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Lambda Calculus Formalizations

This repository contains formalizations of various lambda calculi. The goal in these formalizations is:

  • Implemented in a theorem prover - current choice is Lean though I have experimented with Agda and Coq.
  • Prove interesting properties about the language, in particular, type safety and strong normalization.
  • Hopefully continue to learn about type theories and gradually increase the scope of my knowledge until I can implement a novel programming language to some degree.

Right now, the plan is to proceed through the PFPL book and gradually implement the various languages mentioned within. These are the languages I have implemented so far, please click the links for more information on each.

  1. E - Arithmetic language

  2. EF - Simply typed lambda calculus (function types)

  3. System T - STLC with natural numbers

  4. Prod1 -- STLC with nullary and binary product types

  5. Sum1 -- STLC with nullary and binary sum types

  6. TyGen -- STLC with a type generic extension supporting positive type operators

Note that a lot of the code is almost exactly the same between implementations. This is intentional. For the purposes of actually getting stuff done, it's much faster to just copy-paste rather than trying to abstract out common parts. This is especially true since all the languages are completely independent from each other.


Things I want to try eventually, with my knowledge ranging from non-existent to somewhat knowledgeable.

  • Dependent types

  • Linear types

  • Full compiler:

    • Creating an intermediate representation (IR) that is type safe and mapped to from the typing derivations.
    • Implement optimization passes over the IR.
    • Maybe some simple formalization of the x86 architecture, enough to be able to compile to native code.
  • Implicit computational complexity - be able to formulate space/time complexities of functions


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