diff --git a/OffStreetParking/doc/spec.md b/OffStreetParking/doc/spec.md index 631e48a..6dfbd21 100644 --- a/OffStreetParking/doc/spec.md +++ b/OffStreetParking/doc/spec.md @@ -8,14 +8,36 @@ Global description: **Off street parking** - version: 0.1.2 + version: 0.1.3 ## List of properties [*] If there is not a type in an attribute is because it could have several types or different formats/patterns -- `acceptedPaymentMethod[array]`: Enum:'ByBankTransferInAdvance, ByInvoice, Cash, CheckInAdvance, COD, DirectDebit, GoogleCheckout, PayPal, PaySwarm'. Accepted payment method(s). . Model: [https://schema.org/acceptedPaymentMethod](https://schema.org/acceptedPaymentMethod) - `accessModified[string]`: Timestamp when `vehicleEntranceCount` and `vehicleExitCount` was updated. Allowed values: ISO8601 . Model: [https://schema.org/DateTime](https://schema.org/DateTime) - `address[object]`: The mailing address . Model: [https://schema.org/address](https://schema.org/address) - `aggregateRating[object]`: Aggregated rating for this parking site. . Model: [https://schema.org/aggregateRating](https://schema.org/aggregateRating) - `allowedVehicleType[array]`: Vehicle type(s) allowed. The first element of this array _MUST_ be the principal vehicle type allowed. Free spot numbers of other allowed vehicle types might be reported under the attribute `extraSpotNumber` and through specific entities of type _ParkingGroup_. The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_, [DATEX 2 version 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/downloads/modelv23.html). Enum:'agriculturalVehicle, anyVehicle, bicycle, bus, car, caravan, carWithCaravan, carWithTrailer, constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle, lorry, moped, motorcycle, motorcycleWithSideCar, motorscooter, tanker, trailer, van' . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `alternateName[string]`: An alternative name for this item - `areaServed[string]`: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: The number of spots available (_including_ all vehicle types or reserved spaces, such as those for disabled people, long term parkers and so on). This might be harder to estimate at those parking locations on which spots borders are not clearly marked by lines. Allowed values: A positive integer number, including 0. It must lower or equal than `totalSpotNumber`. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `averageSpotLength[number]`: The average length of parking spots. . Model: [http://schema.org/length](http://schema.org/length) - `averageSpotWidth[number]`: The average width of parking spots. . Model: [http://schema.org/width](http://schema.org/width) - `category[array]`: Parking site's category(ies). The purpose of this field is to allow to tag, generally speaking, off street parking entities - `chargeType[array]`: Type(s) of charge performed by the parking site. Allowed values: Some of those defined by the DATEX II version 2.3 _ ChargeTypeEnum_ enumeration. Enum:'additionalIntervalPrice, annualPayment, firstIntervalPrice, flat, free, minimum, maximum, monthlyPayment, other, seasonTicket, temporaryPrice'. Or any other application-specific - `contactPoint[object]`: Parking site contact point. . Model: [https://schema.org/contactPoint](https://schema.org/contactPoint) - `dataProvider[string]`: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity. - `dateCreated[string]`: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform. - `dateModified[string]`: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform. - `description[string]`: A description of this item - `extCategory[array]`: External category to complement category. - `extraSpotNumber[number]`: The number of extra spots _available_, i.e. free. This value must aggregate free spots from all groups mentioned below: A/ Those reserved for special purposes and usually require a permit. Permit details will be found at parking group level (entity of type `ParkingGroup`). B/ Those reserved for other vehicle types different than the principal allowed vehicle type. C/ Any other group of parking spots not subject to the general condition rules conveyed by this entity. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `facilities[array]`: Allowed values: The following defined by the _EquipmentTypeEnum_ enumeration of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'bikeParking, cashMachine, copyMachineOrService, defibrillator, dumpingStation, electricChargingStation, elevator, faxMachineOrService, fireHose, fireExtinguisher, fireHydrant, firstAidEquipment, freshWater, iceFreeScaffold, informationPoint, internetWireless, luggageLocker, payDesk, paymentMachine, playground, publicPhone, refuseBin, safeDeposit, shower, toilet, tollTerminal, vendingMachine, wasteDisposal' . Any other application-specific . Model: []() - `firstAvailableFloor[number]`: Number of the floor closest to the ground which currently has available parking spots. Allowed values: Stories are numbered between -n and n, being 0 ground floor. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `fourWheelerSlots[object]`: Four wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation. . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `highestFloor[number]`: For parking sites with multiple floor levels, highest floor. An integer number. 0 is ground level. Upper floors are positive numbers. Lower floors are negative ones. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `id[*]`: Unique identifier of the entity - `images[array]`: A URL containing a photo of this parking site . Model: [https://schema.org/image](https://schema.org/image) - `layout[array]`: Parking layout. Gives more details to the `category` attribute. Allowed values: As per the _ParkingLayoutEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'automatedParkingGarage, carports, covered, field, garageBoxes, multiLevel, multiStorey, nested, openSpace, rooftop, sheds, singleLevel, surface, other'. See also [OpenStreetMap](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dparking). Or any other value useful for the application and not covered above. . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `location[*]`: Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon - `lowestFloor[number]`: For parking sites with multiple floor levels, lowest floor. Allowed values: An integer number. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `maximumAllowedHeight[number]`: Maximum allowed height for vehicles. If there are multiple zones, it will be the minimum height of all the zones. . Model: [http://schema.org/heigth](http://schema.org/heigth) - `maximumAllowedWidth[number]`: Maximum allowed width for vehicles. If there are multiple zones, it will be the minimum width of all the zones. . Model: [http://schema.org/width](http://schema.org/width) - `maximumParkingDuration[string]`: Maximum allowed stay at site, on a general basis, encoded as a ISO8601 duration or with any other string relevant for parking. An empty value or when non present indicates an indefinite duration . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `measuresPeriod[number]`: The measures period related to availableSpotNumber and priceRatePerMinute. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `measuresPeriodUnit[string]`: The measures period unit related to availableSpotNumber and PriceRatePerMinute. . Model: [http://schema.org/unitText](http://schema.org/unitText) - `municipalityInfo[object]`: Municipality information corresponding to this observation. . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `name[string]`: The name of this item. - `observationDateTime[string]`: Last reported time of observation. . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `occupancy[number]`: Relative value of occupied spots out of the total spots. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `occupancyDetectionType[array]`: Occupancy detection method(s). Allowed values: The following from DATEX II version 2.3 _OccupancyDetectionTypeEnum_. Enum:'balancing, manual, modelBased, none, singleSpaceDetection'. Or any other application-specific . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `occupancyModified[string]`: Relative value of occupied spots out of the total spots. Allowed values: 0 - 1 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: Number of total parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `openingHours[string]`: Opening hours of the parking site. . Model: [http://schema.org/openingHours](http://schema.org/openingHours) - `outOfServiceSlotNumber[number]`: The number of bike racks/bike-docking slots or parking slots that are out of order and cannot be used to hire or park a bike in the bike docking station or parking site corresponding to this observation. . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `owner[array]`: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s) - `parkingMode[array]`: Parking mode(s). Allowed values: Those defined by the DATEX II version 2.3 _ParkingModeEnum_ enumeration. Enum:'echelonParking, parallelParking, perpendicularParking' . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `parkingSiteId[string]`: The unique ID of the parking site or parking lot corresponding to this observation. . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `priceCurrency[string]`: Price currency of price rate per minute . Model: [https://schema.org/priceCurrency](https://schema.org/priceCurrency) - `priceRatePerMinute[number]`: Price rate per minute. . Model: [ https://schema.org/Number]( https://schema.org/Number) - `provider[object]`: Parking site service provider . Model: [https://schema.org/provider](https://schema.org/provider) - `refParkingAccess[*]`: Parking site's access point(s). . Model: [http://schema.org/URL](http://schema.org/URL) - `refParkingGroup[*]`: Parking site identified group(s). A group can correspond to a zone, a complete storey, a group of spots, etc. . Model: [http://schema.org/URL](http://schema.org/URL) - `refParkingSpot[*]`: Individual parking spots belonging to this offStreet parking site. - `requiredPermit[array]`: This attribute captures what permit(s) might be needed to park at this site. Semantics is that at least _one of_ these permits is needed to park. When a permit is composed by more than one item (and) they can be combined with a ','. For instance 'residentPermit,disabledPermit' stays that both, at the same time, a resident and a disabled permit are needed to park. If the list is empty no permit is needed. Allowed values: The following, defined by the _PermitTypeEnum_ enumeration of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'employeePermit, fairPermit, governmentPermit, noPermitNeeded, residentPermit, specificIdentifiedVehiclePermit, studentPermit, visitorPermit'. Or any other application-specific - `reservationType[array]`: he following specified by _ReservationTypeEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'mandatory, notAvailable, optional, partly' . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `security[array]`: Security aspects provided by this parking site. Allowed values: The following, some of them, defined by _ParkingSecurityEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'areaSeparatedFromSurroundings, cctv, dog, externalSecurity, fences, floodLight, guard24hours, lighting, patrolled, securityStaff' . or any other application-specific . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `seeAlso[*]`: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item - `source[string]`: A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object. - `specialLocation[array]`: If the parking site is at a special location (airport, department store, etc.) it conveys what is such special location. Allowed values: Those defined by _ParkingSpecialLocationEnum_ of [DATEX II version 2.3](http://www.datex2.eu/content/parking-publications-extension-v10a). Enum:'airportTerminal, cableCarStation, campground, cinema, coachStation, conventionCentre, exhibitionCentre, ferryTerminal, hotel, market, publicTransportStation, religiousCentre, shoppingCentre, skilift, specificFacility, themePark, trainStation, vehicleOnRailTerminal, other' . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `status[array]`: Status of the parking site. Allowed values: The following defined by the following enumerations defined by DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'almostFull, closed, closedAbnormal, full, fullAtEntrance, open, openingTimesInForce, spacesAvailable'. Or any other application-specific . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `totalSpotNumber[number]`: The total number of spots offered by this parking site. This number can be difficult to be obtained for those parking locations on which spots are not clearly marked by lines. Allowed values: Any positive integer number or 0. Normative references: DATEX 2 version 2.3 attribute _parkingNumberOfSpaces_ of the _ParkingRecord_ class. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `twoWheelerSlots[object]`: Two wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation. . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `type[string]`: It has to be OffStreetParking - `unclassifiedSlots[object]`: Unclassified vehicles or other vehicles parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation. . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `usageScenario[array]`: Usage scenario(s). Gives more details to the `category` attribute. Allowed values: Those defined by the enumeration _ParkingUsageScenarioEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'automaticParkingGuidance, carSharing, dropOffWithValet, dropOffMechanical, dropOff, eventParking, kissAndRide, liftShare, loadingBay, overnightParking, parkAndCycle, parkAndRide, parkAndWalk, restArea, serviceArea, staffGuidesToSpace, truckParking, vehicleLift, other'. Or any other value useful for the application and not covered above. . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `vehicleEntranceCount[number]`: Aggregated number of vehicle that enter the parking site in a period of time. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `vehicleExitCount[number]`: Aggregated number of vehicle that leave the parking site in a period of time. . