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T3NGa: Python Project (Documentation: WIP)

T3NGa is created as a project during an introductory course in IT and Compyter Science. T3NGa stands for Tic-Tac-Toe Network Game, as it is a LAN-enabled version of tic-tac-toe created in Python.

OBS! The documentation is a work in progress.

###GUI (class) contains the main code for the grapical user interface. It is built with multiple classes for easy implementation in the logic part of the code, abstracting yet another step specific for this application. The GUI class is the only interface to be used by the logic part of the code.

gui = GUI()
Method Description
createWindow(title) Creates a new graphics window without content.
handleClick() Internal proxy/handle to
update() Updates window. Use after finishing drawing frame.
refresh() Proxy/Handle to update().
close() Closes the window.
createStatus(text) Creates text-status area at bottom of the screen and sets status text.
setStatus(text) Sets status text.
createMenu(buttons, startY = 100) Creates a vertical menu of buttons.
waitForMenu() Waits for the user to click on a menu option.
createBoard(size, grid) Sets up the board for the game.
addMarker(segID, player) Places a player marker on clickable segment with ID segID.
waitForBoard() Waits for the user to click on a clickable segment of the board.
createGrid() Deprecated

GUI.createWindow([title]) Void

Creates a new graphics window where drawn content will appear. Autoflush (automatic update of window) is turned off and update is manually accessed using gui.update(). GUI.createWindow() must be called before any other GUI method.

gui.createWindow("My Window")
Parameter Type Required Default Description
title String No T3NGa Title of the graphics window.

GUI.handleClick() Void

Internal proxy/handle to the GraphWin-method getMouse() in


GUI.update() Void

Updates/writes the changes to the graphics window. Use this when all calculations for the specific frame is done and all objects have been drawn using draw(). This is to be able to rapidly draw multiple objects to the graphics window without unessesary delay.


GUI.refresh() Void

Proxy/handle to GUI.update()


GUI.close() Void

Closes (terminates) the graphics window.


GUI.createStatus(text) Void

Creates the text-status area at the bottom of the screen - should only be called if text-status does not already exist in window.

gui.createStatus("Interface is loading...")
Parameter Type Required Default Description
text String No Empty Text to be displayed in text-status area.

GUI.setStatus(text) Void

Sets (updates) the text displayed in text-status area. GUI.update() must be called for change to be displayed in graphics window.

gui.createStatus("Interface is loading...")
Parameter Type Required Default Description
text String Yes N/A Text to be displayed in text-status area.

GUI.createMenu(buttons, startY) Void

Creates a vertically listed menu of buttons. How many buttons that can be added depends on the size of the graphics window.

gui.createMenu(["Button one", "Button two"], 150)
Parameter Type Required Default Description
buttons List Yes N/A List of button labels.
startY Integer No 100 Where menu should start on Y-axis

GUI.waitForMenu() Integer

Awaits user clicking on an available menu option/button.

clickedButtonID = gui.waitForMenu()

GUI.createBoard(size, grid) Void

Draws up the board for the game.

gui.createBoard([500,500], [3,3])
Parameter Type Required Default Description
size List No [500,500] Width and height of game area in window. ([width, height])
grid List No [3,3] How to split the game area. Default is a 3x3 grid. ([horizontal, vertical])

GUI.addMarker(segID, player) Void

Places a player specific marker on the segment with supplied segment ID (segID).

gui.addMarker(2, 0)
Parameter Type Required Default Description
segID Int Yes N/A Segment ID where marker should be placed. Segment ID:s start on 0.
player Int Yes N/A Player placing marker (marker type). 0 = X, 1 = O

GUI.waitForBoard() Integer

Awaits user clicking on a clickable segment on the board. Returns ID of segment (segID), starting on 0.

clickedSegmentID = gui.waitForBoard()

###Status (class) Status is used as a wrapper for the on-screen text-status area.

status = Status()
Method Description
__init__() Sets up default variables for the Status object.

###BaseElement (class) BaseElement is the base class for most (new) graphics objects and contain the shared (common) methods of the new graphics objects. BaseElement is not used directly, but rather used as parent to the new graphics objects.

