diff --git a/OnStreetParking/doc/spec_ZH.md b/OnStreetParking/doc/spec_ZH.md index b6e8ad4..b233ca2 100644 --- a/OnStreetParking/doc/spec_ZH.md +++ b/OnStreetParking/doc/spec_ZH.md @@ -1,791 +1,789 @@ - -[![Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/SmartDataModels_logo.png "Logo")](https://smartdatamodels.org) - Entity:街上停车 -=========== - - [开放许可](https://github.com/smart-data-models//dataModel.Parking/blob/master/OnStreetParking/LICENSE.md) - [文件自动生成](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTs-Ng5dIAwkg91oTTUdt8ua7woBXhPnwavZ0FxgR8BsAI_Ek3C5q97Nd94HS8KhP-r_quD4H0fgyt3/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000#slide=id.gb715ace035_0_60) - - - 全球描述:**一个场地,空地区,街道,(无论是否收费),可从道路直接进入,用于停放车辆。 - 版本: 0.1.3 - - - - ## 属性列表 - - [*] 如果属性中没有类型,是因为它可能有多个类型或不同的格式/模式。 -- `acceptedPaymentMethod[string]`: 停车网站的收费类型。枚举:'ByBankTransferInAdvance(银行预付转账), ByInvoice(发票), Cash(现金), CheckInAdvance(预付支票), COD(货到付款), DirectDebit(直接借记), GoogleCheckout(谷歌支付), PayPal(贝宝), PaySwarm(支付宝)' - `address[object]`: 邮寄地址 . Model: [https://schema.org/address](https://schema.org/address) - `addressCountry[string]`: 国家。例如,西班牙 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressCountry](https://schema.org/addressCountry) - - `addressLocality[string]`: 街道地址所在的地点,以及该地点所在的区域 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressLocality](https://schema.org/addressLocality) - - `addressRegion[string]`: 地点所在的地区,以及该地区位于哪个国家 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressRegion](https://schema.org/addressRegion) - - `district[string]`: 地区是一种行政区划,在一些国家由地方政府管理 - - `postOfficeBoxNumber[string]`: 用于邮政信箱地址的邮政信箱号码。例如:03578 . Model: [https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber](https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber) - - `postalCode[string]`: 邮政编码。例如:24004 . Model: [https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode](https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode) - - `streetAddress[string]`: 街道地址 . Model: [https://schema.org/streetAddress](https://schema.org/streetAddress) -- `allowedVehicleType[array]`: 允许的车辆类型。该数组的第一个元素 _MUST_ 必须是允许的主要车辆类型。以下值由 _VehicleTypeEnum_, [DATEX 2 版本 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/downloads/modelv23.html).定义。枚举:农用车、任何车辆、铰接式车辆、自行车、公共汽车、汽车、大篷车、轻型汽车、带大篷车的汽车、带拖车的汽车、建筑或维护车辆、四轮驱动、高边车、货车、轻便摩托车、摩托车、带侧车的摩托车、摩托车、油罐车、三轮汽车、拖车、电车、两轮汽车、面包车、带催化转换器的汽车、不带催化转换器的汽车、带大篷车的汽车、带拖车的汽车、带偶数登记牌照的汽车、带奇数登记牌照的汽车、其他 - `alternateName[string]`: 该项目的替代名称 - `areBordersMarked[boolean]`: 表示是否对停车位进行了划分(用空行或类似方式)。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Boolean](https://schema.org/Boolean) - `areaServed[string]`: 提供服务或提供物品的地理区域 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: 全球可用停车位的数量,包括预留停车位,如残疾人停车位、长期停车位等。在停车位边界没有明确标线的停车地点,这可能比较难估算。 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `averageSpotLength[number]`: 停车位的平均长度 . Model: [https://schema.org/length](https://schema.org/length) - `averageSpotWidth[number]`: 停车位的平均宽度 . Model: [https://schema.org/width](https://schema.org/width) - `category[array]`: 街道停车类别。枚举:'蓝区, 收费, 供残疾人使用, 供充电, 供卸货, 供居民使用, 免费, 绿区, 中度长期, 仅有许可证, 短期, 出租车停靠站' - `chargeType[array]`: 停车场的收费类型。枚举:'额外间隔价、年付、首次间隔价、统一、免费、最低、最高、月付、季票、临时费用、临时价格、未知、其他'。 - `dataProvider[string]`: 标识统一数据实体提供者的字符序列 - `dateCreated[date-time]`: 实体创建时间戳。通常由存储平台分配 - `dateModified[date-time]`: 实体最后一次修改的时间戳。通常由存储平台分配 - `description[string]`: 项目描述 - `extraSpotNumber[number]`: 额外停车位的数量,即免费停车位。额外停车位是为特殊目的保留的停车位,通常需要许可证。许可证详情可在停车组("停车组 "类型的实体)中找到。该值必须是所有专用于特殊停车条件的停车组的免费停车位的总和。允许值:一个正整数,包括 0。`额外停车位编号`加上`可用停车位编号`必须小于或等于`总停车位编号 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `fourWheelerSlots[object]`: 与该观测点相对应的停车场的四轮车停车位可用情况 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSlotNumber[number]`: 与该观测点相对应的智能停车场中可使用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - - `occupiedSlotNumber[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的智能停车场中被占用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) -- `id[*]`: 实体的唯一标识符 - `layout[array]`: 停车场布局的通用分类 - `location[*]`: 项目的 Geojson 引用。它可以是点、线条字符串、多边形、多点、多线条字符串或多多边形 - `maximumParkingDuration[date-time]`: 站点允许的最长停留时间,以 ISO8601 时长编码。空值表示停留时间不确定 - `municipalityInfo[object]`: 与该观测结果相对应的城市信息 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `cityId[string]`: 该观测值对应的城市 ID . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - - `cityName[string]`: 该观测值对应的城市名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - - `district[string]`: 与该观测结果相对应的地区名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - - `stateName[string]`: 该观测值对应的国家名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - - `ulbName[string]`: 与该意见相对应的城市地方机构名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - - `wardId[string]`: 该观察结果对应的病房编号 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - - `wardName[string]`: 与该观察结果相对应的病房名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - - `wardNum[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的病房号 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - - `zoneId[string]`: 该观测值对应的区域 ID . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) -- `name[string]`: 该项目的名称 - `observationDateTime[date-time]`: 最后报告的观察时间 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `occupancyDetectionType[array]`: 占用检测方法。枚举:'平衡、手动、基于模型、无、单空间检测'。以下内容来自 DATEX II 2.3 版 _OccupancyDetectionTypeEnum_ (占用检测类型枚举) - `occupancyModified[date-time]`: 上次修改停车场占用情况的日期 . Model: [https://schema.org/DateTime](https://schema.org/DateTime) - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的智能停车点中被占用的停车位总数。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `outOfServiceSlotNumber[number]`: 与该观测点相对应的自行车停放站或停放点中,有多少自行车架/自行车停放槽或停放槽出现故障,无法租用或停放自行车 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `owner[array]`: 包含一个 JSON 编码字符序列的列表,其中引用了所有者的唯一 Ids - `parkingMode[string]`: 泊车模式。枚举:"梯形泊车、平行泊车、垂直泊车 - `parkingSiteId[string]`: 与该观察结果相对应的停车地点或停车场的唯一 ID . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `permitActiveHours[object]`: 该属性可用于捕捉只在特定时间或星期几需要许可证的情况。它是一个结构化的值,每个所需的许可证都必须包含一个子属性,表明许可证的激活时间。如果未指定许可证,则表示始终需要许可证。空 JSON 对象表示始终处于活动状态。语法必须与 schema.org 一致 - `refParkingGroup[array]`: 路边停车区所属停车组(如有)的参考信息 - `refParkingSpot[array]`: 属于该路边停车场的独立停车位 - `requiredPermit[array]`: 该属性记录了在该地点停车可能需要的许可证。其语义是至少需要其中_个许可证才能停车。当一个许可证由多个项目(和)组成时,可以用", "将它们组合起来。