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Chip-8 Emulator

Diving into emulation development at the same time as continuing to learn Rust. In doing some research, building a Chip-8 emulator is the has become the "Hello World" for emulation development.

Chip-8 is an interpreted programming lanuage developed by Joseph Weibecker for an 1802 Microprocessor. Chip-8 programs are run on a Chip-8 virtual machine, which is what I will be building an emulator for in this project. I frequently referenced and followed this guide as I worked through this project.

Chip-8 Virtual Machine Tech Specs

  • 64x32 monochrome display.
    • Graphics are drawn to screen by drawing sprites which 8 pixels wide and can be 1 to 15 pixels in height.
    • Sprite pixels are XOR'd with their corresponding screen pixels.
    • Sprite pixels that are set flip the color of the corresponding screen pixel, while unset sprite pixels do nothing.
    • The carry flag (VF) is set to 1 if any screen pixels are flipped from set to unset when a sprite is drawn and set to 0 otherwise, this feature is used for collision detection.
  • Sixteen 8-bit general purpose registers.
    • The register names go from V0 to VF (although the VF register doubles as a flag and should be avoided).
  • 16-bit index register (I).
    • Although 16-bits, only the lower 12 bits are used for addressing purposes due to the 4KB memory size (12 bits is sufficient to address any location within this memory range).
  • 16-bit program counter (PC).
  • 4KB (or 4096 bytes) of memory.
  • 16-bit stack for calling and returning from subroutines.
  • 16-key hex keyboard input.
    • The 16 keys are labelled with hexadecimal values (0-F).
  • Two special registers which decrement at 60 hertz and trigger upon reaching zero.
    • 8-bit delay timer: Used for time-based game events.
    • 8-bit sound timer: Used to trigger the audio beep.


  • chip-core: Defines the backend emulator implementation.

Opcode Table

Chip-8 has 35 opcodes, which are all two bytes long and stored big-endian (meaning the most significant byte of a word is stored at the smallest memory address and the least significant byte at the largest).

Idx Opcode Shorthand Description
1 0000 NOP Do nothing. Useful for syncing timing and alignment.
2 00E0 CLS Clear screen, reset the screen buffer.
3 00EE RET Return from subroutine by setting the program counter to the memory address to return the return address.
4 1NNN JUMP Jump to memory location NNN by setting the program counter to that memory location.
5 2NNN CALL Call subroutine at the memory location NNN. Push current program counter to the stack to use later when returning from the subroutine.
6 3XNN SKIP_EQ Skip the next instruction if value retrieved from V register X is equal to NN (VX == NN).
7 4XNN SKIP_NEQ Skip the next instruction if value retrieved from V register X is not equal to NN (VX != NN).
8 5XY0 SKIP_V Skip the next instruction if value retrieved from V registers X and Y are equal (VX != VY).
9 6XNN SET Set the value of V register X to NN.
10 7XNN ADD Adds the value NN to the value in V register X (wraps on u8 overflow).
11 8XY0 SET_V Set the value of V register X to the value stored in V register Y.
12 8XY1 OR Set the value of V register X to the bitwise OR with the value in V register Y.
13 8XY2 AND Set the value of V register X to the bitwise AND with the value in V register Y.
14 8XY3 XOR Set the value of V register X to the bitwise XOR with the value in V register Y.
15 8XY4 ADD_V Adds the value in register X to the value in register Y. Store the value in register X and set the carry flag in register F based on if the operation underflowed or overflowed.
16 8XY5 SUB_V Subtracts the value in the register Y from the value in register X. Store the value in register X and set the carry flag in register F based on if the operation underflowed or overflowed.
17 8XY6 SING_RSHIFT Performs a single right shift on the value in register X.
18 ``


Rust Chip-8 emulator.






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