# Extending newGraphicsObject with BaseElement
class MyGraphObj(BaseElement):
	def __init__(self):
		print("myGraphObj created")

mgo = MyGraphObject()
Method Description
inRectangle(rect, p) Checks whether <Point> p is inside <Rectangle> rect or not.
getTarget(p, elements) Checks whether <Point> p is inside any of the supplied <List>elements.

BaseElement.inRectangle(rect, p) Boolean

Checks whether <Point>p is inside <Rectangle>rect or not.

r = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(100, 100))
p = Point(50, 50)
if mgo.inRectangle(r, p): # Returns True in this case
	print("Point P is inside rectangle R")
Parameter Type Required Default Description
rect Rectangle Yes N/A Rectangle object from to check against.
p Point Yes N/A Point to check.

BaseElement.getTarget(p, elements) Integer None

Walks through list of rectangular graphics objects and checks if <Point>p is inside any one of them. Returns None if no element was the target of the click (Point).

rectangles = [
Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(50, 100),	
Rectangle(Point(50, 0), Point(100, 100)
p = Point(75, 50)

target = mgo.getTarget(p, rectangles)
print(target) # 1
Parameter Type Required Default Description
p Point Yes N/A Point to check.
elements List Yes N/A List of rectangular graphics elements to check Point against.

###Board (class) extends BaseElement The Board class is used to create- and handle the board created for use within GUI.

board = Board([500,500], [3,3])
Method Description
__init__(board, grid) Creates an instance of Board and prepares internal variables.
createGrid(w) Generates game grid on supplied board size and supplied grid size.
waitForClick(w) Waits for the user to click on a clickable segment.
addSymbol(w, segID, player) Adds symbol to board on selected segment.
undraw() Undraws all graphics objects used in instance of board.

Board.__init__(board = [500,500], grid = [3,3]) Void

Initializes the class, optionally takes size of board (board = [width, height]) and grid size (grid = [horizontal, vertical]). Runs automatically on calling the class.

board = Board([500,500], [3,3]) #Generates a 500x500px board divided 3 by 3
Parameter Type Required Default Description
board List No [500,500] Width of board (board = [width, height]).
grid List No [3,3] Grid size, how to divide board (grid = [horizontal, vertical]).

Board.createGrid(w) Void

Calculates grid size, creates rectangles and draws them to GraphWindow w. GUI.update() needs to be called for changes to show.

w = GraphWin(title, self.width, self.height, autoflush=False)
board.createGrid(w) # Calculates and draws grid (board) in GraphWin w
Parameter Type Required Default Description
w GraphWin Yes N/A GraphWin in which grid (board) is to be drawn.

Board.waitForClick(w) Integer

Waits for the player to click on a clickable segment of the board. Returns ID (segID) of said segment, starting on 0.

segID = board.waitForClick(w) # OR using GUI: segID = gui.waitForBoard(w) # Returns ID of clicked grid segment
Parameter Type Required Default Description
w GraphWin Yes N/A GraphWin where board has been drawn.

Board.addSymbol(w, segID, player) Void

Adds a player symbol/marker onto the grid. segID is the ID of the segment where the symbol/marker is to be placed. GUI.update() needs to be called for changes to show.

segID = board.waitForClick(w) # OR segID = gui.waitForBoard(w) # Returns ID of clicked grid segment
player = 0 # 0 = X, 1 = Y
board.addSymbol(w, segID, player) # Calculates and draws grid (board) in GraphWin w
Parameter Type Required Default Description
w GraphWin Yes N/A GraphWin in which symbol is to be drawn.
segID Integer Yes N/A ID of segment where symbol is to be placed.
player Integer Yes N/A ID of player as to draw correct symbol. 0 = X, 1 = O

Board.undraw() Void

Undraws all objects associated with Board. Use when creating/drawing new view (Automatically invoked in GUI).


###Menu (class) extends BaseElement The Menu class is used to easily create- and hande basic graphic menus.

menu = Menu()
Method Description
__init__(startY = 100, windowSize = [500,500]) Creates an instance of Menu and prepares internal variables.
addButtons(buttons, w) Adds buttons in a vertical list.
waitForClick(w) Waits for the user to click on a button.
undraw() Undraws all graphics objects used in instance of Menu.

