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Shaun Heng edited this page Jun 18, 2023 · 6 revisions


Create a virtual environment with Python 3.8.10 Then,

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Next, install the necessary package for the copy image to clipboard feature

# MacOS - None

# Windows
pip3 install pywin32

# Linux
pip3 install klembord

Folder Structure

Your files should be stored in the following manner:

├── file1.jpg  # Files will be excluded
├── method_1  # Could be name of algorithm or outputs from epoch
    ├── file1
    ├── file2
    └── ...
├── method_2
    ├── file1
    ├── file2
    └── ...
└── source  # source folder (used for preview). Can be specified in
    ├── file1
    ├── file2
    └── ...


  • Minimum of 2 folders since this is a comparison tool.
  • Each folder contains enhanced images from a single method.
  • Each file must have the same name as the source file.
  • Files which have the same name across ALL subdirectories will be retrieved.
  • Images & videos should all have the same size (since we need to overlay/crop and join them)
  • Files in root folder will be excluded

Running the program

usage: [-h] [--root ROOT] [--preview_folder PREVIEW_FOLDER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --root ROOT           Path to root directory
  --preview_folder PREVIEW_FOLDER
                        Folder to preview
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