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Required Jenkins Plugins

Sam Gleske edited this page Feb 5, 2018 · 7 revisions

This list of plugins are required if one plans to use the Job DSL scripting library and shared pipeline library provided by this Jervis project. If you start from jenkins-bootstrap-jervis, then this page is purely informational.

Minimally Required plugins

  • Pipeline - Used by Jervis to run .jervis.yml and .travis.yml build scripts.
  • Blue Ocean - A UI for beautifully rendering Jenkins pipelines.
  • Dashboard View - A dashboard where documentation assisting user onboarding can exist. The front page of Jenkins should help a user get started.
  • Rich Text Publisher Plugin - Required by Dashboard View plugin to provide a clean onboarding experience.
  • Job DSL - Generates multibranch pipeline jobs from Jervis build scripts.
  • Mask Passwords Plugin - For securing secrets in Jenkins build console output. It masks passwords from being accidentally printed to the console.
  • SCM Filter Branch PR Plugin - A multi-branch pipeline filter for including pull requests in addition to including branches.
  • View Job Filters - Augments Jenkins ability to display projects in a view using regular expressions and other filters instead of just selecting individual jobs.

Optional and Recommended plugins

Jenkins plugins which should probably be installed for a good user experience.

  • Agent: Yet Another Docker Plugin - Ephemeral agent provisioning. One agent per build.
  • Authentication: GitHub Authentication Plugin - Use GitHub organizations and teams for offloading authentication and authorization to GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.
  • Eye candy: OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin - Allows friendly HTML in folder and job descriptions when generating jobs from Job DSL templates.
  • Eye candy: embeddable-build-status - Allows developers to add green build badges to their project README.
  • Maintenance: Groovy - Good for writing maintenance scripts in the Jenkins runtime.
  • Publishing: Cobertura Plugin - Code coverage report collecting on Java-based projects.
  • Publishing: HTML Publisher plugin - Collect generic HTML reports for any project.
  • Publishing: Javadoc Plugin - Collecting documentation generated by javadoc on Java-based projects.

Other recommended plugins

Not necessarily to be installed but good for additional integrations.