例如,"residentPermit,disabledPermit "表示同时需要居民许可证和残疾人许可证才能停车。如果列表为空,则不需要许可证 - `seeAlso[*]`: 指向有关该项目的其他资源的 uri 列表 - `source[string]`: 以 URL 形式给出实体数据原始来源的字符串。建议使用源提供者的完全合格域名或源对象的 URL - `totalSpotNumber[number]`: 该停车点提供的停车位总数。如果停车点没有明显的标记线,则很难获得这一数字。规范性参考资料:DATEX 2 2.3 版 _ParkingRecord_ 类的属性 _parkingNumberOfSpaces_ . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `twoWheelerSlots[object]`: 与该观测结果相对应的停车场的两轮车停车位可用情况 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观测点相对应的智能停车场中可使用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的智能停车场中被占用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) -- `type[string]`: 实体类型。它必须等于 OnStreetParking - `unclassifiedSlots[object]`: 与该观测结果相对应的停车场内的非机密车辆或其他车辆的停车位可用状态 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观测点相对应的智能停车场中可使用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的智能停车场中被占用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) -- `usageScenario[string]`: 停车场的收费类型。枚举:'汽车共享、下车、接吻和乘车、电梯共享、装卸区、过夜停车、停车和乘车、停车和骑车、停车和步行、车辆升降机'。 - - 所需属性 -- `id` - `location` - `type` - - 在 DATEX 2 2.3 版术语中,它对应于 _onStreetParking_ 类型的 _UrbanParkingSite_ 。DATEX II 术语的数据字典见 [http://datexbrowser.tamtamresearch.com/](http://datexbrowser.tamtamresearch.com/)。 - - - ## 属性的数据模型描述 - 按字母顺序排列(点击查看详情) - - -
full yaml details - ```yaml -OnStreetParking: - description: 'A site, open space zone, on street, (metered or not) with direct access from a road, intended to park vehicles.' - properties: - acceptedPaymentMethod: - description: 'Type of charge(s) performed by the parking site. Enum:''ByBankTransferInAdvance, ByInvoice, Cash, CheckInAdvance, COD, DirectDebit, GoogleCheckout, PayPal, PaySwarm''' - enum: - - ByBankTransferInAdvance - - ByInvoice - - Cash - - CheckInAdvance - - COD - - DirectDebit - - GoogleCheckout - - PayPal - - PaySwarm - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - address: - description: The mailing address - properties: - addressCountry: - description: 'The country. For example, Spain' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/addressCountry - type: Property - addressLocality: - description: 'The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/addressLocality - type: Property - addressRegion: - description: 'The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/addressRegion - type: Property - district: - description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government' - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - postOfficeBoxNumber: - description: 'The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber - type: Property - postalCode: - description: 'The postal code. For example, 24004' - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode - type: Property - streetAddress: - description: The street address - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/streetAddress - type: Property - streetNr: - description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: object - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/address - type: Property - allowedVehicleType: - description: 'Vehicle type(s) allowed. The first element of this array _MUST_ be the principal vehicle type allowed. The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_, [DATEX 2 version 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/downloads/modelv23.html).. Enum:''agriculturalVehicle, anyVehicle, articulatedVehicle, bicycle, bus, car, caravan, carOrLightVehicle, carWithCaravan, carWithTrailer, constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle, fourWheelDrive, highSidedVehicle, lorry, moped, motorcycle, motorcycleWithSideCar, motorscooter, tanker, threeWheeledVehicle, trailer, tram, twoWheeledVehicle, van, vehicleWithCatalyticConverter, vehicleWithoutCatalyticConverter, vehicleWithCaravan, vehicleWithTrailer, withEvenNumberedRegistrationPlates, withOddNumberedRegistrationPlates, other''' - items: - enum: - - agriculturalVehicle - - anyVehicle - - articulatedVehicle - - bicycle - - bus - - car - - caravan - - carOrLightVehicle - - carWithCaravan - - carWithTrailer - - constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle - - fourWheelDrive - - highSidedVehicle - - lorry - - moped - - motorcycle - - motorcycleWithSideCar - - motorscooter - - tanker - - threeWheeledVehicle - - trailer - - tram - - twoWheeledVehicle - - van - - vehicleWithCatalyticConverter - - vehicleWithoutCatalyticConverter - - vehicleWithCaravan - - vehicleWithTrailer - - withEvenNumberedRegistrationPlates - - withOddNumberedRegistrationPlates - - other - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Property - alternateName: - description: An alternative name for this item - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - areBordersMarked: - description: Denotes whether parking spots are delimited (with blank lines or similar) or not - type: boolean - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Boolean - type: Property - areaServed: - description: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - availableSpotNumber: - description: 'The number of spots available globally, including reserved spaces, such as those for disabled people, long term parkers and so on. This might be harder to estimate at those parking locations on which spots borders are not clearly marked by lines' - minimum: 0 - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: http://schema.org/Number - type: Property - averageSpotLength: - description: The average length of parking spots - minimum: 0 - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/length - type: Property - averageSpotWidth: - description: The average width of parking spots - minimum: 0 - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/width - type: Property - category: - description: 'Street parking category. Enum:''blueZone, feeCharged, forDisabled, forElectricalCharging, forLoadUnload, forResidents, free, greenZone, mediumTerm, onlyWithPermit, shortTerm, taxiStop''' - items: - enum: - - barrierAccess - - blueZone - - feeCharged - - forDisabled - - forElectricalCharging - - forLoadUnload - - forResidents - - free - - greenZone - - mediumTerm - - onlyWithPermit - - public - - shortTerm - - taxiStop - - underground - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Property - chargeType: - description: 'Type of charge(s) performed by the