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Python Project

Project Name :- Analysis of Air Pollution (From Year 2015 - 2020)

Table of Contents :- (1) Purpose (2)Pandas Method Used (3)Graph Used (4) Workdone (5) Conclusion (6)Result

Purpose to Choose This Project:- As air Pollution is also one of the major problem in India which often leads to health issues. In this Project the dataset of pollution from 2015-2020 from India is given. Through this project I want to find out the major pollutant which is the cause of pollution and often leads to harmful disease. Or the other way we can find the source of this pollutant and atleast try to reduce the effect.

Pandas Methods Which are used in this Project :- head(), tail(), info(), describe(), value.counts(), shape(), isnull().sum(), dropna(), dtpyes(), min(), max(), unique(), numeric_data()

Graph which are used:- For plotting I have used matplotlib.pyplot and seaborn -Catplot -Subplot -Displot -Scatter Plot -Heatmap -CountPlot

Workdone:- -By using head() and tail() I have got information about first five and last five rows of dataset

-By using info() I've found detail information about the dataset

-By using describe() it gives detail statistic of dataset

-By using value.counts() I"ve found information about the cities w'r't there pollutants and AQI, for counting number of Cities and also in Plotting

-By using shape() I,ve found total number or rows and columns in dataset

-By using isnull().sum() got missing data points from each columns

-By using dropna() I've removed missing values

-By using max() and min() I've found information about the highest and lowest columns, where details of each city are given

-I've used unique() to found categories of AQI and neglect the copies

-I've created new dataframe called pollutants containg the major pollutants responsible for air pollution and created subplots for each of them

-By using Catplot I've display six categories of AQI

-Bargraph to show pollution w.r.t Cities

-By using Countplot the pollution w.r.t cities can be visualize easily

Conclusion:- From above analysis and research carried out from the air pollution dataset it is observed that the pollutant levels of some harmful particulate matters such as PM10 are high in the air. PM10 are minute particles present in the air and exposure to it is very harmful for health.Road dust and construction dust are major PM10 contributors.When the level of these particles increases and penetrate deeply in to the lungs, you can experience number of health impacts like breathing problem, burning or sensation in the eyes .

Result:- By analyzing the daily AQI data for different cities of India it was found that Ahmedabad, Chennai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Lucknow have the highest AQI values on an average daily basis for the year 2015- 2020. As 'PM10' is the main pollutant resulting in pollution. Delhi have the highest counting of PM10 which indicates that Delhi is most polluted city. Even people with no prior respiratory problems are also vulnerable to respiratory disorders due to pollution.For the past few decades, the world has been bustling with various human activities which has contributed to air pollution. But there is some drop in pollution level from 2020 due to Covid19 crisis.

Thank You