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) +- `acceptedPaymentMethod[array]`: Enum:'ByBankTransferInAdvance, ByInvoice, Cash, CheckInAdvance, COD, DirectDebit, GoogleCheckout, PayPal, PaySwarm'. Accepted payment method(s) . Model: [https://schema.org/acceptedPaymentMethod](https://schema.org/acceptedPaymentMethod) - `accessModified[string]`: Timestamp when `vehicleEntranceCount` and `vehicleExitCount` was updated. Allowed values: ISO8601 . Model: [https://schema.org/DateTime](https://schema.org/DateTime) - `address[object]`: The mailing address . Model: [https://schema.org/address](https://schema.org/address) - `addressCountry[string]`: The country. For example, Spain . Model: [https://schema.org/addressCountry](https://schema.org/addressCountry) + - `addressLocality[string]`: The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region . Model: [https://schema.org/addressLocality](https://schema.org/addressLocality) + - `addressRegion[string]`: The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country . Model: [https://schema.org/addressRegion](https://schema.org/addressRegion) + - `district[string]`: A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government + - `postOfficeBoxNumber[string]`: The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578 . Model: [https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber](https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber) + - `postalCode[string]`: The postal code. For example, 24004 . Model: [https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode](https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode) + - `streetAddress[string]`: The street address . Model: [https://schema.org/streetAddress](https://schema.org/streetAddress) +- `aggregateRating[object]`: Aggregated rating for this parking site . Model: [https://schema.org/aggregateRating](https://schema.org/aggregateRating) - `allowedVehicleType[array]`: Vehicle type(s) allowed. The first element of this array _MUST_ be the principal vehicle type allowed. Free spot numbers of other allowed vehicle types might be reported under the attribute `extraSpotNumber` and through specific entities of type _ParkingGroup_. The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_, [DATEX 2 version 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/downloads/modelv23.html). Enum:'agriculturalVehicle, anyVehicle, bicycle, bus, car, caravan, carWithCaravan, carWithTrailer, constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle, lorry, moped, motorcycle, motorcycleWithSideCar, motorscooter, tanker, trailer, van' . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `alternateName[string]`: An alternative name for this item - `areaServed[string]`: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: The number of spots available (_including_ all vehicle types or reserved spaces, such as those for disabled people, long term parkers and so on). This might be harder to estimate at those parking locations on which spots borders are not clearly marked by lines. Allowed values: A positive integer number, including 0. It must lower or equal than `totalSpotNumber` . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `averageSpotLength[number]`: The average length of parking spots . Model: [http://schema.org/length](http://schema.org/length) - `averageSpotWidth[number]`: The average width of parking spots . Model: [http://schema.org/width](http://schema.org/width) - `category[array]`: Parking site's category(ies). The purpose of this field is to allow to tag, generally speaking, off street parking entities - `chargeType[array]`: Type(s) of charge performed by the parking site. Allowed values: Some of those defined by the DATEX II version 2.3 _ ChargeTypeEnum_ enumeration. Enum:'additionalIntervalPrice, annualPayment, firstIntervalPrice, flat, free, minimum, maximum, monthlyPayment, other, seasonTicket, temporaryPrice'. Or any other application-specific - `contactPoint[object]`: Parking site contact point . Model: [https://schema.org/contactPoint](https://schema.org/contactPoint) - `dataProvider[string]`: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity - `dateCreated[date-time]`: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform - `dateModified[date-time]`: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform - `description[string]`: A description of this item - `extCategory[array]`: External category to complement category - `extraSpotNumber[number]`: The number of extra spots _available_, i.e. free. This value must aggregate free spots from all groups mentioned below: A/ Those reserved for special purposes and usually require a permit. Permit details will be found at parking group level (entity of type `ParkingGroup`). B/ Those reserved for other vehicle types different than the principal allowed vehicle type. C/ Any other group of parking spots not subject to the general condition rules conveyed by this entity . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `facilities[array]`: Allowed values: The following defined by the _EquipmentTypeEnum_ enumeration of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'bikeParking, cashMachine, copyMachineOrService, defibrillator, dumpingStation, electricChargingStation, elevator, faxMachineOrService, fireHose, fireExtinguisher, fireHydrant, firstAidEquipment, freshWater, iceFreeScaffold, informationPoint, internetWireless, luggageLocker, payDesk, paymentMachine, playground, publicPhone, refuseBin, safeDeposit, shower, toilet, tollTerminal, vendingMachine, wasteDisposal' . Any other application-specific . Model: []() - `firstAvailableFloor[number]`: Number of the floor closest to the ground which currently has available parking spots. Allowed values: Stories are numbered between -n and n, being 0 ground floor . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `fourWheelerSlots[object]`: Four wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSlotNumber[number]`: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + - `occupiedSlotNumber[number]`: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) +- `highestFloor[number]`: For parking sites with multiple floor levels, highest floor. An integer number. 0 is ground level. Upper floors are positive numbers. Lower floors are negative ones . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `id[*]`: Unique identifier of the entity - `images[array]`: A URL containing a photo of this parking site . Model: [https://schema.org/image](https://schema.org/image) - `layout[array]`: Parking layout. Gives more details to the `category` attribute. Allowed values: As per the _ParkingLayoutEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'automatedParkingGarage, carports, covered, field, garageBoxes, multiLevel, multiStorey, nested, openSpace, rooftop, sheds, singleLevel, surface, other'. See also [OpenStreetMap](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dparking). Or any other value useful for the application and not covered above . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `location[*]`: Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon - `lowestFloor[number]`: For parking sites with multiple floor levels, lowest floor. Allowed values: An integer number . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `maximumAllowedHeight[number]`: Maximum allowed height for vehicles. If there are multiple zones, it will be the minimum height of all the zones . Model: [http://schema.org/heigth](http://schema.org/heigth) - `maximumAllowedWidth[number]`: Maximum allowed width for vehicles. If there are multiple zones, it will be the minimum width of all the zones . Model: [http://schema.org/width](http://schema.org/width) - `maximumParkingDuration[string]`: Maximum allowed stay at site, on a general basis, encoded as a ISO8601 duration or with any other string relevant for parking. An empty value or when non present indicates an indefinite duration . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `measuresPeriod[number]`: The measures period related to availableSpotNumber and priceRatePerMinute . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `measuresPeriodUnit[string]`: The measures period unit related to availableSpotNumber and PriceRatePerMinute . Model: [http://schema.org/unitText](http://schema.org/unitText) - `municipalityInfo[object]`: Municipality information corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `cityId[string]`: City ID corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `cityName[string]`: City name corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `district[string]`: District name corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `stateName[string]`: Name of the state corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `ulbName[string]`: Name of the Urban Local Body corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `wardId[string]`: Ward ID corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `wardName[string]`: Ward name corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) + - `wardNum[number]`: Ward number corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + - `zoneId[string]`: Zone ID corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) +- `name[string]`: The name of this item - `observationDateTime[date-time]`: Last reported time of observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `occupancy[number]`: Relative value of occupied spots out of the total spots. Allowed values: 0 - 1 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `occupancyDetectionType[array]`: Occupancy detection method(s). Allowed values: The following from DATEX II version 2.3 _OccupancyDetectionTypeEnum_. Enum:'balancing, manual, modelBased, none, singleSpaceDetection'. Or any other application-specific . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `occupancyModified[date-time]`: Last time the occupancy values were modified. Allowed values: ISO 8601 . Model: [http://schema.org/DateTime](http://schema.org/DateTime) - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: Number of total parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `openingHours[string]`: Opening hours of the parking site . Model: [http://schema.org/openingHours](http://schema.org/openingHours) - `outOfServiceSlotNumber[number]`: The number of bike racks/bike-docking slots or parking slots that are out of order and cannot be used to hire or park a bike in the bike docking station or parking site corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `owner[array]`: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s) - `parkingMode[array]`: Parking mode(s). Allowed values: Those defined by the DATEX II version 2.3 _ParkingModeEnum_ enumeration. Enum:'echelonParking, parallelParking, perpendicularParking' . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `parkingSiteId[string]`: The unique ID of the parking site or parking lot corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `priceCurrency[string]`: Price currency of price rate per minute . Model: [https://schema.org/priceCurrency](https://schema.org/priceCurrency) - `priceRatePerMinute[number]`: Price rate per minute . Model: [ https://schema.org/Number]( https://schema.org/Number) - `provider[object]`: Parking site service provider . Model: [https://schema.org/provider](https://schema.org/provider) - `refParkingAccess[*]`: Parking site's access point(s) . Model: [http://schema.org/URL](http://schema.org/URL) - `refParkingGroup[*]`: Parking site identified group(s). A group can correspond to a zone, a complete storey, a group of spots, etc . Model: [http://schema.org/URL](http://schema.org/URL) - `refParkingSpot[*]`: Individual parking spots belonging to this offStreet parking site - `requiredPermit[array]`: This attribute captures what permit(s) might be needed to park at this site. Semantics is that at least _one of_ these permits is needed to park. When a permit is composed by more than one item (and) they can be combined with a ','. For instance 'residentPermit,disabledPermit' stays that both, at the same time, a resident and a disabled permit are needed to park. If the list is empty no permit is needed. Allowed values: The following, defined by the _PermitTypeEnum_ enumeration of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'employeePermit, fairPermit, governmentPermit, noPermitNeeded, residentPermit, specificIdentifiedVehiclePermit, studentPermit, visitorPermit'. Or any other application-specific - `reservationType[array]`: he following specified by _ReservationTypeEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'mandatory, notAvailable, optional, partly' . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `security[array]`: Security aspects provided by this parking site. Allowed values: The following, some of them, defined by _ParkingSecurityEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'areaSeparatedFromSurroundings, cctv, dog, externalSecurity, fences, floodLight, guard24hours, lighting, patrolled, securityStaff' . or any other application-specific . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `seeAlso[*]`: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item - `source[string]`: A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object - `specialLocation[array]`: If the parking site is at a special location (airport, department store, etc.) it conveys what is such special location. Allowed values: Those defined by _ParkingSpecialLocationEnum_ of [DATEX II version 2.3](http://www.datex2.eu/content/parking-publications-extension-v10a). Enum:'airportTerminal, cableCarStation, campground, cinema, coachStation, conventionCentre, exhibitionCentre, ferryTerminal, hotel, market, publicTransportStation, religiousCentre, shoppingCentre, skilift, specificFacility, themePark, trainStation, vehicleOnRailTerminal, other' . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `status[array]`: Status of the parking site. Allowed values: The following defined by the following enumerations defined by DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'almostFull, closed, closedAbnormal, full, fullAtEntrance, open, openingTimesInForce, spacesAvailable'. Or any other application-specific . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `totalSpotNumber[number]`: The total number of spots offered by this parking site. This number can be difficult to be obtained for those parking locations on which spots are not clearly marked by lines. Allowed values: Any positive integer number or 0. Normative references: DATEX 2 version 2.3 attribute _parkingNumberOfSpaces_ of the _ParkingRecord_ class . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `twoWheelerSlots[object]`: Two wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) +- `type[string]`: It has to be OffStreetParking - `unclassifiedSlots[object]`: Unclassified vehicles or other vehicles parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `availableSpotNumber[number]`: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + - `occupiedSpotNumber[number]`: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) +- `usageScenario[array]`: Usage scenario(s). Gives more details to the `category` attribute. Allowed values: Those defined by the enumeration _ParkingUsageScenarioEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:'automaticParkingGuidance, carSharing, dropOffWithValet, dropOffMechanical, dropOff, eventParking, kissAndRide, liftShare, loadingBay, overnightParking, parkAndCycle, parkAndRide, parkAndWalk, restArea, serviceArea, staffGuidesToSpace, truckParking, vehicleLift, other'. Or any other value useful for the application and not covered above . Model: [http://schema.org/Text](http://schema.org/Text) - `vehicleEntranceCount[number]`: Aggregated number of vehicle that enter the parking site in a period of time . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `vehicleExitCount[number]`: Aggregated number of vehicle that leave the parking site in a period of time . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) Required properties - `id` - `location` - `type` @@ -33,7 +55,7 @@ OffStreetParking: description: Off street parking properties: acceptedPaymentMethod: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/acceptedPaymentMethod''. Enum:''ByBankTransferInAdvance, ByInvoice, Cash, CheckInAdvance, COD, DirectDebit, GoogleCheckout, PayPal, PaySwarm''. Accepted payment method(s).' + description: 'Enum:''ByBankTransferInAdvance, ByInvoice, Cash, CheckInAdvance, COD, DirectDebit, GoogleCheckout, PayPal, PaySwarm''. Accepted payment method(s)' items: enum: - ByBankTransferInAdvance @@ -53,7 +75,7 @@ OffStreetParking: model: https://schema.org/acceptedPaymentMethod type: Property accessModified: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/DateTime''. Timestamp when `vehicleEntranceCount` and `vehicleExitCount` was updated. Allowed values: ISO8601' + description: 'Timestamp when `vehicleEntranceCount` and `vehicleExitCount` was updated. Allowed values: ISO8601' type: string x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/DateTime @@ -62,41 +84,63 @@ OffStreetParking: description: The mailing address properties: addressCountry: - description: 'Property. The country. For example, Spain. Model:''https://schema.org/addressCountry''' + description: 'The country. For example, Spain' type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressCountry + type: Property addressLocality: - description: 'Property. The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region. Model:''https://schema.org/addressLocality''' + description: 'The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region' type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressLocality + type: Property addressRegion: - description: 'Property. The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country. Model:''https://schema.org/addressRegion''' + description: 'The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country' type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressRegion + type: Property district: - description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government.' + description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government' type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property postOfficeBoxNumber: - description: 'Property. The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578. Model:''https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber''' + description: 'The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578' type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber + type: Property postalCode: - description: 'Property. The postal code. For example, 24004. Model:''https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode''' + description: 'The postal code. For example, 24004' type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode + type: Property streetAddress: - description: 'Property. The street address. Model:''https://schema.org/streetAddress''' + description: The street address type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/streetAddress + type: Property streetNr: - description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street. + description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property type: object x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/address type: Property aggregateRating: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/aggregateRating''. Aggregated rating for this parking site.' + description: Aggregated rating for this parking site type: object x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/aggregateRating type: Property allowedVehicleType: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. Vehicle type(s) allowed. The first element of this array _MUST_ be the principal vehicle type allowed. Free spot numbers of other allowed vehicle types might be reported under the attribute `extraSpotNumber` and through specific entities of type _ParkingGroup_. The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_, [DATEX 2 version 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/downloads/modelv23.html). Enum:''agriculturalVehicle, anyVehicle, bicycle, bus, car, caravan, carWithCaravan, carWithTrailer, constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle, lorry, moped, motorcycle, motorcycleWithSideCar, motorscooter, tanker, trailer, van''' + description: ' Vehicle type(s) allowed. The first element of this array _MUST_ be the principal vehicle type allowed. Free spot numbers of other allowed vehicle types might be reported under the attribute `extraSpotNumber` and through specific entities of type _ParkingGroup_. The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_, [DATEX 2 version 2.3](http://d2docs.ndwcloud.nu/downloads/modelv23.html). Enum:''agriculturalVehicle, anyVehicle, bicycle, bus, car, caravan, carWithCaravan, carWithTrailer, constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle, lorry, moped, motorcycle, motorcycleWithSideCar, motorscooter, tanker, trailer, van''' items: enum: - agriculturalVehicle @@ -135,14 +179,14 @@ OffStreetParking: model: https://schema.org/Text type: Property availableSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. The number of spots available (_including_ all vehicle types or reserved spaces, such as those for disabled people, long term parkers and so on). This might be harder to estimate at those parking locations on which spots borders are not clearly marked by lines. Allowed values: A positive integer number, including 0. It must lower or equal than `totalSpotNumber`.' + description: 'The number of spots available (_including_ all vehicle types or reserved spaces, such as those for disabled people, long term parkers and so on). This might be harder to estimate at those parking locations on which spots borders are not clearly marked by lines. Allowed values: A positive integer number, including 0. It must lower or equal than `totalSpotNumber`' minimum: 0 type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property averageSpotLength: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/length''. Units:''meters''. The average length of parking spots.' + description: The average length of parking spots exclusiveMinimum: true minimum: 0 type: number @@ -151,7 +195,7 @@ OffStreetParking: type: Property units: meters averageSpotWidth: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/width''. Units:''meters''. The average width of parking spots.' + description: The average width of parking spots minimum: 0 type: number x-ngsi: @@ -159,7 +203,7 @@ OffStreetParking: type: Property units: meters category: - description: 'Property. Parking site''s category(ies). The purpose of this field is to allow to tag, generally speaking, off street parking entities' + description: 'Parking site''s category(ies). The purpose of this field is to allow to tag, generally speaking, off street parking entities' items: enum: - barrierAccess @@ -198,7 +242,7 @@ OffStreetParking: x-ngsi: type: Property chargeType: - description: 'Property. Type(s) of charge performed by the parking site. Allowed values: Some of those defined by the DATEX II version 2.3 _ ChargeTypeEnum_ enumeration. Enum:''additionalIntervalPrice, annualPayment, firstIntervalPrice, flat, free, minimum, maximum, monthlyPayment, other, seasonTicket, temporaryPrice''. Or any other application-specific' + description: 'Type(s) of charge performed by the parking site. Allowed values: Some of those defined by the DATEX II version 2.3 _ ChargeTypeEnum_ enumeration. Enum:''additionalIntervalPrice, annualPayment, firstIntervalPrice, flat, free, minimum, maximum, monthlyPayment, other, seasonTicket, temporaryPrice''. Or any other application-specific' items: enum: - additionalIntervalPrice @@ -219,24 +263,24 @@ OffStreetParking: x-ngsi: type: Property contactPoint: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/contactPoint''. Parking site contact point.' + description: Parking site contact point type: object x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/contactPoint type: Property dataProvider: - description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity. + description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity type: string x-ngsi: type: Property dateCreated: - description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform. + description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform format: date-time type: string x-ngsi: type: Property dateModified: - description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform. + description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform format: date-time type: string x-ngsi: @@ -247,7 +291,7 @@ OffStreetParking: x-ngsi: type: Property extCategory: - description: Property. External category to complement category. + description: External category to complement category items: type: string minItems: 1 @@ -256,14 +300,14 @@ OffStreetParking: x-ngsi: type: Property extraSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. The number of extra spots _available_, i.e. free. This value must aggregate free spots from all groups mentioned below: A/ Those reserved for special purposes and usually require a permit. Permit details will be found at parking group level (entity of type `ParkingGroup`). B/ Those reserved for other vehicle types different than the principal allowed vehicle type. C/ Any other group of parking spots not subject to the general condition rules conveyed by this entity.' + description: 'The number of extra spots _available_, i.e. free. This value must aggregate free spots from all groups mentioned below: A/ Those reserved for special purposes and usually require a permit. Permit details will be found at parking group level (entity of type `ParkingGroup`). B/ Those reserved for other vehicle types different than the principal allowed vehicle type. C/ Any other group of parking spots not subject to the general condition rules conveyed by this entity' minimum: 0 type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property facilities: - description: 'Property. Model:''''. Allowed values: The following defined by the _EquipmentTypeEnum_ enumeration of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''bikeParking, cashMachine, copyMachineOrService, defibrillator, dumpingStation, electricChargingStation, elevator, faxMachineOrService, fireHose, fireExtinguisher, fireHydrant, firstAidEquipment, freshWater, iceFreeScaffold, informationPoint, internetWireless, luggageLocker, payDesk, paymentMachine, playground, publicPhone, refuseBin, safeDeposit, shower, toilet, tollTerminal, vendingMachine, wasteDisposal'' . Any other application-specific' + description: 'Allowed values: The following defined by the _EquipmentTypeEnum_ enumeration of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''bikeParking, cashMachine, copyMachineOrService, defibrillator, dumpingStation, electricChargingStation, elevator, faxMachineOrService, fireHose, fireExtinguisher, fireHydrant, firstAidEquipment, freshWater, iceFreeScaffold, informationPoint, internetWireless, luggageLocker, payDesk, paymentMachine, playground, publicPhone, refuseBin, safeDeposit, shower, toilet, tollTerminal, vendingMachine, wasteDisposal'' . Any other application-specific' items: enum: - bikeParking @@ -302,48 +346,61 @@ OffStreetParking: model: "" type: Property firstAvailableFloor: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. Number of the floor closest to the ground which currently has available parking spots. Allowed values: Stories are numbered between -n and n, being 0 ground floor.' + description: 'Number of the floor closest to the ground which currently has available parking spots. Allowed values: Stories are numbered between -n and n, being 0 ground floor' type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property fourWheelerSlots: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text. Four wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation.' + description: Four wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation properties: availableSlotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber.' + description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property occupiedSlotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber.' + description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property totalSlotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation.' + description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property type: object x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/Text type: Property highestFloor: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. For parking sites with multiple floor levels, highest floor. An integer number. 0 is ground level. Upper floors are positive numbers. Lower floors are negative ones.' + description: 'For parking sites with multiple floor levels, highest floor. An integer number. 