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Todo Tracker Django Backend



  • Created Two apps User accounts and todos to maintain views and models individually.
  • Rest-Api's Built with Django-rest-framework functional based views.
  • rest_framework_simplejwt pacajge used to add JWT authentication to the application,


  1. /todos/ - to get list of current login user todos
  2. /todos/add/ - to create new todo
  3. /todos/str:id/ - to fetch single todo from DB
  4. /todos/str:id/update/ - to update existed todo details
  5. /todos/str:id/delete/ - to delete the todo
  6. /login/ - api for user login
  7. /token/refresh/ - to regenerate access token after stipulated time using refresh token.
  8. /account/users/ - to create new user account.

Technologies/Tools/Libraries Used

  • Django
  • Django-Rest-Framework
  • Rest Framework Simple Jwt
  • Djoser
  • Pycharm
  • PostMan