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You can use the materials in this GitHub repository to host code and visualizations for your research projects!


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Getting Started


This is a template for others to compile supplemental materials (e.g., code, visualizations) from their projects into a Jupyter Book website.

If you use this template, please use the following citation:

Rhoads, S. A. (2021). Executable book template. Zenodo.

How to use this template

Click here to generate a new GitHub repository based on this template. Alternatively, you can click "Use this template" on the repository page. This will allow you to create a new repository that mirrors the contents required for this Jupyter Book.

Modifying files

In your new repository, you can modify, delete, or add any files with the following extensions: *ipynb, *md, *csv, *pdf. Note that only *ipynb and *md files will be used to generate your Jupyter Book, but *csv files may contain machine-readable data that are required to generate any outputs from your code.

The following files are required to build the Jupyter Book and **should not** be deleted: `exec-book-template.yml`, `docs/_config.yml`, `docs/_toc.yml`, `.github/workflows/deploy-book.yml`. However, you can edit their contents relevant to your project. 

Here is a list of all files and descriptions included in this repository:

Files required to build book

  • .github/workflows/deploy-book.yml: Text file containing the ingredients to run a GitHub action that builds the Jupyter Book. This action will execute whenever you commit a change to the main branch.
  • exec-book-template.yml: Text file containing all of the packages required to execute your *ipynb files. It is used to create an Anaconda environment (i.e., using the following command: conda env create -f exec-book-template.yml). You can modify any channels or dependencies (and versions) to meet your needs. However, you will need to keep pip and jupyter-book==0.10.2. If you change the name of this file or environment, then you will also need to edit .github/workflows/deploy-book.yml.
  • docs/_config.yml: Text file containing the ingredients to build your Jupyter Book. See this page for more information.
  • docs/_toc.yml: Text file containing the ingredients to build your Jupyter Book table of contents. See this page for more information.

Optional files

  • LICENSE: Text file containing the license for this template. You may change this to fit your project's needs.
  • Markdown file that should be updated to reflect the contents of your project. This will automatically serve as the getting-started page for your Jupyter Book website. See built webpage here.
  • .gitignore: Text file containing specific extensions that you want Git/GitHub to ignore.
  • docs/slides/*pdf: Slides for Jupyter for Neuroimagers workshop.
  • docs/data/*csv: Example comma-separated dataset.
  • docs/data/*nii.gz: Example 3D neuroimaging data.
  • docs/ Markdown file that will be the homepage of the Jupyter Book that should contain a brief description and/or citation to your project. See built webpage here.
  • docs/data.ipynb: Example Jupyter Notebook file that contains some code for loading and displaying data from a .csv file and visualizations. See built webpage here.
  • docs/preproc.ipynb: Example Jupyter Notebook file containing Markdown and non-executable code (e.g., bash). See built webpage here.
  • docs/study1.ipynb: Example Jupyter Notebook file containing Python code for running analysis on behavioral data and plotting results. See built webpage here.
  • docs/study2.ipynb: Example Jupyter Notebook file containing non-executable code for neuroimaging analyses and Python code for plotting and reporting results. See built webpage here.
  • docs/jupyter.ipynb: Example Jupyter Notebook file highlighting some features of Markdown syntax. See built webpage here.
  • docs/R.ipynb: Example Jupyter Notebook file containing code for loading data from a .csv file and running an analysis in R. This will only work if r is listed as a channel and r-irkernel is listed as a dependency in exec-book-template.yml. See built webpage here.
  • docs/Python.ipynb: Example Jupyter Notebook file containing code for loading data from a .csv file and running an analysis in Python. See built webpage here.

Hosting your Jupyter Book

Once you have added, modified, or deleted any necessary files for your project, then you can publish it via GitHub Pages! To do this, go to your repository Settings > Pages, then make sure your "GitHub Pages site is currently being built from the gh-pages branch" and save.

Other tips and tricks

  • Please visit the Jupyter Book for more ways to customize your Jupyter Book!
  • Here is some information regarding interactive data visualizations.
  • This template uses the Insipid Sphinx Theme, but other themes can be found here. The Sphinx Book Theme is the default.
  • Gain inspiration from other Jupyter Books here!


Please help improve this template! All contributions are welcome and will be credited. Here are some ways you can help out!

  • If you spot an error (e.g., typo, bug, inaccurate descriptions, etc.), please open a new issue on GitHub by clicking on the GitHub Icon in the top right corner on any page and selecting "open issue". Alternatively, you can open a new issue directly through GitHub.
  • If I had inadvertently omitted credit for any content generated by others, please also let me know.
  • If you have an idea for a template page, please either open a new issue or submit a pull request with your contribution directly to the repository on GitHub.

As part of the open science community, all contributors must promote and advocate inclusivity through a welcoming environment, giving voice to underrepresented and marginalized people, and creating means and tools in building up a healthy community. Any contributors should please adhere to the following (adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0 and Mozilla's code of conduct):

I pledge to make participation a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. I also pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community."


You can use the materials in this GitHub repository to host code and visualizations for your research projects!




