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Radhe Shyam Pokhrel edited this page Jun 20, 2022 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the JarvisBot wiki!

Intro to JarvisBot

JarvisBot is a personal project that I have played around with to gain a better understanding of the Discord API and to automate my Discord Channels, to add some fun to them. I like to brainstorm new features to add to the bot, so the list of functionalities will keep growing. The origin of the name JarvisBot comes from the idea of this bot eventually having a very multi-faceted functionality that can help people in many subjects, rather than specializing in one topic like a music bot.


Basic Commands

The commands that have been added so far are as below. These will continue to be updated as they are added:

!ping - To get a 'pong' response from the Bot. Mainly used to check if it is online.

!add {num} + {num} - You can use this to add numbers. Be sure to keep correct spacing.

!minus {num} - {num} - You can use this to subtract numbers. Again, be sure to keep correct spacing.

!heads - Random number generator that can help you decide whether it's heads or tails.

Featured Commands

!pomodor - Can be used to create and interact with a Pomodoro timer.

  • !pomodor <time> <rest_time> <cycle> Command to create a new timer for the specified time duration. Note A user may only have 1 timer running. Set time to how long you want to work, and rest to how long you want rest times between. These are in MINUTES, so use decimals as needed. Set the cycle to how many times you want the timer to loop.
    ex: !pomodor 10 5 2 - Creates a timer for 10 minutes with 5 minutes of rest and will cycle 2 times (30 mins total)
  • !pomodor cancel This command will cancel your running timer. If you do not have an active timer, you will know.

!activity - This group of commands can be used to interact with the Activity Log. Params marked with ? are optional.

  • !activity create-user <username?> - This will create a user. If no user is specified, it will use the message author's username.
  • !activity user-info <username?> - This will return the information of a user (ID, creation date).
  • !activity log <minutes> - Use this to log your active minutes. Since the time is in minutes, just supply it as a number, ex. log 10
  • !activity user-stats <username?> - This returns the stats of a specific user, or of the message author.
  • !activity scoreboard - To get the current scoreboard use this. It will output a list of active minutes, grouped by day and user.

!market - These commands can be used to get some basic information on the Stock Markets and some other financial data.

  • !market status - This will give a list of the Exchanges and Currency markets along with their status.
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