From 968afa0620781c2a5618e84e88352d917a17d982 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alberto Abella Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 22:06:19 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] updated PublicService/doc/ --- PublicService/doc/ | 1407 +++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 702 insertions(+), 705 deletions(-) diff --git a/PublicService/doc/ b/PublicService/doc/ index 3386eec..299e55d 100644 --- a/PublicService/doc/ +++ b/PublicService/doc/ @@ -1,606 +1,604 @@ - -[![Smart Data Models]( "Logo")]( - エンティティ公共サービス -============ - - [オープン・ライセンス]( - [文書は自動的に生成される]( - - - グローバルな説明**公共サービスとは、公的機関によって、または公的機関のために、公的資金を受け、公共政策に基づき、強制的または裁量的に実施される、または実施可能な一連の活動のことである。 - バージョン: 0.0.1 - - - - ## プロパティのリスト - - [*] 属性に型がない場合は、複数の型があるか、異なるフォーマット/パターンがある可能性があるためです。 -- `address[object]`: 郵送先住所 . Model: []( - `addressCountry[string]`: 国。例えば、スペイン . Model: []( - - `addressLocality[string]`: 番地がある地域と、その地域に含まれる地域 . Model: []( - - `addressRegion[string]`: その地域がある地域、またその国がある地域 . Model: []( - - `district[string]`: 地区とは行政区画の一種で、国によっては地方自治体によって管理されている。 - - `postOfficeBoxNumber[string]`: 私書箱の住所のための私書箱番号。例:03578 . Model: []( - - `postalCode[string]`: 郵便番号。例:24004 . Model: []( - - `streetAddress[string]`: 番地 . Model: []( -- `alternateName[string]`: この項目の別名 - `areaServed[string]`: サービスまたは提供品が提供される地理的地域 . Model: []( - `dataProvider[string]`: ハーモナイズされたデータ・エンティティの提供者を識別する一連の文字。 - `dateCreated[date-time]`: エンティティの作成タイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられます。 - `dateModified[date-time]`: エンティティの最終変更のタイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられる。 - `description[string]`: この商品の説明 - `follows[array]`: 次のプロパティは、パブリック・サービスと、そのパブリック・サービスが運営されている「規則」とを結びつけるものである。ルールクラスの定義は非常に幅広い。典型的なケースでは、公共サービスを提供する管轄当局が、独自のポリシーを実施するルールも定義する。CPSV-APは、このようなシナリオにおける大幅な変更を許容する柔軟性を備えている。 . Model: [cpsv:follows](cpsv:follows) - `hasCompetentAuthority[*]`: このプロパティは、公共サービスを、その公共サービスを提供する責任ある代理人である公共機 関に結びつける。特定の公共機関が公共サービスを直接提供するか、外部委託するかは関係ない。サービスの実施主体である公共機関は、公共サービスを管理・提供する最終的な責任を負う機関である。主務官庁という用語は、サービス指令(2006/123/EC)において次のように定義されている:「サービス活動に関し、加盟国において監督または規制の役割を有するあらゆる機関または当局であって、特に、そのような役割を果たす裁判所を含む行政当局、専門職団体、および、その法的自治権の行使において、サービス活動へのアクセスまたはその行使を集団的方法で規制する専門職団体またはその他の専門職組織を含む。 . Model: [cv:hasCompetentAuthority](cv:hasCompetentAuthority) - `hasContactPoint[array]`: サービスのコンタクトポイントはほとんどの場合役に立つ。このプロパティの値である連絡先情報自体は、schema:ContactPoint を使用して提供されるべきである。連絡先情報は公共サービスに関連したものであるべきであり、所轄庁や参加者の連絡先情報と同じではないことに注意すること。 . Model: [cpsv:hasContactPoint](cpsv:hasContactPoint) - `hasCost[array]`: Has Cost プロパティは、パブリック・サービスを Cost クラスの 1 つ以上のインスタンスにリンクする。これは、特定のパブリック・サービスの実行に関連する市民またはビジネスに対するパブリック・サービスの実行に関連するコストを示す。サービスがアクセスされるチャネルによってコストが異なる場合、If Accessed Through関係を使用してチャネルにリンクすることができます。 . Model: [cv:hasCost](cv:hasCost) - `hasCriterion[array]`: 公共サービスを、特定の場所に居住している、一定の年齢以上であるなど、サービスを必要と する、または利用するための基準を記述するクラスに関連付ける。基準クラスは、中核的基準および中核的証拠語彙(Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary)(で定義される。 . Model: [cv:hasCriterion](cv:hasCriterion) - `hasInput[array]`: Has Inputプロパティは、パブリックサービスを1つまたは複数のEvidenceクラスのインスタンスにリンクします。特定のパブリックサービスは、配信されるために特定のエビデンスの存在を必要とする場合があります。サービスを利用するために必要なエビデンスが、アクセスされるチャネルによって異なる場合、Has Inputはチャネル . Model: [cpsv:hasInput](cpsv:hasInput) - `id[*]`: エンティティの一意識別子 - `identifier[string]`: このプロパティは、パブリックサービスに対して正式に発行された識別子を表す。 . Model: [dct:identifier](dct:identifier) - `isGroupedBy[array]`: このプロパティは、パブリックサービスをイベントにリンクする。複数のパブリックサービスが特定のイベントに関連付けられることがあり、同様に、同じパブリックサービスが複数の異なるイベントに関連付けられることがある。 . Model: [cv:isGroupedBy](cv:isGroupedBy) - `keyword[array]`: このプロパティは、公共サービスを表すキーワード、用語、またはフレーズを表す。 . Model: [dcat:keyword](dcat:keyword) - `language[array]`: このプロパティは、公共サービスが利用可能な言語を表す。これは、1 つの言語または複数の言語である可能性がある。このプロパティに指定できる値は、管理された語彙(European Publications Office's Languages Named Authority List (NAL))に記述されている、 . Model: [dct:language](dct:language) - `location[*]`: アイテムへの Geojson 参照。Point、LineString、Polygon、MultiPoint、MultiLineString、MultiPolygon のいずれか。 - `name[string]`: このアイテムの名前 - `owner[array]`: 所有者の固有IDを参照するJSONエンコードされた文字列を含むリスト。 - `processingTime[date-time]`: このプロパティの値は、パブリックサービスの実行に必要な(推定)時間である。実際の情報は、時間の ISO8601 構文を使用して提供されます。例:[5年→P5Y、1ヶ月→P1M、3日→P3D、2日4時間→P2DT4H]。 . Model: [cv:processingTime](cv:processingTime) - `publicServiceType[array]`: 本プロパティは、統制語彙に記述された公共サービスの種別を示す。タイプを示すために、我々は、公共サービスが意図する政府活動の目的を示すために、政府の機能を参照している。 . Model: [dct:type](dct:type) - `sector[array]`: このプロパティは、公共サービスが関連する、または対象とする業界またはセクターを表す。例:環境、安全、住宅。単一の公共サービスが複数のセクターに関連する場合があることに留意すること。このプロパティに指定可能な値は、統制語彙(NACE コードのリスト:として提供される。 . Model: [cv:sector](cv:sector) - `seeAlso[*]`: アイテムに関する追加リソースを指すURIのリスト - `source[string]`: エンティティ・データの元のソースを URL として示す一連の文字。ソース・プロバイダの完全修飾ドメイン名、またはソース・オブジェクトの URL を推奨する。 - `spatial[array]`: このプロパティの取り得る値は、統制語彙(MDR Continents Named Authority List、MDR Countries Named Authority List、MDR Places Named Authority List、Geonames:として提供される。 . Model: [cv:spatial](cv:spatial) - `status[string]`: 統制語彙(ADMS Status vocabulary:に従い、公共サービ スが活動中、非活動中、開発中などであるかを示す。 . Model: [adms:status](adms:status) - `thematicArea[array]`: このプロパティは、例えば、社会保護、健康、レクリエーション、文化・宗教、家族、 経済旅行、税金、職員、環境など、管理された語彙で記述される公共サービスのテーマ別 分野を表す。 . Model: [cv:thematicArea](cv:thematicArea) - `type[string]`: PublicServiceでなければならない。 . Model: []( - - 必須プロパティ -- `description` - `hasCompetentAuthority` - `id` - `identifier` - `name` - `type` - - - - ## プロパティのデータモデル記述 - アルファベット順(クリックで詳細表示) - - -