0 is ground level. Upper floors are positive numbers. Lower floors are negative ones' type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property id: - anyOf: &offstreetparking_-_properties_-_owner_-_items_-_anyof - - description: Property. Identifier format of any NGSI entity + anyOf: + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity maxLength: 256 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ type: string - - description: Property. Identifier format of any NGSI entity + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity format: uri type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property description: Unique identifier of the entity x-ngsi: type: Property images: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/image''. A URL containing a photo of this parking site' + description: A URL containing a photo of this parking site items: format: uri type: string @@ -352,7 +409,7 @@ OffStreetParking: model: https://schema.org/image type: Property layout: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. Parking layout. Gives more details to the `category` attribute. Allowed values: As per the _ParkingLayoutEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''automatedParkingGarage, carports, covered, field, garageBoxes, multiLevel, multiStorey, nested, openSpace, rooftop, sheds, singleLevel, surface, other''. See also [OpenStreetMap](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dparking). Or any other value useful for the application and not covered above.' + description: 'Parking layout. Gives more details to the `category` attribute. Allowed values: As per the _ParkingLayoutEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''automatedParkingGarage, carports, covered, field, garageBoxes, multiLevel, multiStorey, nested, openSpace, rooftop, sheds, singleLevel, surface, other''. See also [OpenStreetMap](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dparking). Or any other value useful for the application and not covered above' items: enum: - automatedParkingGarage @@ -379,7 +436,7 @@ OffStreetParking: location: description: 'Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon' oneOf: - - description: GeoProperty. Geojson reference to the item. Point + - description: Geojson reference to the item. Point properties: bbox: items: @@ -400,7 +457,9 @@ OffStreetParking: - coordinates title: GeoJSON Point type: object - - description: GeoProperty. Geojson reference to the item. LineString + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. LineString properties: bbox: items: @@ -424,7 +483,9 @@ OffStreetParking: - coordinates title: GeoJSON LineString type: object - - description: GeoProperty. Geojson reference to the item. Polygon + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. Polygon properties: bbox: items: @@ -450,7 +511,9 @@ OffStreetParking: - coordinates title: GeoJSON Polygon type: object - - description: GeoProperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint properties: bbox: items: @@ -473,7 +536,9 @@ OffStreetParking: - coordinates title: GeoJSON MultiPoint type: object - - description: GeoProperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString properties: bbox: items: @@ -499,7 +564,9 @@ OffStreetParking: - coordinates title: GeoJSON MultiLineString type: object - - description: GeoProperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString properties: bbox: items: @@ -527,16 +594,18 @@ OffStreetParking: - coordinates title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty x-ngsi: type: GeoProperty lowestFloor: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. For parking sites with multiple floor levels, lowest floor. Allowed values: An integer number.' + description: 'For parking sites with multiple floor levels, lowest floor. Allowed values: An integer number' type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property maximumAllowedHeight: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/heigth''. Units:''meters''. Maximum allowed height for vehicles. If there are multiple zones, it will be the minimum height of all the zones.' + description: 'Maximum allowed height for vehicles. If there are multiple zones, it will be the minimum height of all the zones' exclusiveMinimum: true minimum: 0 type: number @@ -545,7 +614,7 @@ OffStreetParking: type: Property units: meters maximumAllowedWidth: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/width''. Units:''Meters''. Maximum allowed width for vehicles. If there are multiple zones, it will be the minimum width of all the zones.' + description: 'Maximum allowed width for vehicles. If there are multiple zones, it will be the minimum width of all the zones' exclusiveMinimum: true minimum: 0 type: number @@ -554,74 +623,104 @@ OffStreetParking: type: Property units: Meters maximumParkingDuration: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. Maximum allowed stay at site, on a general basis, encoded as a ISO8601 duration or with any other string relevant for parking. An empty value or when non present indicates an indefinite duration' + description: 'Maximum allowed stay at site, on a general basis, encoded as a ISO8601 duration or with any other string relevant for parking. An empty value or when non present indicates an indefinite duration' type: string x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Text type: Property measuresPeriod: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. The measures period related to availableSpotNumber and priceRatePerMinute.' + description: The measures period related to availableSpotNumber and priceRatePerMinute type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property measuresPeriodUnit: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/unitText''. The measures period unit related to availableSpotNumber and PriceRatePerMinute.' + description: The measures period unit related to availableSpotNumber and PriceRatePerMinute type: string x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/unitText type: Property municipalityInfo: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text. Municipality information corresponding to this observation.' + description: Municipality information corresponding to this observation properties: cityId: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. City ID corresponding to this observation.' + description: City ID corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property cityName: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. City name corresponding to this observation' + description: City name corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property district: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. District name corresponding to this observation.' + description: District name corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property stateName: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. Name of the state corresponding to this observation.' + description: Name of the state corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property ulbName: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. Name of the Urban Local Body corresponding to this observation.' + description: Name of the Urban Local Body corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property wardId: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. Ward ID corresponding to this observation.' + description: Ward ID corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property wardName: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. Ward name corresponding to this observation.' + description: Ward name corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property wardNum: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. Ward number corresponding to this observation.' + description: Ward number corresponding to this observation type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property zoneId: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. Zone