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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.2.1] - 2022-01-13



  • Added a footer link to the new test driver that provides a link to the build on Jenkins for convenience in the email.





[2.2.0] - 2022-01-12


  • Add format_duration_hms to ResultsUtility.genResultDetails() which causes the duration value to be reported as DD:HH:MM:SS.SS
    • For JSONL output, the duration field will be a string if using HMS.
    • For JSONL output, the duration field remains a float if not using HMS.
    • Resolves Issue #34
  • Add new parameter in_place to JenkinsTools.spifi_checked_get_parameter() which enables in-place setting of Aparameters.


  • Completed testing overhaul.



[2.0.0] - 2020-02-17

  • v2.0.0 branch released as the first branch in the 2.x line.



  • deprecations from v1.x are removed.

[1.3.2] - 2020-02-17

  • v1.3.2 branch released as the final branch in the 1.x line.


  • Update ResultsUtility functions to use gov.sandia.sems.spifi.impl.Tools.spifi_parameter_check()
  • Add verbose parameter to ResultsUtility.genResultSummaryTable() parameter list.
  • Add verbose parameter to ResultsUtility.genResultDetails() parameter list.
  • Add verbose parameter to HTMLUtility.generate()
  • Add verbose paramter to HTMLUtility.generateList()
  • Add a new optional verbose parameter to JobLauncher.appendJob() for use by SPiFI developers to turn on additional debugging messages. Currently this is only used by gov.sandia.sems.spifi.impl.Tools.spifi_parameter_check() but we could expand its use later if we want to.
    • This will not affect any backwards compatibility or deprecate anything.


  • Update HTMLUtility functions to use gov.sandia.sems.spifi.impl.Tools.spifi_parameter_check()


  • Bug fix for Issue 27 : Fixed alternating color bug in the HTML generated tables.



[1.3.1] - 2020-01-21


  • Add new parameters to Git.clone()
    • recurse_submodules - enable recursive submodule clone of the given repository.
    • shallow - enable a shallow clone of the repositories (limit depth to 50)




[1.3.0] - 2020-01-15


  • Adding a new "spifi-only" job completion label, "TIMEOUT" which will be set if a job is timed-out via the timeout set in JobLauncher.appendJob(). Detection of this is via stacktrace processing when we handle the exception that gets kicked off, so it may be brittle down the line.

  • Add new function to JenkinsTools:

     * Pretty print a Groovy exception StackTrace
     * @param env       [REQUIRED] Object - Jenkins environment (use 'this' from the Jenkins pipeline).
     * @param exception [REQUIRED] Exception - Groovy exception object.
     * @return
    def spifi_get_exception_stacktrace_pretty(Map args)


  • FEATURE: Add dry_run entry to the Map returned by JobLauncher.launchInParallel() as a boolean value to capture whether or not the build was in DRY-RUN mode.
  • FEATURE: If in dry_run mode, the duration entry returned by JobLauncher.launchInParallel() will reflect the value of dry_run_delay.
  • STYLE: Minor tweaks to ResultsUtility
    • Don't add a link to HTML, Markdown entries if the job was run in dry run and indicate it was a dry-run by formatting the usual build-id (#<build_id>) to show dry-run as #dry_run.


  • Issue #7 fixes.
  • ISSUE #23: Address issue where aborted dry-run jobs report 0 time for duration and provided a bogus link.


  • Deprecation: JenkinsTools.checked_get_parameter is now JenkinsTools.spifi_checked_get_parameter


[1.2.2] - 2019-12-18


  • FEATURE: Add JenkinsTools source file
    • New function: checked_get_parameter() - provides a convenience wrapper for dealing with Jenkins parameters provided to jobs.




[1.2.0] - 2019-07-30



  • FEATURE: Adds JSONL option to ResultsUtility::genResultDetails()
  • FEATURE: Add optional Boolean parameter beautify to ResultsUtility::genResultDetails()
    • Only used by JSONL format currently.
    • Default is false.
    • If set to true, it tries to beautify the output to make it more human readable.
    • Is NOT available to ResultsUtility::genResultDetailTable() since that is going away.


  • class ParallelJobLauncher changed to JobLauncher
  • ResultsUtility::genResultDetailTable() replaced with ResultsUtility::genResultDetails()


[1.1.4] - 2019-03-26


  • NEW CLASS: gov.sandia.sems.spifi.DelayedRetryOnRegex contains a single regular expression condition for checking.
    • File location: src/gov/sandia/sems/spifi/DelayedRetryOnRegex.groovy
    • Support class for the retry-on-regex-in-console-log
    • Required parameters:
      • env: environment contains the Jenkins environment so sandboxed things can work. Use this from the jenkinsfile. REQUIRED
      • retry_regex: String contains the regular expression we're searching for. REQUIRED
      • retry_delay: Integer contains the retry delay amount to use if this expression is matched. Default: 90
      • retry_delay_units: String contains the units of the retry delay. Allowable: [SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS] Default: SECONDS.


  • FEATURE: Added retry-on-regex-in-console-log option for ParallelJobLauncher jobs.
    • This allows individual jobs launched by a ParallelJobLauncher to be retried if one of a set of user provided regular expressions are matched in the console log. The purpose of this is to allow the job launcher to retry jobs when intermittent errors occur such as "failure to clone repo from github" or "not enough compiler licenses available". A regex-specific retry delay can be added to allow different delays between retries based on the condition matched, but the total number of retries is fixed based on the job, regardless of which errors are matched. Retry conditions are provided in a list and the first matched is used.
    • New parameters to ParallelJobLauncher::appendJob():
      • retry_lines_to_check: Integer : Maximum console log lines from subjob to check. Minimum = 0, Default = 200
      • retry_max_count: Integer : Maximum number of retries allowed (note: total attempts is retries+1). Default=0
      • retry_conditions: List<gov.sandia.sems.spifi.DelayedRetryOnRegex>: List of conditions to check.
    • Omitting retry-on-regex-in-console-log options does not change previous behavior.


  • DEPRECATION: ParallelJobLauncher constructor with signature ParallelJobLauncher(env) will be replaced by a variant that uses a Map parameter to be consistent with the other classes and functions in SPiFI. Use the form: ParallelJobLauncher(env: <env>) This consturctor will be deprecated in version 2.0.0
  • REMOVE PLUGIN DEPENDENCY: gov.sandia.sems.spifi.Git() no longer uses the Git plugin, which didn't work with timeouts. we now just use the Jenkins checkout() function that comes with Jenkins.
    • DEPRECATION: The only deprecation notice for this change is that the timeouts are always using MINUTES so we're removing the timeout_delay_units parameter, which doesn't really change anything since it was ignored previously anyways. Nothing will break if it's added however.