full yaml details - ```yaml -PublicService: - description: 'A Public Service is a mandatory or discretionary set of activities performed, or able to be performed, by or on behalf of a public organisation, publicly funded and arise from public policy.' - properties: - address: - description: The mailing address - properties: - addressCountry: - description: 'The country. For example, Spain' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - addressLocality: - description: 'The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - addressRegion: - description: 'The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - district: - description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government' - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - postOfficeBoxNumber: - description: 'The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - postalCode: - description: 'The postal code. For example, 24004' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - streetAddress: - description: The street address - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - streetNr: - description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: object - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - alternateName: - description: An alternative name for this item - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - areaServed: - description: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - dataProvider: - description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - dateCreated: - description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform - format: date-time - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - dateModified: - description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform - format: date-time - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - description: - description: A description of this item - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - follows: - description: 'The follows property links a Public Service to the Rule(s) under which it operates. The definition of the Rule class is very broad. In a typical case, the competent authority that provides the public service will also define the rules that will implement its own policies. The CPSV-AP is flexible to allow for significant variation in such a scenario' - items: - anyOf: - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cpsv:follows - type: Relationship - hasCompetentAuthority: - anyOf: - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - description: 'This property links a Public Service to a Public Organization, which is the responsible Agent for the delivery of the Public Service. Whether the particular Public Organization provides the public service directly or outsources it is not relevant. The Public Organization that is the Competent Authority of the service is the one that is ultimately responsible for managing and providing the public service. The term Competent Authority is defined in the Services Directive (2006/123/EC) in the following way: `Any body or authority which has a supervisory or regulatory role in a Member State in relation to service activities, including, in particular, administrative authorities, including courts acting as such, professional bodies, and those professional associations or other professional organisations which, in the exercise of their legal autonomy, regulate in a collective manner access to service activities or the exercise thereof''' - x-ngsi: - model: cv:hasCompetentAuthority - type: Relationship - hasContactPoint: - description: 'A contact point for the service is almost always helpful. The value of this property, the contact information itself, should be provided using schema:ContactPoint. Note that the contact information should be relevant to the Public Service which may not be the same as contact information for the Competent Authority or any Participant' - items: - anyOf: - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cpsv:hasContactPoint - type: Relationship - hasCost: - description: 'The Has Cost property links a Public Service to one or more instances of the Cost class. It indicates the costs related to the execution of a Public Service for the citizen or business related to the execution of the particular Public Service. Where the cost varies depending on the channel through which the service is accessed, it can be linked to the channel using the If Accessed Through relationship' - items: - anyOf: - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cv:hasCost - type: Relationship - hasCriterion: - description: 'Links a Public Service to a class that describes the criteria for needing or using the service, such as residency in a given location, being over a certain age etc. The Criterion class is defined in the Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (' - items: - anyOf: - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cv:hasCriterion - type: Relationship - hasInput: - description: 'The Has Input property links a Public Service to one or more instances of the Evidence class. A specific Public Service may require the presence of certain pieces of Evidence in order to be delivered. If the evidence required to make use of a service varies according to the channel through which it is accessed, then Has Input should be at the level of the Channel' - items: - anyOf: - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cpsv:hasInput - type: Relationship - id: - anyOf: - - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - description: Unique identifier of the entity - x-ngsi: - type: Property - identifier: - description: This property represents a formally-issued Identifier for the Public Service - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: dct:identifier - type: Property - isGroupedBy: - description: 'This property links the Public Service to the Event. Several Public Services may be associated with a particular Event and, likewise, the same Public Service may be associated