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BMS CAN Protocol

This document is a reformatting of the original ZEVA BMS12 CAN Protocol document. It contains the original protocol messages along with any new messages that are added for new features.

CAN Parameters

The original firmware and protocol used a data rate of 250 kbits. As of version 1.2.0 the data rate was changed to 500 kbits. The message format uses 29-bit message IDs.

Version Data Rate
< 1.2.0 250 kbps
>= 1.2.0 500 kbps

Message IDs

In the original protocol, there is one message from controller to BMS devices, and 4 reply messages from BMS device to controller. The CAN message IDs for each message use a base ID plus a message type.

The "Command" and "Response" message were added in 1.1.0.

Base ID

Each BMS device has an ID assigned using the rotary switch (or possible some other method). The device ID is 0-15 (decimal). These are used to form a base CAN message ID as following (all numbers are decimal):

CAN Message ID = 300 + (BMS_ID * 10)

The BMS ID to CAN Message ID table is shown below:

0 300
1 310
... ...
9 390
10 400
... ...
15 450

CAN Message ID

The CAN message ID is the Base ID plus the message type. For example the Reply1 message is type 1. For BMS device 2, the CAN message ID would be 321:

300 + ((BMS unit 2) * 10) + (msg type 1)
300 + (     2       * 10) +      1        ==> 321

BMS24 vs BMS12

This protocol was originally for the BMS12 with 12-cells and 2 temperature sensors. For the purposes of CAN protocol, a BMS24 appears like 2 BMS12 devices. Each one presents as 2 BMS units on the CAN bus. If the rotary switch is set to 0, then the BMS24 presents as units 0 and 1.


Note: Cell voltages are numbered using 1-origin. So 12 cell voltages are numbered 1-12.

Message Type Description
Request 0 Controller request data from device
Reply1 1 Cell voltage 1-4
Reply2 2 Cell voltage 5-8
Reply3 3 Cell voltage 9-12
Reply4 4 Temperature 1 and 2
Command 5 Command message (data dependent)
Response 6 Response to command (data dependent)

Request (0)

Message ID Length
Base + 0 2

Message Data

Byte Meaning
0 shunt voltage high byte
1 shunt voltage low byte


This message is sent from the controller to a BMS device. It serves two purposes: it sets the BMS shunt voltage, and it requests data from the BMS. The shunt voltage is a 16-bit value in millivolts, big-endian format in the CAN data field.

If the shunt voltage is 0, the shunt balancer is disabled. This message must be sent at least once per second for the shunt balancer to remain enabled.

This message also causes the BMS to transmit cell voltages and temperatures via the Reply1-Reply4 messages.

Reply1 (1)

Message ID Length
Base + 1 8

Message Data

Byte Meaning
0 Cell voltage 1 high byte
1 Cell voltage 1 low byte
0 Cell voltage 2 high byte
1 Cell voltage 2 low byte
0 Cell voltage 3 high byte
1 Cell voltage 3 low byte
0 Cell voltage 4 high byte
1 Cell voltage 4 low byte


This message is sent in response to a Request message. It contains cell voltages 1-4 as 16-bit values in millivolts. The 16-bit values are stored in big endian format in the message data field.

Reply2 (2)

Message ID Length
Base + 2 8

Message Data

Byte Meaning
0 Cell voltage 5 high byte
1 Cell voltage 5 low byte
0 Cell voltage 6 high byte
1 Cell voltage 6 low byte
0 Cell voltage 7 high byte
1 Cell voltage 7 low byte
0 Cell voltage 8 high byte
1 Cell voltage 8 low byte


This message is sent immediately following a Reply1 message, in response to a Request message. It contains cell voltages 5-8 as 16-bit values in millivolts. The 16-bit values are stored in big endian format in the message data field.

Reply3 (3)

Message ID Length
Base + 3 8

Message Data

Byte Meaning
0 Cell voltage 9 high byte
1 Cell voltage 9 low byte
0 Cell voltage 10 high byte
1 Cell voltage 10 low byte
0 Cell voltage 11 high byte
1 Cell voltage 11 low byte
0 Cell voltage 12 high byte
1 Cell voltage 12 low byte


This message is sent immediately following a Reply2 message, in response to a Request message. It contains cell voltages 9-12 as 16-bit values in millivolts. The 16-bit values are stored in big endian format in the message data field.

Reply4 (4)

Message ID Length
Base + 4 8

Message Data

Byte Meaning
0 Temperature 1
1 Temperature 2
2:7 reserved (0)


This message is sent immediately following a Reply3 message, in response to a Request message. It contains two temperature readings from the temperature sensors. The temperatures are 8-bit values, in units of degrees C with a 40C offset. To get temperature in C:

temp_in_C = temp_data - 40

NOTE: The PDF protocol document from ZEVA states this message has 2 bytes. But the ZEAV code is written to send 8 bytes with unused bytes as zeroes.

Command (5)

Message ID Length
Base + 5 8

Version Notes

Version Notes
1.1 message introduced with version and reboot functions

Message Data

Byte Meaning
0 Command type
1:7 Reserved(0)


This message is a command from the controller to a BMS device. A single message with a command type in the data field was chosen to save message ID space, and to reduce the future need for additional messages. This approach allows adding more commands in the future without adding more message types, and keeping the protocol backwards compatible.


Command Type Data Meaning
0 0 Reboot
1 0 Version
Reboot Command

This command initiates a reboot in the BMS device. If a boot loader is installed, the BMS will reboot into the boot loader, and the boot loader protocol can be used to load new firmware.

Prior to rebooting, the BMS device will send a Response to acknowledge the Reboot command.

Version Command

This command is used to report the firmware version back to the controller. The BMS device will send a Response message containing the version.

Response (6)

Message ID Length
Base + 6 8

Version Notes

Version Notes
1.1 message introduced with version and reboot functions

Message Data

Byte Meaning
0 Response type
1:7 Dependent on response type


This message is a response by the BMS device to a Command message from the controller.


Response Type Data Meaning
0 0 Reboot Acknowledge
1 +3 Firmware version
Reboot Response

This response is an acknowledgement of a Reboot command and is sent by the BMS device just before rebooting itself.

Version Response

This is a response to a Version command and contains the firmware version in 3 bytes.

This command is used to report the firmware version back to the controller. The BMS device will send a Response message containing the version. The version will be 3 additional bytes in the data field.

Byte Meaning
0 Response type
1 Major version
2 Minor version
3 Patch version
4:7 Reserved(0)