parking site. Enum:''additionalIntervalPrice, annualPayment, firstIntervalPrice, flat, free, minimum, maximum, monthlyPayment, seasonTicket, temporaryFee, temporaryPrice, unknown, other''' - items: - enum: - - additionalIntervalPrice - - annualPayment - - firstIntervalPrice - - flat - - free - - minimum - - maximum - - monthlyPayment - - seasonTicket - - temporaryFee - - temporaryPrice - - unknown - - other - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Property - dataProvider: - description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - dateCreated: - description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform - format: date-time - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - dateModified: - description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform - format: date-time - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - description: - description: A description of this item - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - extraSpotNumber: - description: 'The number of extra spots available, i.e. free. Extra spots are those reserved for special purposes and usually require a permit. Permit details will be found at parking group level (entity of type `ParkingGroup`). This value must aggregate free spots from all groups devoted to special parking conditions. Allowed values: A positive integer number, including 0. `extraSpotNumber` plus `availableSpotNumber` must be lower than or equal to `totalSpotNumber' - minimum: 0 - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: http://schema.org/Number - type: Property - fourWheelerSlots: - description: Four wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation - properties: - availableSlotNumber: - description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - occupiedSlotNumber: - description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - totalSlotNumber: - description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - type: object - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - id: - anyOf: - - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - description: Unique identifier of the entity - x-ngsi: - type: Property - layout: - description: Generic classification of the layout of the parking - items: - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Property - location: - description: 'Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon' - oneOf: - - description: Geojson reference to the item. Point - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - type: - enum: - - Point - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON Point - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. LineString - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - minItems: 2 - type: array - type: - enum: - - LineString - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON LineString - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. Polygon - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - minItems: 4 - type: array - type: array - type: - enum: - - Polygon - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON Polygon - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - type: array - type: - enum: - - MultiPoint - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON MultiPoint - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - minItems: 2 - type: array - type: array - type: - enum: - - MultiLineString - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON MultiLineString - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString - properties: - bbox: - items: - type: number - minItems: 4 - type: array - coordinates: - items: - items: - items: - items: - type: number - minItems: 2 - type: array - minItems: 4 - type: array - type: array - type: array - type: - enum: - - MultiPolygon - type: string - required: - - type - - coordinates - title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - x-ngsi: - type: GeoProperty - maximumParkingDuration: - description: Maximum allowed stay at site encoded as a ISO8601 duration. An empty value indicates an indefinite duration - format: date-time - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - municipalityInfo: - description: Municipality information corresponding to this observation - properties: - cityId: - description: City ID corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - cityName: - description: City name corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - district: - description: District name corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - stateName: - description: Name of the state corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - ulbName: - description: Name of the Urban Local Body corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - wardId: - description: Ward ID corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - wardName: - description: Ward name corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - wardNum: - description: Ward number corresponding to this observation - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - zoneId: - description: Zone ID corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - zoneName: - description: Zone name corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - type: object - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - name: - description: The name of this item - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - observationDateTime: - description: Last reported time of observation - format: date-time - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - occupancyDetectionType: - description: 'Occupancy detection method(s). Enum:''balancing, manual, modelBased, none, singleSpaceDetection''. The following from DATEX II version 2.3 _OccupancyDetectionTypeEnum_' - items: - enum: - - balancing - - manual - - modelBased - - none - - singleSpaceDetection - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Property - occupancyModified: - description: Date last time the occupancy of the parking has being modified - format: date-time - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/DateTime - type: Property - occupiedSpotNumber: - description: Number of total parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - outOfServiceSlotNumber: - description: The number of bike racks/bike-docking slots or parking slots that are out of order and cannot be used to hire or park a bike in the bike docking station or parking site corresponding to this observation - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - owner: - description: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s) - items: - anyOf: - - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity - maxLength: 256 - minLength: 1 - pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - description: Unique identifier of the entity - x-ngsi: - type: Property - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Property - parkingMode: - description: 'Parking mode(s). Enum:''echelonParking, parallelParking, perpendicularParking''' - enum: - - echelonParking - - parallelParking - - perpendicularParking - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - parkingSiteId: - description: The unique ID of the parking site or parking lot corresponding to this observation - type: string - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - permitActiveHours: - description: 'This attribute allows to capture situations when a permit is only needed at specific hours or days of week. It is a structured value which must contain a subproperty per each required permit, indicating when the permit is active. If nothing specified for a permit it will mean that a permit is always required. An empty JSON Object means always active. The syntax must be conformant with schema.org' - type: object - x-ngsi: - type: Property - refParkingGroup: - description: Reference to the parking group(s) (if any) belonging to this onstreet parking zone - items: - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Relationship - refParkingSpot: - description: Individual parking spots belonging to this on street parking site - items: - format: uri - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Relationship - requiredPermit: - description: 'This attribute captures what permit(s) might be needed to park at this site. Semantics is that at least _one of_ these permits is needed to park. When a permit is composed by more than one item (and) they can be combined with a '',''. For instance ''residentPermit,disabledPermit'' stays that both, at the same time, a resident and a disabled permit are needed to park. If list is empty, no permit is needed' - items: - type: string - type: array - x-ngsi: - type: Property - seeAlso: - description: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item - oneOf: - - items: - format: uri - type: string - minItems: 1 - type: array - - format: uri - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - source: - description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object' - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - totalSpotNumber: - description: 'The total number of spots offered by this parking site. This number can be difficult to be obtained for those parking locations on which spots are not clearly marked by lines. Normative references: DATEX 2 version 2.3 attribute _parkingNumberOfSpaces_ of the _ParkingRecord_ class' - minimum: 0 - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: http://schema.org/Number - type: Property - twoWheelerSlots: - description: Two wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation - properties: - availableSpotNumber: - description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - occupiedSpotNumber: - description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - totalSpotNumber: - description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - type: object - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - type: - description: Entity type. It must be equal to OnStreetParking - enum: - - OnStreetParking - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - unclassifiedSlots: - description: Unclassified vehicles or other vehicles parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation - properties: - availableSpotNumber: - description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - occupiedSpotNumber: - description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - totalSpotNumber: - description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation - type: number - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Number - type: Property - type: object - x-ngsi: - model: https://schema.org/Text - type: Property - usageScenario: - description: 'Type of charge(s) performed by the parking site. Enum:''carSharing, dropOff, kissAndRide, liftShare, loadingBay, overnightParking, parkAndRide, parkAndCycle, parkAndWalk, vehicleLift,''' - enum: - - carSharing - - dropOff - - kissAndRide - - liftShare - - loadingBay - - overnightParking - - parkAndRide - - parkAndCycle - - parkAndWalk - - vehicleLift - - other - type: string - x-ngsi: - type: Property - required: - - id - - type - - location - type: object - x-derived-from: "" - x-disclaimer: 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the license conditions are met. Copyleft (c) 2022 Contributors to Smart Data Models Program' - x-license-url: https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.Parking/blob/master/OnStreetParking/LICENSE.md - x-model-schema: https://smart-data-models.github.io/dataModel.Parking/OnStreetParking/schema.json - x-model-tags: IUDX - x-version: 0.1.3 -``` -
- - - - - ## 有效载荷示例 - #### OnStreetParking NGSI-v2 键值示例 - 下面是一个以 JSON-LD 格式作为键值的 OnStreetParking 示例。当使用 `options=keyValues` 时,它与 NGSI-v2 兼容,并返回单个实体的上下文数据。 -