with several different Events' - items: - anyOf: - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cv:isGroupedBy - type: Relationship - keyword: - description: 'This property represents a keyword, term or phrase to describe the Public Service' - items: - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: dcat:keyword - type: Property - language: - description: 'This property represents the language(s) in which the Public Service is available. This could be one language or multiple languages, for instance in countries with more than one official language. The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary (European Publications Office''s Languages Named Authority List (NAL)),' - items: - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: dct:language - type: Property - location: - description: 'Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon' - oneOf: - - description: Geojson reference to the item. Point - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - type: - enum: - - Point - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON Point - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. LineString - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - minItems: 2 - type: array - type: - enum: - - LineString - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON LineString - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. Polygon - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - minItems: 4 - type: array - type: array - type: - enum: - - Polygon - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON Polygon - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - type: array - type: - enum: - - MultiPoint - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON MultiPoint - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - minItems: 2 - type: array - type: array - type: - enum: - - MultiLineString - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON MultiLineString - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - minItems: 4 - type: array - type: array - type: array - type: - enum: - - MultiPolygon - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - name: - description: The name of this item - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - owner: - description: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s) - items: - anyOf: - - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - description: Unique identifier of the entity - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Property - processingTime: - description: 'The value of this property is the (estimated) time needed for executing a Public Service. The actual information is provided using the ISO8601 syntax for durations. Examples: [5 years -> P5Y, 1 month -> P1M, 3 days -> P3D, 2 days 4 hours -> P2DT4H]' - format: date-time - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: cv:processingTime - type: Property - publicServiceType: - description: 'This property represents the Type of a Public Service as described in a controlled vocabulary. For the indicating the Type, we are referring to the functions of government to indicate the purpose of a government activity, which the public service is intended for' - items: - enum: - - Administrative formality - - Public Service - - Business Lifecycle - - Business Event - - Key Business Event - - Public Service Portfolio - - Catalogue of Public Services - - Competent Authority - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: dct:type - type: Property - sector: - description: 'This property represents the industry or sector a Public Service relates to, or is intended for. For example: environment, safety, housing. Note that a single Public Service may relate to multiple sectors. The possible values for this property are provided as a controlled vocabulary (List of NACE codes:' - items: - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cv:sector - type: Property - seeAlso: - description: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item - oneOf: - - items: - format: uri - type: string - minItems: 1 - type: array - - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - source: - description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object' - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - spatial: - description: 'The possible values for this property are provided as a controlled vocabulary (MDR Continents Named Authority List , MDR Countries Named Authority List, MDR Places Named Authority List, Geonames:' - items: - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cv:spatial - type: Property - status: - description: 'Indicates whether a Public Service is active, inactive, under development etc. according to a controlled vocabulary (ADMS Status vocabulary:' - enum: - - Completed - - Deprecated - - UnderDevelopment - - Withdrawn - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: adms:status - type: Property - thematicArea: - description: 'This property represents the Thematic Area of a Public Service as described in a controlled vocabulary, for instance social protection, health, recreation, culture and religion, family, traveling economic affairs, tax, staff, environment' - items: - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - model: cv:thematicArea - type: Property - type: - description: It has to be PublicService - enum: - - PublicService - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: - type: Property - required: - - id - - type - - identifier - - name - - description - - hasCompetentAuthority - type: object - x-derived-from: "" - x-disclaimer: 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the license conditions are met. Copyleft (c) 2022 Contributors to Smart Data Models Program' - x-license-url: - x-model-schema: - x-model-tags: CEFAT4CITIES - x-version: 0.0.1 -``` -
