed description of what the change is doing and a working example of code that uses this change so it can be tested.

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