show/hide example + +[![Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/SmartDataModels_logo.png "Logo")](https://smartdatamodels.org) + Entity:街上停车 +=========== + + [开放许可](https://github.com/smart-data-models//dataModel.Parking/blob/master/OnStreetParking/LICENSE.md) + [文件自动生成](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTs-Ng5dIAwkg91oTTUdt8ua7woBXhPnwavZ0FxgR8BsAI_Ek3C5q97Nd94HS8KhP-r_quD4H0fgyt3/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000#slide=id.gb715ace035_0_60) + + + 全球描述:**一个场地,空地区,街道,(无论是否收费),可从道路直接进入,用于停放车辆。 + 版本: 0.1.3 + + + ## 属性列表 + [*] 如果属性中没有类型,是因为它可能有多个类型或不同的格式/模式。 +- `acceptedPaymentMethod[string]`: 停车网站的收费类型。枚举:'ByBankTransferInAdvance(银行预付转账), ByInvoice(发票), Cash(现金), CheckInAdvance(预付支票), COD(货到付款), DirectDebit(直接借记), GoogleCheckout(谷歌支付), PayPal(贝宝), PaySwarm(支付宝)' - `address[object]`: 邮寄地址 . Model: [https://schema.org/address](https://schema.org/address) - `addressCountry[string]`: 国家。例如,西班牙 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressCountry](https://schema.org/addressCountry) + - `addressLocality[string]`: 街道地址所在的地点,以及该地点所在的区域 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressLocality](https://schema.org/addressLocality) + - `addressRegion[string]`: 地点所在的地区,以及该地区位于哪个国家 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressRegion](https://schema.org/addressRegion) + - `district[string]`: 地区是一种行政区划,在一些国家由地方政府管理 + - `postOfficeBoxNumber[string]`: 用于邮政信箱地址的邮政信箱号码。例如:03578 . Model: [https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber](https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber) + - `postalCode[string]`: 邮政编码。例如:24004 . Model: [https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode](https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode) + - `streetAddress[string]`: 街道地址 . Model: [https://schema.org/streetAddress](https://schema.org/streetAddress) +- `allowedVehicleType[array]`: 允许的车辆类型。该数组的第一个元素 _MUST_ 必须是允许的主要车辆类型。以下值由 _VehicleTypeEnum_, [DATEX 2 版本 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/downloads/modelv23.html).定义。枚举:农用车、任何车辆、铰接式车辆、自行车、公共汽车、汽车、大篷车、轻型汽车、带大篷车的汽车、带拖车的汽车、建筑或维护车辆、四轮驱动、高边车、货车、轻便摩托车、摩托车、带侧车的摩托车、摩托车、油罐车、三轮汽车、拖车、电车、两轮汽车、面包车、带催化转换器的汽车、不带催化转换器的汽车、带大篷车的汽车、带拖车的汽车、带偶数登记牌照的汽车、带奇数登记牌照的汽车、其他 - `alternateName[string]`: 该项目的替代名称 - `areBordersMarked[boolean]`: 表示是否对停车位进行了划分(用空行或类似方式)。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Boolean](https://schema.org/Boolean) - `areaServed[string]`: 提供服务或提供物品的地理区域 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: 全球可用停车位的数量,包括预留停车位,如残疾人停车位、长期停车位等。在停车位边界没有明确标线的停车地点,这可能比较难估算。 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `averageSpotLength[number]`: 停车位的平均长度 . Model: [https://schema.org/length](https://schema.org/length) - `averageSpotWidth[number]`: 停车位的平均宽度 . Model: [https://schema.org/width](https://schema.org/width) - `category[array]`: 街道停车类别。枚举:'蓝区, 收费, 供残疾人使用, 供充电, 供卸货, 供居民使用, 免费, 绿区, 中度长期, 仅有许可证, 短期, 出租车停靠站' - `chargeType[array]`: 停车场的收费类型。枚举:'额外间隔价、年付、首次间隔价、统一、免费、最低、最高、月付、季票、临时费用、临时价格、未知、其他'。 - `dataProvider[string]`: 标识统一数据实体提供者的字符序列 - `dateCreated[date-time]`: 实体创建时间戳。通常由存储平台分配 - `dateModified[date-time]`: 实体最后一次修改的时间戳。通常由存储平台分配 - `description[string]`: 项目描述 - `extraSpotNumber[number]`: 额外停车位的数量,即免费停车位。额外停车位是为特殊目的保留的停车位,通常需要许可证。许可证详情可在停车组("停车组 "类型的实体)中找到。该值必须是所有专用于特殊停车条件的停车组的免费停车位的总和。允许值:一个正整数,包括 0。`额外停车位编号`加上`可用停车位编号`必须小于或等于`总停车位编号 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `fourWheelerSlots[object]`: 与该观测点相对应的停车场的四轮车停车位可用情况 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSlotNumber[number]`: 与该观测点相对应的智能停车场中可使用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + - `occupiedSlotNumber[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的智能停车场中被占用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) +- `id[*]`: 实体的唯一标识符 - `layout[array]`: 停车场布局的通用分类 - `location[*]`: 项目的 Geojson 引用。它可以是点、线条字符串、多边形、多点、多线条字符串或多多边形 - `maximumParkingDuration[date-time]`: 站点允许的最长停留时间,以 ISO8601 时长编码。空值表示停留时间不确定 - `municipalityInfo[object]`: 与该观测结果相对应的城市信息 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `cityId[string]`: 该观测值对应的城市 ID . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `cityName[string]`: 该观测值对应的城市名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `district[string]`: 与该观测结果相对应的地区名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `stateName[string]`: 该观测值对应的国家名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `ulbName[string]`: 与该意见相对应的城市地方机构名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `wardId[string]`: 该观察结果对应的病房编号 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `wardName[string]`: 与该观察结果相对应的病房名称 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `wardNum[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的病房号 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + - `zoneId[string]`: 该观测值对应的区域 ID . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) +- `name[string]`: 该项目的名称 - `observationDateTime[date-time]`: 最后报告的观察时间 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `occupancyDetectionType[array]`: 占用检测方法。枚举:'平衡、手动、基于模型、无、单空间检测'。以下内容来自 DATEX II 2.3 版 _OccupancyDetectionTypeEnum_ (占用检测类型枚举) - `occupancyModified[date-time]`: 上次修改停车场占用情况的日期 . Model: [https://schema.org/DateTime](https://schema.org/DateTime) - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的智能停车点中被占用的停车位总数。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `outOfServiceSlotNumber[number]`: 与该观测点相对应的自行车停放站或停放点中,有多少自行车架/自行车停放槽或停放槽出现故障,无法租用或停放自行车 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `owner[array]`: 包含一个 JSON 编码字符序列的列表,其中引用了所有者的唯一 Ids - `parkingMode[string]`: 泊车模式。枚举:"梯形泊车、平行泊车、垂直泊车 - `parkingSiteId[string]`: 与该观察结果相对应的停车地点或停车场的唯一 ID . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `permitActiveHours[object]`: 该属性可用于捕捉只在特定时间或星期几需要许可证的情况。它是一个结构化的值,每个所需的许可证都必须包含一个子属性,表明许可证的激活时间。如果未指定许可证,则表示始终需要许可证。空 JSON 对象表示始终处于活动状态。语法必须与 schema.org 一致 - `refParkingGroup[array]`: 路边停车区所属停车组(如有)的参考信息 - `refParkingSpot[array]`: 属于该路边停车场的独立停车位 - `requiredPermit[array]`: 该属性记录了在该地点停车可能需要的许可证。其语义是至少需要其中_个许可证才能停车。当一个许可证由多个项目(和)组成时,可以用", "将它们组合起来。例如,"residentPermit,disabledPermit "表示同时需要居民许可证和残疾人许可证才能停车。如果列表为空,则不需要许可证 - `seeAlso[*]`: 指向有关该项目的其他资源的 uri 列表 - `source[string]`: 以 URL 形式给出实体数据原始来源的字符串。建议使用源提供者的完全合格域名或源对象的 URL - `totalSpotNumber[number]`: 该停车点提供的停车位总数。如果停车点没有明显的标记线,则很难获得这一数字。规范性参考资料:DATEX 2 2.3 版 _ParkingRecord_ 类的属性 _parkingNumberOfSpaces_ . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `twoWheelerSlots[object]`: 与该观测结果相对应的停车场的两轮车停车位可用情况 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观测点相对应的智能停车场中可使用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的智能停车场中被占用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) +- `type[string]`: 实体类型。它必须等于 OnStreetParking - `unclassifiedSlots[object]`: 与该观测结果相对应的停车场内的非机密车辆或其他车辆的停车位可用状态 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观测点相对应的智能停车场中可使用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: 与该观察结果相对应的智能停车场中被占用的停车位数量。必须是小于或等于总停车位数量的正数。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) +- `usageScenario[string]`: 停车场的收费类型。枚举:'汽车共享、下车、接吻和乘车、电梯共享、装卸区、过夜停车、停车和乘车、停车和骑车、停车和步行、车辆升降机'。 + + 所需属性 +- `id` - `location` - `type` + + 在 DATEX 2 2.3 版术语中,它对应于 _onStreetParking_ 类型的 _UrbanParkingSite_ 。DATEX II 术语的数据字典见 [http://datexbrowser.tamtamresearch.com/](http://datexbrowser.tamtamresearch.com/)。 + + + ## 属性的数据模型描述 + 按字母顺序排列(点击查看详情) + + +