- - - - - ## ペイロードの例 - #### PublicService NGSI-v2 キー値の例 - JSON-LD形式のPublicServiceのkey-valuesの例です。これは NGSI-v2 と互換性があり、`options=keyValues` を使用すると個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返す。 -
show/hide example + +[![Smart Data Models]( "Logo")]( + エンティティ公共サービス +============ + + [オープン・ライセンス]( + [文書は自動的に生成される]( + + + グローバルな説明**公共サービスとは、公的機関によって、または公的機関のために、公的資金を受け、公共政策に基づき、強制的または裁量的に実施される、または実施可能な一連の活動のことである。 + バージョン: 0.0.1 + + + ## プロパティのリスト + [*] 属性に型がない場合は、複数の型があるか、異なるフォーマット/パターンがある可能性があるためです。 +- `address[object]`: 郵送先住所 . Model: []( - `addressCountry[string]`: 国。例えば、スペイン . Model: []( + - `addressLocality[string]`: 番地がある地域と、その地域に含まれる地域 . Model: []( + - `addressRegion[string]`: その地域がある地域、またその国がある地域 . Model: []( + - `district[string]`: 地区とは行政区画の一種で、国によっては地方自治体によって管理されている。 + - `postOfficeBoxNumber[string]`: 私書箱の住所のための私書箱番号。例:03578 . Model: []( + - `postalCode[string]`: 郵便番号。例:24004 . Model: []( + - `streetAddress[string]`: 番地 . Model: []( +- `alternateName[string]`: この項目の別名 - `areaServed[string]`: サービスまたは提供品が提供される地理的地域 . Model: []( - `dataProvider[string]`: ハーモナイズされたデータ・エンティティの提供者を識別する一連の文字。 - `dateCreated[date-time]`: エンティティの作成タイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられます。 - `dateModified[date-time]`: エンティティの最終変更のタイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられる。 - `description[string]`: この商品の説明 - `follows[array]`: 次のプロパティは、パブリック・サービスと、そのパブリック・サービスが運営されている「規則」とを結びつけるものである。ルールクラスの定義は非常に幅広い。典型的なケースでは、公共サービスを提供する管轄当局が、独自のポリシーを実施するルールも定義する。CPSV-APは、このようなシナリオにおける大幅な変更を許容する柔軟性を備えている。 . Model: [cpsv:follows](cpsv:follows) - `hasCompetentAuthority[*]`: このプロパティは、公共サービスを、その公共サービスを提供する責任ある代理人である公共機 関に結びつける。特定の公共機関が公共サービスを直接提供するか、外部委託するかは関係ない。サービスの実施主体である公共機関は、公共サービスを管理・提供する最終的な責任を負う機関である。主務官庁という用語は、サービス指令(2006/123/EC)において次のように定義されている:「サービス活動に関し、加盟国において監督または規制の役割を有するあらゆる機関または当局であって、特に、そのような役割を果たす裁判所を含む行政当局、専門職団体、および、その法的自治権の行使において、サービス活動へのアクセスまたはその行使を集団的方法で規制する専門職団体またはその他の専門職組織を含む。 . Model: [cv:hasCompetentAuthority](cv:hasCompetentAuthority) - `hasContactPoint[array]`: サービスのコンタクトポイントはほとんどの場合役に立つ。このプロパティの値である連絡先情報自体は、schema:ContactPoint を使用して提供されるべきである。連絡先情報は公共サービスに関連したものであるべきであり、所轄庁や参加者の連絡先情報と同じではないことに注意すること。 . Model: [cpsv:hasContactPoint](cpsv:hasContactPoint) - `hasCost[array]`: Has Cost プロパティは、パブリック・サービスを Cost クラスの 1 つ以上のインスタンスにリンクする。これは、特定のパブリック・サービスの実行に関連する市民またはビジネスに対するパブリック・サービスの実行に関連するコストを示す。サービスがアクセスされるチャネルによってコストが異なる場合、If Accessed Through関係を使用してチャネルにリンクすることができます。 . Model: [cv:hasCost](cv:hasCost) - `hasCriterion[array]`: 公共サービスを、特定の場所に居住している、一定の年齢以上であるなど、サービスを必要と する、または利用するための基準を記述するクラスに関連付ける。基準クラスは、中核的基準および中核的証拠語彙(Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary)(で定義される。 . Model: [cv:hasCriterion](cv:hasCriterion) - `hasInput[array]`: Has Inputプロパティは、パブリックサービスを1つまたは複数のEvidenceクラスのインスタンスにリンクします。特定のパブリックサービスは、配信されるために特定のエビデンスの存在を必要とする場合があります。サービスを利用するために必要なエビデンスが、アクセスされるチャネルによって異なる場合、Has Inputはチャネル . Model: [cpsv:hasInput](cpsv:hasInput) - `id[*]`: エンティティの一意識別子 - `identifier[string]`: このプロパティは、パブリックサービスに対して正式に発行された識別子を表す。 . Model: [dct:identifier](dct:identifier) - `isGroupedBy[array]`: このプロパティは、パブリックサービスをイベントにリンクする。複数のパブリックサービスが特定のイベントに関連付けられることがあり、同様に、同じパブリックサービスが複数の異なるイベントに関連付けられることがある。 . Model: [cv:isGroupedBy](cv:isGroupedBy) - `keyword[array]`: このプロパティは、公共サービスを表すキーワード、用語、またはフレーズを表す。 . Model: [dcat:keyword](dcat:keyword) - `language[array]`: このプロパティは、公共サービスが利用可能な言語を表す。これは、1 つの言語または複数の言語である可能性がある。このプロパティに指定できる値は、管理された語彙(European Publications Office's Languages Named Authority List (NAL))に記述されている、 . Model: [dct:language](dct:language) - `location[*]`: アイテムへの Geojson 参照。Point、LineString、Polygon、MultiPoint、MultiLineString、MultiPolygon のいずれか。 - `name[string]`: このアイテムの名前 - `owner[array]`: 所有者の固有IDを参照するJSONエンコードされた文字列を含むリスト。 - `processingTime[date-time]`: このプロパティの値は、パブリックサービスの実行に必要な(推定)時間である。実際の情報は、時間の ISO8601 構文を使用して提供されます。例:[5年→P5Y、1ヶ月→P1M、3日→P3D、2日4時間→P2DT4H]。 . Model: [cv:processingTime](cv:processingTime) - `publicServiceType[array]`: 本プロパティは、統制語彙に記述された公共サービスの種別を示す。タイプを示すために、我々は、公共サービスが意図する政府活動の目的を示すために、政府の機能を参照している。 . Model: [dct:type](dct:type) - `sector[array]`: このプロパティは、公共サービスが関連する、または対象とする業界またはセクターを表す。例:環境、安全、住宅。単一の公共サービスが複数のセクターに関連する場合があることに留意すること。このプロパティに指定可能な値は、統制語彙(NACE コードのリスト:として提供される。 . Model: [cv:sector](cv:sector) - `seeAlso[*]`: アイテムに関する追加リソースを指すURIのリスト - `source[string]`: エンティティ・データの元のソースを URL として示す一連の文字。ソース・プロバイダの完全修飾ドメイン名、またはソース・オブジェクトの URL を推奨する。 - `spatial[array]`: このプロパティの取り得る値は、統制語彙(MDR Continents Named Authority List、MDR Countries Named Authority List、MDR Places Named Authority List、Geonames:として提供される。 . Model: [cv:spatial](cv:spatial) - `status[string]`: 統制語彙(ADMS Status vocabulary:に従い、公共サービ スが活動中、非活動中、開発中などであるかを示す。 . Model: [adms:status](adms:status) - `thematicArea[array]`: このプロパティは、例えば、社会保護、健康、レクリエーション、文化・宗教、家族、 経済旅行、税金、職員、環境など、管理された語彙で記述される公共サービスのテーマ別 分野を表す。 . Model: [cv:thematicArea](cv:thematicArea) - `type[string]`: PublicServiceでなければならない。 . Model: []( + + 必須プロパティ +- `description` - `hasCompetentAuthority` - `id` - `identifier` - `name` - `type` + + + + ## プロパティのデータモデル記述 + アルファベット順(クリックで詳細表示) + + +
