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Kafka Consumer Plugin

Available match topic:

  • etl-finish
  • job-finish

Note: you can define your own topic and corresponding match method

Usage in DAG

from airflow.operators.kafka_plugin import KafkaConsumerOperator

kafka_msgs = [
    {'frequency': 'D', 'topic': 'etl-finish', 'db': 'db0', 'table': 'table0', 'partition_values': "", 'task_id': "tbla"},
    {'frequency': 'D', 'topic': 'etl-finish', 'db': 'db1', 'table': 'table1', 'partition_values': "{{yyyymm|dt.format(format='%Y%m')}}", 'task_id': "tblb"},
    {'frequency': 'D', 'topic': 'job-finish', 'job_name': 'jn1', 'task_id': "joba"}

my_consumer = KafkaConsumerOperator(
    sensor_name=Optional[string], # use dag_id.task_id if not given, it's sensor identification in db, make sure it's unique.
    session=Optional[Session]  # given if not using airflow db to store sensor status

# task_id should be same as value in kafka_msgs
A = DummyOperator(task_id='tbla')
B = DummyOperator(task_id='tblb')
C = DummyOperator(task_id='joba')

my_task = BashOperator(
    bash_command='echo task: "run_id={{ run_id }} | dag_run={{ dag_run }}"',

my_consumer >> [A, B, C]
[A, B, C] >> my_task

How DAG with above code looks like

                  +---|  tba a  |---+
                  |   | (dummy) |   |
                  |   ╘═════════╛   |
                  |                 |
╒═════════════╕   |   ╒═════════╕   |   ╒═════════╕
| my_consumer |---+---|  tba b  |---+---| my_task |
| (sensor)    |   |   | (dummy) |   |   | (bash)  |
╘═════════════╛   |   ╘═════════╛   |   ╘═════════╛
                  |                 |
                  |   ╒═════════╕   |
                  +---|  job a  |---+
                      | (dummy) |

DAG flow example

example code

When dag is triggered either by schedule or manually click from UI, KafkaConsumerOperator(sensor) would run like picture below:

During the running period, if kafka consumer received wanted message. For example, job0. The wanted message format of job0 is like

{"frequency": "D", "topic": "job-finish", "job_name": "jn0", "is_success": true, "task_id": "job0"}

When receiving message that match this wanted message, it will mark the dummy task which task_id equals to job0 to success in the database (make sure task_id of dummy tasks equals to task_id of wanted messages). When the webserver read from the database, it will update the status of tasks on the UI. The result looks like picture below.

KafkaConsumerOperator(sensor) is still running since it hasn't received all the wanted messages.

  • If mode = poke, it will sleep for poke_interval seconds and start to consume messages again.

  • If mode = reschedule, it will schedule next round (now + poke_interval seconds) and raise reschedule exception. After now + poke_interval seconds, airflow scheduler will find this task ready to be executed (This is implemented in airflow sensor, more info could be found in doc)

If not receiving all the wanted messages before timeout, KafkaConsumerOperator(sensor) will raise exception to leave to loop of sensor, and the task is finished.

  • If soft_fail = True, raise AirflowSensorTimeout('Snap. Time is OUT.') and mark the task to FAILED.

  • If soft_fail = False, raise AirflowSkipException('Snap. Time is OUT.') and mark the task to SKIPPED. (but not recommend since the status of DAG would be SUCCESS if all the tasks in DAG are either SUCCESS or SKIPPED). Get more information about soft_fail

The whole DAG is FAILED due to not received tbl0 and tbl1 messages today. If we confirms that these 2 messages are sent, we can leverage retry mechanism in airflow or manually trigger DAG again from UI.

Since job0 message has already received, when KafkaConsumerOperator(sensor) read from database, it will automatically mark it SKIPPED. The task after all dummy tasks should set trigger_rule=TriggerRule.NONE_FAILED to let it works with both SUCCESS and SKIPPED status from previous tasks. Check Trigger Rules for more information.

When receiving all wanted messages, the task will run and finish.

Note: If only received job0 and DAG failed today. When it starts another dagrun tomorrow, KafkaConsumerOperator(sensor) would find out that job0 is daily message from frequency fields and is timeout. It would clear what it has received so the dummy task with task_id equals to job0 will not be marked to SKIPPED.