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Generate TypeScript bindings for Aptos contracts.


  • Code generation for Aptos smart contract based on ABI
  • Typesafe encode/decoding, object filtering, transaction building, etc
  • Automatically manage depended modules


Install package

yarn add @typemove/aptos


pnpm add @typemove/aptos

Code Generation

yarn typemove-aptos [--target-dir] [--network] [--abi-dir] <location>
  • location: Directory of ABI json files or address of account to generate types for
  • target-dir: Directory to output generated files (default: "./types")
  • network: Network to use, could be either "mainnet", "testnet" or any node URL (default: "mainnet")
  • abi-dir: Directory to store downloaded ABI. Only useful if is address (default: "./abis")

Use yarn typemove-aptos --help to see detail description.

A few examples:

  • generate types for an address on mainnet:
    yarn typemove-aptos --target-dir=./src/types --abi-dir=./src/abis 0x48271d39d0b05bd6efca2278f22277d6fcc375504f9839fd73f74ace240861af 
  • generate types for local ABI files stored in ./src/abis:
    yarn typemove-aptos --target-dir=./src/types ./src/abis
  • generate types using local node:
    yarn typemove-aptos --network="http://localhost:8080" 0x48271d39d0b05bd6efca2278f22277d6fcc375504f9839fd73f74ace240861af

Decode object

Generated type will be like this: img.png

You can write code as follows:

import { defaultMoveCoder } from '@typemove/aptos'
import { stable_pool } from "./types/0x48271d39d0b05bd6efca2278f22277d6fcc375504f9839fd73f74ace240861af";

const pool = await defaultMoveCoder().decodedType(stable_pool.StablePool.type(), object)

Checkout our tests for more examples。

View function

Sample code is as follows:

const aptosClient = new AptosClient("")
const [lpName] = await stable_pool.view.lpNameById(client, { arguments: [3n] })
const [poolBalances, weights, supply] = await stable_pool.view.poolInfo(client, { arguments: [lpName] })

IDE will show you the detail type of the function:


Build transaction

Similar to view function, but use entry instead of view:

const aptosClient = new AptosClient("")
const account = new AptosAccount(...)
const res = await _0x1.coin.entry.transfer(client, account, {
  type_arguments: ['0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'],
  arguments: ['0x1', 1n],

Checkout our tests for more examples.

Resource client

We provide a resource client to help you retrieve resources:

const poolType = amm.Pool.type()
const allPoolResources = await accountResourceClient.matchAll(ACCOUNT_ADDRESS, poolType)

or if you want to partial match one of the type parameters:

const poolTypeWithAptos = amm.Pool.type(aptos_coin.AptosCoin.type(), ANY_TYPE)
const aptosPoolResources = await accountResourceClient.matchAll(ACCOUNT_ADDRESS, poolTypeWithAptos)

Checkout our tests for more examples.