full yaml details + ```yaml +PublicService: + description: 'A Public Service is a mandatory or discretionary set of activities performed, or able to be performed, by or on behalf of a public organisation, publicly funded and arise from public policy.' + properties: + address: + description: The mailing address + properties: + addressCountry: + description: 'The country. For example, Spain' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + addressLocality: + description: 'The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + addressRegion: + description: 'The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + district: + description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government' + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + postOfficeBoxNumber: + description: 'The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + postalCode: + description: 'The postal code. For example, 24004' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + streetAddress: + description: The street address + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + streetNr: + description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: object + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + alternateName: + description: An alternative name for this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + areaServed: + description: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + dataProvider: + description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + dateCreated: + description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + dateModified: + description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: + description: A description of this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + follows: + description: 'The follows property links a Public Service to the Rule(s) under which it operates. The definition of the Rule class is very broad. In a typical case, the competent authority that provides the public service will also define the rules that will implement its own policies. The CPSV-AP is flexible to allow for significant variation in such a scenario' + items: + anyOf: + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cpsv:follows + type: Relationship + hasCompetentAuthority: + anyOf: + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: 'This property links a Public Service to a Public Organization, which is the responsible Agent for the delivery of the Public Service. Whether the particular Public Organization provides the public service directly or outsources it is not relevant. The Public Organization that is the Competent Authority of the service is the one that is ultimately responsible for managing and providing the public service. The term Competent Authority is defined in the Services Directive (2006/123/EC) in the following way: `Any body or authority which has a supervisory or regulatory role in a Member State in relation to service activities, including, in particular, administrative authorities, including courts acting as such, professional bodies, and those professional associations or other professional organisations which, in the exercise of their legal autonomy, regulate in a collective manner access to service activities or the exercise thereof''' + x-ngsi: + model: cv:hasCompetentAuthority + type: Relationship + hasContactPoint: + description: 'A contact point for the service is almost always helpful. The value of this property, the contact information itself, should be provided using schema:ContactPoint. Note that the contact information should be relevant to the Public Service which may not be the same as contact information for the Competent Authority or any Participant' + items: + anyOf: + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cpsv:hasContactPoint + type: Relationship + hasCost: + description: 'The Has Cost property links a Public Service to one or more instances of the Cost class. It indicates the costs related to the execution of a Public Service for the citizen or business related to the execution of the particular Public Service. Where the cost varies depending on the channel through which the service is accessed, it can be linked to the channel using the If Accessed Through relationship' + items: + anyOf: + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cv:hasCost + type: Relationship + hasCriterion: + description: 'Links a Public Service to a class that describes the criteria for needing or using the service, such as residency in a given location, being over a certain age etc. The Criterion class is defined in the Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (' + items: + anyOf: + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cv:hasCriterion + type: Relationship + hasInput: + description: 'The Has Input property links a Public Service to one or more instances of the Evidence class. A specific Public Service may require the presence of certain pieces of Evidence in order to be delivered. If the evidence required to make use of a service varies according to the channel through which it is accessed, then Has Input should be at the level of the Channel' + items: + anyOf: + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cpsv:hasInput + type: Relationship + id: + anyOf: + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: Unique identifier of the entity + x-ngsi: + type: Property + identifier: + description: This property represents a formally-issued Identifier for the Public Service + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: dct:identifier + type: Property + isGroupedBy: + description: 'This property links the Public Service to the Event. Several Public Services may be associated with a particular Event and, likewise, the same Public Service may be associated with several different Events' + items: + anyOf: + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Array of identifiers format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cv:isGroupedBy + type: Relationship + keyword: + description: 'This property represents a keyword, term or phrase to describe the Public Service' + items: + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: dcat:keyword + type: Property + language: + description: 'This property represents the language(s) in which the Public Service is available. This could be one language or multiple languages, for instance in countries with more than one official language. The possible values for this property are described in a controlled vocabulary (European Publications Office''s Languages Named Authority List (NAL)),' + items: + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: dct:language + type: Property + location: + description: 'Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon' + oneOf: + - description: Geojson reference to the item. Point + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: + enum: + - Point + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON Point + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. LineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: + enum: + - LineString + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON LineString + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. Polygon + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 4 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - Polygon + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON Polygon + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiPoint + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiPoint + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiLineString + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiLineString + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 4 + type: array + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiPolygon + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + name: + description: The name of this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + owner: + description: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s) + items: + anyOf: + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: Unique identifier of the entity + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + processingTime: + description: 'The value of this property is the (estimated) time needed for executing a Public Service. The actual information is provided using the ISO8601 syntax for durations. Examples: [5 years -> P5Y, 1 month -> P1M, 3 days -> P3D, 2 days 4 hours -> P2DT4H]' + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: cv:processingTime + type: Property + publicServiceType: + description: 'This property represents the Type of a Public Service as described in a controlled vocabulary. For the indicating the Type, we are referring to the functions of government to indicate the purpose of a government activity, which the public service is intended for' + items: + enum: + - Administrative formality + - Public Service + - Business Lifecycle + - Business Event + - Key Business Event + - Public Service Portfolio + - Catalogue of Public Services + - Competent Authority + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: dct:type + type: Property + sector: + description: 'This property represents the industry or sector a Public Service relates to, or is intended for. For example: environment, safety, housing. Note that a single Public Service may relate to multiple sectors. The possible values for this property are provided as a controlled vocabulary (List of NACE codes:' + items: + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cv:sector + type: Property + seeAlso: + description: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item + oneOf: + - items: + format: uri + type: string + minItems: 1 + type: array + - format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + source: + description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object' + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + spatial: + description: 'The possible values for this property are provided as a controlled vocabulary (MDR Continents Named Authority List , MDR Countries Named Authority List, MDR Places Named Authority List, Geonames:' + items: + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cv:spatial + type: Property + status: + description: 'Indicates whether a Public Service is active, inactive, under development etc. according to a controlled vocabulary (ADMS Status vocabulary:' + enum: + - Completed + - Deprecated + - UnderDevelopment + - Withdrawn + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: adms:status + type: Property + thematicArea: + description: 'This property represents the Thematic Area of a Public Service as described in a controlled vocabulary, for instance social protection, health, recreation, culture and religion, family, traveling economic affairs, tax, staff, environment' + items: + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + model: cv:thematicArea + type: Property + type: + description: It has to be PublicService + enum: + - PublicService + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: + type: Property + required: + - id + - type + - identifier + - name + - description + - hasCompetentAuthority + type: object + x-derived-from: "" + x-disclaimer: 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the license conditions are met. Copyleft (c) 2022 Contributors to Smart Data Models Program' + x-license-url: + x-model-schema: + x-model-tags: CEFAT4CITIES + x-version: 0.0.1 +``` +
+ + + + + ## ペイロードの例 + #### PublicService NGSI-v2 キー値の例 + JSON-LD形式のPublicServiceのkey-valuesの例です。これは NGSI-v2 と互換性があり、`options=keyValues` を使用すると個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返す。 +
