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A repository containing various scripts useful for performing quality control on data from genome-wide association studies and visualizing results

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A repository containing various scripts useful for performing quality control on data from genome-wide association studies and visualizing results

Scripts contained in this repository:

(1) qqplot.R

A script for generating a standard quantile-quantile (QQ) plot and calculating lambda for your data. The script takes in an input file containing the column "P" (with your GWAS p-values).

The script is run as follows:

Rscript qqplot.R inputfile stat_type output_file color xmamx

  stat_type: P (for p-values), Z (for z-scores), or CHISQ (for chi-square values)
  color: color you want your points plotted in
  xmax: maximum value for the x-axis (and y-axis, as the plot is square)

(2) qq_by_maf.R

A script for generating a QQ plot that plots data stratified by allele frequency. The input data must contain the following columns: P (p-values from your GWAS), FRQ (the frequency of the tested allele from your GWAS).

The script runs as follows:

Rscript qq_by_maf.R inputfile outputfile

(3) qq_by_info.R

A script for generating a QQ plot that plots data stratified by imputation quality. Does exactly the same as the QQ by maf script, but stratifying by imputation quality (INFO) score (typically a number between 0 and 1). The input data must contain the following columns: P (p-values from your GWAS), INFO (imputation quality score).

The script runs as follows:

Rscript qq_by_info.R inputfile outputfile

(4) manhattan.R

A script for plotting a Manhattan plot. Note that this depends on having the "qqman" library (written by Stephen Turner; please see his excellent GitHub for more information The input data must contain the following columns and be in this order: SNP (rsID), CHR (chromosome), BP (base position), P (p-value)

(5) qq.three_plots.R

Combines scripts 1-3 into a single script to produce three QQ plots at once. The columns of your data must include: P, FRQ, and INFO.

The script runs as follows:

Rscript qqplot.R inputfile stat_type output_file color xmamx

  stat_type: P (for p-values), Z (for z-scores), or CHISQ (for chi-square values)
  color: color you want your points plotted in
  xmax: maximum value for the x-axis (and y-axis, as the plot is square)

(6) lambda.R

A quick script to calculate lambda in your data. Your data must have column "P" containing p-values.

The script runs as follows:

Rscript lambda.R inputfile stat_type

stat_type: P (for p-values), Z (for z-scores), or CHISQ (for chi-square values)


A script for preparing (Plink-formatted) data to run principal component analysis.


A script that makes a call to EIGENSTRAT to plot
(a) your GWAS samples, projected onto
  (b) a reference dataset (for example, HapMap 3)

Input data should be:
(a) A Plink-formatted PED file containing the genotypes from your GWAS samples and the samples from your reference data. (b) A Plink-formatted MAP file, corresponding with the PED file, containing marker information. (c) A PEDIND file. Contains the first 5 columns of the PED file. The 6th column indicates "test" (i.e., a sample from your GWAS data) or "ref" (i.e., a sample from your reference data.

The script runs as follows:

./ file-root-name

where file-root-name is the root name of your PED, MAP and PEDIND files.


Exactly as above to run principal component analysis in EIGENSTRAT, but only performing the analysis within your own GWAS data samples. You therefore only need a PED and MAP file.

The script runs as follows:

./ file-root-name

where file-root-name is the root name of your PED and MAP files.


A repository containing various scripts useful for performing quality control on data from genome-wide association studies and visualizing results






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