full yaml details + ```yaml +OnStreetParking: + description: 'A site, open space zone, on street, (metered or not) with direct access from a road, intended to park vehicles.' + properties: + acceptedPaymentMethod: + description: 'Type of charge(s) performed by the parking site. Enum:''ByBankTransferInAdvance, ByInvoice, Cash, CheckInAdvance, COD, DirectDebit, GoogleCheckout, PayPal, PaySwarm''' + enum: + - ByBankTransferInAdvance + - ByInvoice + - Cash + - CheckInAdvance + - COD + - DirectDebit + - GoogleCheckout + - PayPal + - PaySwarm + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + address: + description: The mailing address + properties: + addressCountry: + description: 'The country. For example, Spain' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressCountry + type: Property + addressLocality: + description: 'The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressLocality + type: Property + addressRegion: + description: 'The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressRegion + type: Property + district: + description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government' + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + postOfficeBoxNumber: + description: 'The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber + type: Property + postalCode: + description: 'The postal code. For example, 24004' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode + type: Property + streetAddress: + description: The street address + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/streetAddress + type: Property + streetNr: + description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: object + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/address + type: Property + allowedVehicleType: + description: 'Vehicle type(s) allowed. The first element of this array _MUST_ be the principal vehicle type allowed. The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_, [DATEX 2 version 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/downloads/modelv23.html).. Enum:''agriculturalVehicle, anyVehicle, articulatedVehicle, bicycle, bus, car, caravan, carOrLightVehicle, carWithCaravan, carWithTrailer, constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle, fourWheelDrive, highSidedVehicle, lorry, moped, motorcycle, motorcycleWithSideCar, motorscooter, tanker, threeWheeledVehicle, trailer, tram, twoWheeledVehicle, van, vehicleWithCatalyticConverter, vehicleWithoutCatalyticConverter, vehicleWithCaravan, vehicleWithTrailer, withEvenNumberedRegistrationPlates, withOddNumberedRegistrationPlates, other''' + items: + enum: + - agriculturalVehicle + - anyVehicle + - articulatedVehicle + - bicycle + - bus + - car + - caravan + - carOrLightVehicle + - carWithCaravan + - carWithTrailer + - constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle + - fourWheelDrive + - highSidedVehicle + - lorry + - moped + - motorcycle + - motorcycleWithSideCar + - motorscooter + - tanker + - threeWheeledVehicle + - trailer + - tram + - twoWheeledVehicle + - van + - vehicleWithCatalyticConverter + - vehicleWithoutCatalyticConverter + - vehicleWithCaravan + - vehicleWithTrailer + - withEvenNumberedRegistrationPlates + - withOddNumberedRegistrationPlates + - other + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + alternateName: + description: An alternative name for this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + areBordersMarked: + description: Denotes whether parking spots are delimited (with blank lines or similar) or not + type: boolean + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Boolean + type: Property + areaServed: + description: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + availableSpotNumber: + description: 'The number of spots available globally, including reserved spaces, such as those for disabled people, long term parkers and so on. This might be harder to estimate at those parking locations on which spots borders are not clearly marked by lines' + minimum: 0 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: http://schema.org/Number + type: Property + averageSpotLength: + description: The average length of parking spots + minimum: 0 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/length + type: Property + averageSpotWidth: + description: The average width of parking spots + minimum: 0 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/width + type: Property + category: + description: 'Street parking category. Enum:''blueZone, feeCharged, forDisabled, forElectricalCharging, forLoadUnload, forResidents, free, greenZone, mediumTerm, onlyWithPermit, shortTerm, taxiStop''' + items: + enum: + - barrierAccess + - blueZone + - feeCharged + - forDisabled + - forElectricalCharging + - forLoadUnload + - forResidents + - free + - greenZone + - mediumTerm + - onlyWithPermit + - public + - shortTerm + - taxiStop + - underground + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + chargeType: + description: 'Type of charge(s) performed by the parking site. Enum:''additionalIntervalPrice, annualPayment, firstIntervalPrice, flat, free, minimum, maximum, monthlyPayment, seasonTicket, temporaryFee, temporaryPrice, unknown, other''' + items: + enum: + - additionalIntervalPrice + - annualPayment + - firstIntervalPrice + - flat + - free + - minimum + - maximum + - monthlyPayment + - seasonTicket + - temporaryFee + - temporaryPrice + - unknown + - other + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + dataProvider: + description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + dateCreated: + description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + dateModified: + description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: + description: A description of this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + extraSpotNumber: + description: 'The number of extra spots available, i.e. free. Extra spots are those reserved for special purposes and usually require a permit. Permit details will be found