show/hide example ```json { "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:PublicService:4157c56b-754b-4f92-b4b1-0256b9a472d2", @@ -608,8 +606,7 @@ PublicService: "identifier": "", "name": "Electronic application for a trademark", "description": "A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. A trademark is a symbol which distinguishes the goods and services of a company from the similar goods and services of other companies. A trademark acts as a means of distinction in the market. A trademark is also an exclusive right. It gives the holder the exclusive right to use the mark in the marketing, packaging or business documents of the goods or services or in any other way, including orally. There are different types of trademarks. A trademark can, for example be, a word, figure, slogan or even a sound. Property Value When you register your trademark, you will obtain protection for it for ten years. The protection provided by registration begins on the date of application and can be renewed every ten years.", - "keyword": [ - ], + "keyword": [], "sector": [ "A1.1.5", "A1.1.6", @@ -666,10 +663,10 @@ PublicService: ] } ``` -
- #### PublicService NGSI-v2 正規化例 - 以下は、正規化された JSON-LD 形式の PublicService の例である。これは、オプションを使用しない場合は NGSI-v2 と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキスト・データを返します。 -
show/hide example +
+ #### PublicService NGSI-v2 正規化例 + 以下は、正規化された JSON-LD 形式の PublicService の例である。これは、オプションを使用しない場合は NGSI-v2 と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキスト・データを返します。 +
show/hide example ```json { "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:PublicService:4157c56b-754b-4f92-b4b1-0256b9a472d2", @@ -687,11 +684,11 @@ PublicService: "value": "A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. A trademark is a symbol which distinguishes the goods and services of a company from the similar goods and services of other companies. A trademark acts as a means of distinction in the market. A trademark is also an exclusive right. It gives the holder the exclusive right to use the mark in the marketing, packaging or business documents of the goods or services or in any other way, including orally. There are different types of trademarks. A trademark can, for example be, a word, figure, slogan or even a sound. Property Value When you register your trademark, you will obtain protection for it for ten years. The protection provided by registration begins on the date of application and can be renewed every ten years." }, "keyword": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [] }, "sector": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "A1.1.5", "A1.1.6", @@ -699,7 +696,7 @@ PublicService: ] }, "thematicArea": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "social", "protection", @@ -716,13 +713,13 @@ PublicService: ] }, "publicServiceType": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "Public Service" ] }, "language": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "" ] @@ -732,55 +729,55 @@ PublicService: "value": "UnderDevelopment" }, "spatial": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "" ] }, "processingTime": { - "type": "Date-Time", + "type": "Text", "value": "P2Y9M5DT6H5M20S" }, "isGroupedBy": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "" ] }, "hasCriterion": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:CriterionRequirement:4157c56b-754b-4f92-b4b1-0256b9a472d2", "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:CriterionRequirement:4157c56b-754b-5d34-b4b1-0256b9a472d2" ] }, "hasCompetentAuthority": { - "type": "URI", + "type": "Text", "value": "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:PublicOrganization:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad002362" }, "hasInput": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Evidence:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Evidence:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" ] }, "follows": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Rule:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Rule:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" ] }, "hasContactPoint": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:ContactPoint:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:ContactPoint:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" ] }, "hasCost": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Cost:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Cost:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" @@ -788,82 +785,82 @@ PublicService: } } ``` -
- #### PublicService NGSI-LD キー値の例 - JSON-LD形式のPublicServiceをkey-valuesとして返す例です。これは NGSI-LD と互換性があり、`options=keyValues` を使用すると個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返す。 -
show/hide example +
+ #### PublicService NGSI-LD キー値の例 + JSON-LD形式のPublicServiceをkey-valuesとして返す例です。これは NGSI-LD と互換性があり、`options=keyValues` を使用すると個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返す。 +
show/hide example ```json { - "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:PublicService:4157c56b-754b-4f92-b4b1-0256b9a472d2", - "type": "PublicService", - "identifier": "", - "name": "Electronic application for a trademark", - "description": "A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. A trademark is a symbol which distinguishes the goods and services of a company from the similar goods and services of other companies. A trademark acts as a means of distinction in the market. A trademark is also an exclusive right. It gives the holder the exclusive right to use the mark in the marketing, packaging or business documents of the goods or services or in any other way, including orally. There are different types of trademarks. A trademark can, for example be, a word, figure, slogan or even a sound. Property Value When you register your trademark, you will obtain protection