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Start date - 15th Feb 2022

Complete JavaScript course

Complete Javascript course by Hitesh Chaudhry.

Hosted on LearnCodeOnline and youtube for free.

This Repo tracks my progress of Complete Js Course for beginners. Mentored by Hitesh Chaudhry.

I have learnt the basics concepts of Js and their implimentation such as :

  • Functions
  • Arrays
    • Slices and Splices
    • Objects
    • ArrayCallbacks
  • Loops
    • For
    • ForEach
    • Forin
    • Foroff
  • DOM
    • Eventlistners
    • Selectors
    • This
  • Basics
    • New
    • Proto
    • Lexicals, Closure & Bind
  • Advance
    • Scoping
    • Maps &Strings
    • Destructure
    • Spread & Classes
    • Inheritance
    • Sync & Async

All the code files are placed in their respective directories.

Followed along Hitesh with some fun Projects.

Course Duration : 15th Feb to 10th March 2022 .

Course Completion.