at parking group level (entity of type `ParkingGroup`). This value must aggregate free spots from all groups devoted to special parking conditions. Allowed values: A positive integer number, including 0. `extraSpotNumber` plus `availableSpotNumber` must be lower than or equal to `totalSpotNumber' + minimum: 0 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: http://schema.org/Number + type: Property + fourWheelerSlots: + description: Four wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation + properties: + availableSlotNumber: + description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + occupiedSlotNumber: + description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + totalSlotNumber: + description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + type: object + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + id: + anyOf: + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: Unique identifier of the entity + x-ngsi: + type: Property + layout: + description: Generic classification of the layout of the parking + items: + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + location: + description: 'Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon' + oneOf: + - description: Geojson reference to the item. Point + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: + enum: + - Point + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON Point + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. LineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: + enum: + - LineString + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON LineString + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. Polygon + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 4 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - Polygon + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON Polygon + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiPoint + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiPoint + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiLineString + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiLineString + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 4 + type: array + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiPolygon + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + maximumParkingDuration: + description: Maximum allowed stay at site encoded as a ISO8601 duration. An empty value indicates an indefinite duration + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + municipalityInfo: + description: Municipality information corresponding to this observation + properties: + cityId: + description: City ID corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + cityName: + description: City name corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + district: + description: District name corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + stateName: + description: Name of the state corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + ulbName: + description: Name of the Urban Local Body corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + wardId: + description: Ward ID corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + wardName: + description: Ward name corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + wardNum: + description: Ward number corresponding to this observation + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + zoneId: + description: Zone ID corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + zoneName: + description: Zone name corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + type: object + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + name: + description: The name of this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + observationDateTime: + description: Last reported time of observation + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + occupancyDetectionType: + description: 'Occupancy detection method(s). Enum:''balancing, manual, modelBased, none, singleSpaceDetection''. The following from DATEX II version 2.3 _OccupancyDetectionTypeEnum_' + items: + enum: + - balancing + - manual + - modelBased + - none + - singleSpaceDetection + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + occupancyModified: + description: Date last time the occupancy of the parking has being modified + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/DateTime + type: Property + occupiedSpotNumber: + description: Number of total parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + outOfServiceSlotNumber: + description: The number of bike racks/bike-docking slots or parking slots that are out of order and cannot be used to hire or park a bike in the bike docking station or parking site corresponding to this observation + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + owner: + description: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s) + items: + anyOf: + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: Unique identifier of the entity + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + parkingMode: + description: 'Parking mode(s). Enum:''echelonParking, parallelParking, perpendicularParking''' + enum: + - echelonParking + - parallelParking + - perpendicularParking + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + parkingSiteId: + description: The unique ID of the parking site or parking lot corresponding to this observation + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + permitActiveHours: + description: 'This attribute allows to capture situations when a permit is only needed at specific hours or days of week. It is a structured value which must contain a subproperty per each required permit, indicating when the permit is active. If nothing specified for a permit it will mean that a permit is always required. An empty JSON Object means always active. The syntax must be conformant with schema.org' + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: Property + refParkingGroup: + description: Reference to the parking group(s) (if any) belonging to this onstreet parking zone + items: + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Relationship + refParkingSpot: + description: Individual parking spots belonging to this on street parking site + items: + format: uri + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Relationship + requiredPermit: + description: 'This attribute captures what permit(s) might be needed to park at this site. Semantics is that at least _one of_ these permits is needed to park. When a permit is composed by more than one item (and) they can be combined with a '',''. For instance ''residentPermit,disabledPermit'' stays that both, at the same time, a resident and a disabled permit are needed to park. If list is empty, no permit is needed' + items: + type: string + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + seeAlso: + description: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item + oneOf: + - items: + format: uri + type: string + minItems: 1 + type: array + - format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + source: + description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object' + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + totalSpotNumber: + description: 'The total number of spots offered by this parking site. This number can be difficult to be obtained for those parking locations on which spots are not clearly marked by lines. Normative references: DATEX 2 version 2.3 attribute _parkingNumberOfSpaces_ of the _ParkingRecord_ class' + minimum: 0 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: http://schema.org/Number + type: Property + twoWheelerSlots: + description: Two wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation + properties: + availableSpotNumber: + description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + occupiedSpotNumber: + description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + totalSpotNumber: + description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + type: object + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + type: + description: Entity type. It must be equal to OnStreetParking + enum: + - OnStreetParking + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + unclassifiedSlots: + description: Unclassified vehicles or other vehicles parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation + properties: + availableSpotNumber: + description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + occupiedSpotNumber: + description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + totalSpotNumber: + description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + type: object + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + usageScenario: + description: 'Type of charge(s) performed by the parking site. Enum:''carSharing, dropOff, kissAndRide, liftShare, loadingBay, overnightParking, parkAndRide, parkAndCycle, parkAndWalk, vehicleLift,''' + enum: + - carSharing + - dropOff + - kissAndRide + - liftShare + - loadingBay + - overnightParking + - parkAndRide + - parkAndCycle + - parkAndWalk + - vehicleLift + - other + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + required: + - id + - type + - location + type: object + x-derived-from: "" + x-disclaimer: 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the license conditions are met. Copyleft (c) 2022 Contributors to Smart Data Models Program' + x-license-url: https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.Parking/blob/master/OnStreetParking/LICENSE.md + x-model-schema: https://smart-data-models.github.io/dataModel.Parking/OnStreetParking/schema.json + x-model-tags: IUDX + x-version: 0.1.3 +``` +
+ + + + + ## 有效载荷示例 + #### OnStreetParking NGSI-v2 键值示例 + 下面是一个以 JSON-LD 格式作为键值的 OnStreetParking 示例。当使用 `options=keyValues` 时,它与 NGSI-v2 兼容,并返回单个实体的上下文数据。 +
show/hide example ```json { "id": "santander:daoiz_velarde_1_5", @@ -878,16 +876,16 @@ OnStreetParking: } } ``` -
- #### OnStreetParking NGSI-v2 标准化示例 - 下面是一个以 JSON-LD 格式规范化的 OnStreetParking 示例。在不使用选项的情况下,它与 NGSI-v2 兼容,并返回单个实体的上下文数据。 -
show/hide example +
+ #### OnStreetParking NGSI-v2 标准化示例 + 下面是一个以 JSON-LD 格式规范化的 OnStreetParking 示例。在不使用选项的情况下,它与 NGSI-v2 兼容,并返回单个实体的上下文数据。 +
show/hide example ```json { "id": "santander:daoiz_velarde_1_5", "type": "OnStreetParking", "category": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "blueZone", "shortTerm", @@ -895,32 +893,32 @@ OnStreetParking: ] }, "permitActiveHours": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": { "blueZonePermit": "Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa 09:00-20:00" } }, "requiredPermit": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "blueZonePermit", "disabledPermit" ] }, "allowedVehicleType": { - "type": "Text", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "car" ] }, "chargeType": { - "type": "array", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "temporaryFee" ] }, "refParkingGroup": { - "type": "Relationship", + "type": "StructuredValue", "value": [ "daoiz-velarde-1-5-main", "daoiz-velarde-1-5-disabled" @@ -1041,10 +1039,10 @@ OnStreetParking: } } ``` -
- #### OnStreetParking NGSI-LD 键值示例 - 下面是一个以 JSON-LD 格式作为键值的 OnStreetParking 示例。当使用 `options=keyValues` 时,它与 NGSI-LD 兼容,并返回单个实体的上下文数据。 -
show/hide example +
+ #### OnStreetParking NGSI-LD 键值示例 + 下面是一个以 JSON-LD 格式作为键值的 OnStreetParking 示例。当使用 `options=keyValues` 时,它与 NGSI-LD 兼容,并返回单个实体的上下文数据。 +
show/hide example ```json { "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:OnStreetParking:santander:daoiz_velarde_1_5", @@ -1140,10 +1138,10 @@ OnStreetParking: ] } ``` -
- #### OnStreetParking NGSI-LD 标准化示例 - 下面是一个以 JSON-LD 格式规范化的 OnStreetParking 示例。当不使用选项时,它与 NGSI-LD 兼容,并返回单个实体的上下文数据。 -
show/hide example +
+ #### OnStreetParking NGSI-LD 标准化示例 + 下面是一个以 JSON-LD 格式规范化的 OnStreetParking 示例。当不使用选项时,它与 NGSI-LD 兼容,并返回单个实体的上下文数据。 +
show/hide example ```json { "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:OnStreetParking:santander:daoiz_velarde_1_5", @@ -1250,12 +1248,12 @@ OnStreetParking: ] } ``` -
- - - - 请参阅 [FAQ 10](https://smartdatamodels.org/index.php/faqs/),获取如何处理幅度单位的答案。 - - ---- - [Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org) +++ [Contribution Manual](https://bit.ly/contribution_manual) +++ [About](https://bit.ly/Introduction_SDM) +
+ + + + 请参阅 [FAQ 10](https://smartdatamodels.org/index.php/faqs/),获取如何处理幅度单位的答案。 + + +--- + [Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org) +++ [Contribution Manual](https://bit.ly/contribution_manual) +++ [About](https://bit.ly/Introduction_SDM)