Menu.init(startY = 100, windowSize = [500,500]) Menu

Returns an instance of Menu and prepares internal variables.

# To specify startingpoint on Y-axis as well as window size:
menu = Menu(100, [500,500]) # Menu starts at 100px on y-axis in percieved window of 500x500px
Parameter Type Required Default Description
startY Integer No 100 Starting point of menu on Y-axis.
windowSize Integer No [500,500] Size of window (or part of window) where menu is to be displayed.

Menu.addButtons(buttons, w) Void

Adds buttons in a vertical list starting on startY. GUI.update() needs to be called for changes to show.

w = GraphWin(title, self.width, self.height, autoflush=False) # Create GraphWin
menu.addButtons(["Button one", "Button two"], w) # Add buttons with labels "Button One" and "Button two" to GraphWin w
Parameter Type Required Default Description
buttons List Yes N/A List of button labels (Strings). Buttons will be assigned ID:s starting on 0 as in the list itself
w GraphWin Yes N/A GraphWin in which buttons are to be drawn.

Menu.waitForClick() Integer

Awaits user clicking on an available button.

clickedButtonID = menu.waitForClick() # OR clickedButtonID = gui.waitForMenu()

Menu.undraw() Void

Undraws all objects associated with Menu. Use when creating/drawing new view (Automatically invoked in GUI).


###Button (class) extends BaseElement Documentation under construction.

game (class) contains the class Game invoked in, which holds the game logic and AI.

game = Game()
Method Description
playingField(self, board) Displays the game board
newGame(self) Lets player choose between new game and exiting program
winRow(self, board, spelare, koll, xInRow) Checks if a row on the board contains xInRow
winCheck(self, board, spelare, width, xInRow) Goes through all possible ways to get xInRow
playerAction(self,spelare) player clicks on a board position
man(self, spelare, board) player chooses a position and it is returned if it is a valid choice
twoRow(self, board, koll, testa) AI checks if a player can win in 1 move
ai(self, spelare, board) AI main function
start(self) Main function of game. Called to start a game

self.playingField(self, board) Void

Displays the board on the GUI

self.playingField(self, board)
Parameter Type Required Default Description
board list yes the board that the game is played on

self.newGame(self) Void

Lets the player choose between a new game or exiting the game once the game is finished

self.playingField(self, board)
Parameter Type Required Default Description

self.winRow(self, board, spelare, koll, xInRow) Void

Checks if there is a winning position in a row on the board

self.winRow(self, board, spelare, koll, xInRow)
Parameter Type Required Default Description
board list yes none The board
spelare string yes none informs the function whos turn it is
koll list yes none A list of boardpositions to be checked
xInRow int yes none The number of characters in a row required to win

self.winCheck(self, board, spelare, width, xInRow) Void

Creates lists of all possible board positions that could hold a winning list

self.winCheck(self, board, spelare, width, xInRow)
Parameter Type Required Default Description
board list yes none the board that the game is played on
spelare string yes none informs the function whos turn it is
width int yes none the size of the board, width is width and height
xInRow int yes none The number of characters in a row required to win

self.playerAction(self,spelare) Int

Lets the user click on a square on the board

Parameter Type Required Default Description
spelare string yes none informs the function whos turn it is, spelare, board) List

Lets the user make a move, spelare, board)
Parameter Type Required Default Description
spelare string yes none informs the function whos turn it is
board list yes none the board that the game is played on

self.twoRow(self, board, koll, testa) Int

Function that tells the AI if the AI or human can win by one move

self.twoRow(self, board, koll, testa)
Parameter Type Required Default Description
board list yes the board that the game is played on, spelare, board) List

Main function of ai. Checks if it can win in one move, then checks if it can stop the opponent from winning the next move. Otherwise it chooses a random board position, spelare, board)
Parameter Type Required Default Description
spelare string yes none informs the function whos turn it is
board list yes the board that the game is played on

self.start(self) Void

Main functions of the game, lets player choose pvp or human vs ai, size of board and and number of charcters in a row to win. The does the main loop of the game

Parameter Type Required Default Description

Documentation under construction.

Documentation under construction.


T3NGa - Tic tac toe






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