for it for ten years. The protection provided by registration begins on the date of application and can be renewed every ten years.", - "keyword": [], - "sector": [ - "A1.1.5", - "A1.1.6", - "A1.1.9" - ], - "thematicArea": [ - "social", - "protection", - "health", - "recreation", - "culture and religion", - "family", - "traveling", - "economic", - "affairs", - "tax", - "staff", - "environment" - ], - "publicServiceType": [ - "Public Service" - ], - "language": [ - "" - ], - "status": "UnderDevelopment", - "spatial": [ - "" - ], - "processingTime": "P2Y9M5DT6H5M20S", - "isGroupedBy": [ - "" - ], - "hasCriterion": [ - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:CriterionRequirement:4157c56b-754b-4f92-b4b1-0256b9a472d2", - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:CriterionRequirement:4157c56b-754b-5d34-b4b1-0256b9a472d2" - ], - "hasCompetentAuthority": "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:PublicOrganization:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad002362", - "hasInput": [ - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Evidence:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Evidence:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" - ], - "follows": [ - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Rule:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Rule:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" - ], - "hasContactPoint": [ - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:ContactPoint:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:ContactPoint:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" - ], - "hasCost": [ - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Cost:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", - "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Cost:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" - ], - "@context": [ - "", - "" - ] + "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:PublicService:4157c56b-754b-4f92-b4b1-0256b9a472d2", + "type": "PublicService", + "identifier": "", + "name": "Electronic application for a trademark", + "description": "A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. A trademark is a symbol which distinguishes the goods and services of a company from the similar goods and services of other companies. A trademark acts as a means of distinction in the market. A trademark is also an exclusive right. It gives the holder the exclusive right to use the mark in the marketing, packaging or business documents of the goods or services or in any other way, including orally. There are different types of trademarks. A trademark can, for example be, a word, figure, slogan or even a sound. Property Value When you register your trademark, you will obtain protection for it for ten years. The protection provided by registration begins on the date of application and can be renewed every ten years.", + "keyword": [], + "sector": [ + "A1.1.5", + "A1.1.6", + "A1.1.9" + ], + "thematicArea": [ + "social", + "protection", + "health", + "recreation", + "culture and religion", + "family", + "traveling", + "economic", + "affairs", + "tax", + "staff", + "environment" + ], + "publicServiceType": [ + "Public Service" + ], + "language": [ + "" + ], + "status": "UnderDevelopment", + "spatial": [ + "" + ], + "processingTime": "P2Y9M5DT6H5M20S", + "isGroupedBy": [ + "" + ], + "hasCriterion": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:CriterionRequirement:4157c56b-754b-4f92-b4b1-0256b9a472d2", + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:CriterionRequirement:4157c56b-754b-5d34-b4b1-0256b9a472d2" + ], + "hasCompetentAuthority": "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:PublicOrganization:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad002362", + "hasInput": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Evidence:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Evidence:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" + ], + "follows": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Rule:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Rule:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" + ], + "hasContactPoint": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:ContactPoint:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:ContactPoint:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" + ], + "hasCost": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Cost:8566c45a-8b9e-46d5-8371-81c8ad0cced5", + "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:Cost:8566c45a-5a3e-2d9a-8371-81c8ad0cced5" + ], + "@context": [ + "", + "" + ] } ``` -
- #### PublicService NGSI-LD 正規化例 - 以下は、正規化された JSON-LD 形式の PublicService の例である。これは、オプションを使用しない場合の NGSI-LD と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキスト・データを返します。 -
show/hide example +
+ #### PublicService NGSI-LD 正規化例 + 以下は、正規化された JSON-LD 形式の PublicService の例である。これは、オプションを使用しない場合の NGSI-LD と互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキスト・データを返します。 +
show/hide example ```json { "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:CPSV-AP:PublicService:4157c56b-754b-4f92-b4b1-0256b9a472d2", @@ -989,13 +986,13 @@ PublicService: ] } ``` -
- - CPSV-AP v2.2.1 仕様では URI が dct:type であるプロパティタイプは、ETSI NGSI-LD コアコンテキストのプロパティタイプとの曖昧さを解消するために publicServiceType に変換される。 - - - マグニチュード単位の扱い方については、[FAQ 10](を参照のこと。 - - ---- - [Smart Data Models]( +++ [Contribution Manual]( +++ [About]( +
+ + CPSV-AP v2.2.1 仕様では URI が dct:type であるプロパティタイプは、ETSI NGSI-LD コアコンテキストのプロパティタイプとの曖昧さを解消するために publicServiceType に変換される。 + + + マグニチュード単位の扱い方については、[FAQ 10](を参照のこと。 + + +--- + [Smart Data Models]( +++ [Contribution Manual]( +++ [About](