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84 lines (75 loc) · 3.46 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (75 loc) · 3.46 KB

To Do Now (Critical)

To Do Now (Not Critical)

To Do Later (Critical)

To Do Later (Not Critical)

  • ctrl+space doesn't toggle mixer @mcpepe
  • allow chains to playthrough only once
  • a way to “synchronize” playing a track, so that I can have it start from the top at the next nth division of pulses
  • third row of keys in mixer should stop/start tracks
  • non-line ops with a prefix version that is latchin @sixolet
  • slice stretch synthdef (Using WarpZ)
  • have tli keep track of originating line and highlight it
  • use blend_mode to highlight the region being played


  • [?] octave detection doesn't work for <0 @mcpepe
  • [?] sometimes saving a song goes to track 1
  • v,y should behave ordered when given choices (so you can do things like 9 v5,0,0,5,0,0,5,0 pe)
  • performance mixer @mcepe
  • documentation for "Z" command
  • hook up DX7 to modulate parameters in realtime
  • Add filter to DX7
  • Add DX7 names
  • possible bug with midi out
  • add reverb to the melodic clade @mcpepe
  • panning in PolyPerc is bugged @hallmar
  • midi sending bad note offs?? @hallmar
  • add play all/ stop all @mcpepe
  • filenames with spaces bugging? @mcpepe
  • DELETE key cursors to docs @mcpepe
  • Add scale locking
  • Ctl+0 doesn't work?
  • parentheses as a subdivision @sixolet
  • y = transpose (its like note, but isn't affected by retriggers)
  • META > make bundle / load bundle (goes through and produces a shareable PSET, samples, dats, pngs, in a single file)
  • option to automatically load default
  • K2/K3 mute/play?
  • E1/E2/E3 parameters (volume/filter/clade specific)
  • drum: drive, melodic: drive?, softcut: rec_level,
  • TEST softcut save
  • [ ] Phasor for WarpZ gets input from a stretch bus
  • command add notes/chords without octave information
  • update NOTE and HEX information
  • Tapestop?? (Buffer constantly writing/reading)
  • map K's to softcut find offsets
  • add mx.synths and special shortcode to change the parameters j???
  • TEST should work without pattern or chain declaration
  • get reverb send working
  • TEST softcut sync record head to playback head
  • on mutes, do note off
  • cache parsers for notes and chain
  • Mute groups with alt+#
  • padfx as a global reverb send?
  • padfx + audioin as options?
  • random parameter choices with '?' (e.g. m?)
  • mute working
  • rate changes (reversing??)
  • combine crow 1+2 and crow 3+4 in the track
  • automatic patch of norns using sed
  • TEST controlling two norns with one keyboard
  • add sample selector from old one
  • TEST wedges define wedges per-line, everything runs at 24ppqn wedge = pulses per line
  • slice should send duration_total as well as duration_slice (duration_slice is switched by type and not affected by retrig rate) (need to test)
  • in chaining, support "*" to multiply patterns?
  • key should move previous line to current line
  • ppl addressed in the meta
  • hookup the break effects in the engine break effects are less interesting
  • add play visual on the left bar
  • retrigger should start at 1, not 0 nvm
  • scroll shows hex for sample type =1?
  • show type on the left bar nvm
  • TEST Ctrl N makes new (can be undoed)
  • TEST copy / paste
  • TEST undo / redo
  • yedilik drum load (place slices)
  • if nothing is playing then reset clock when playing starts
  • why is source bpm off