ID corresponding to this observation.' + description: Zone ID corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property zoneName: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. Zone name corresponding to this observation.' + description: Zone name corresponding to this observation type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property type: object x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/Text type: Property name: - description: The name of this item. + description: The name of this item type: string x-ngsi: type: Property observationDateTime: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. Last reported time of observation.' + description: Last reported time of observation format: date-time type: string x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/Text type: Property occupancy: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. Relative value of occupied spots out of the total spots. Allowed values: 0 - 1' + description: 'Relative value of occupied spots out of the total spots. Allowed values: 0 - 1' maximum: 1 minimum: 0 type: number @@ -629,7 +728,7 @@ OffStreetParking: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property occupancyDetectionType: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. Occupancy detection method(s). Allowed values: The following from DATEX II version 2.3 _OccupancyDetectionTypeEnum_. Enum:''balancing, manual, modelBased, none, singleSpaceDetection''. Or any other application-specific' + description: 'Occupancy detection method(s). Allowed values: The following from DATEX II version 2.3 _OccupancyDetectionTypeEnum_. Enum:''balancing, manual, modelBased, none, singleSpaceDetection''. Or any other application-specific' items: enum: - balancing @@ -645,27 +744,27 @@ OffStreetParking: model: http://schema.org/Text type: Property occupancyModified: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/DateTime''. Last time the occupancy values were modified. Allowed values: ISO 8601' + description: 'Last time the occupancy values were modified. Allowed values: ISO 8601' format: date-time type: string x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/DateTime type: Property occupiedSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. Number of total parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber' + description: Number of total parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positive number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber minimum: 0 type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property openingHours: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/openingHours''. Opening hours of the parking site.' + description: Opening hours of the parking site type: string x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/openingHours type: Property outOfServiceSlotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. The number of bike racks/bike-docking slots or parking slots that are out of order and cannot be used to hire or park a bike in the bike docking station or parking site corresponding to this observation.' + description: The number of bike racks/bike-docking slots or parking slots that are out of order and cannot be used to hire or park a bike in the bike docking station or parking site corresponding to this observation type: number x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/Number @@ -673,13 +772,27 @@ OffStreetParking: owner: description: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s) items: - anyOf: *offstreetparking_-_properties_-_owner_-_items_-_anyof - description: Property. Unique identifier of the entity + anyOf: + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: Unique identifier of the entity + x-ngsi: + type: Property type: array x-ngsi: type: Property parkingMode: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. Parking mode(s). Allowed values: Those defined by the DATEX II version 2.3 _ParkingModeEnum_ enumeration. Enum:''echelonParking, parallelParking, perpendicularParking''' + description: 'Parking mode(s). Allowed values: Those defined by the DATEX II version 2.3 _ParkingModeEnum_ enumeration. Enum:''echelonParking, parallelParking, perpendicularParking''' items: enum: - echelonParking @@ -693,25 +806,25 @@ OffStreetParking: model: http://schema.org/Text type: Property parkingSiteId: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text''. The unique ID of the parking site or parking lot corresponding to this observation.' + description: The unique ID of the parking site or parking lot corresponding to this observation type: string x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/Text type: Property priceCurrency: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/priceCurrency''. Price currency of price rate per minute' + description: Price currency of price rate per minute type: string x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/priceCurrency type: Property priceRatePerMinute: - description: 'Property. Model: ''https://schema.org/Number''. Price rate per minute.' + description: Price rate per minute type: number x-ngsi: model: ' https://schema.org/Number' type: Property provider: - description: 'Property. Parking site service provider. Model:''https://schema.org/provider''' + description: Parking site service provider type: object x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/provider @@ -724,7 +837,7 @@ OffStreetParking: type: string - format: uri type: string - description: 'Relationship. Model:''http://schema.org/URL''. Parking site''s access point(s).' + description: Parking site's access point(s) x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/URL type: Relationship @@ -736,7 +849,7 @@ OffStreetParking: type: string - format: uri type: string - description: 'Relationship. Model:''http://schema.org/URL''. Parking site identified group(s). A group can correspond to a zone, a complete storey, a group of spots, etc.' + description: 'Parking site identified group(s). A group can correspond to a zone, a complete storey, a group of spots, etc' x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/URL type: Relationship @@ -748,11 +861,11 @@ OffStreetParking: type: string - format: uri type: string - description: Relationship. Individual parking spots belonging to this offStreet parking site. + description: Individual parking spots belonging to this offStreet parking site x-ngsi: type: Relationship requiredPermit: - description: 'Property. This attribute captures what permit(s) might be needed to park at this site. Semantics is that at least _one of_ these permits is needed to park. When a permit is composed by more than one item (and) they can be combined with a '',''. For instance ''residentPermit,disabledPermit'' stays that both, at the same time, a resident and a disabled permit are needed to park. If the list is empty no permit is needed. Allowed values: The following, defined by the _PermitTypeEnum_ enumeration of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''employeePermit, fairPermit, governmentPermit, noPermitNeeded, residentPermit, specificIdentifiedVehiclePermit, studentPermit, visitorPermit''. Or any other application-specific' + description: 'This attribute captures what permit(s) might be needed to park at this site. Semantics is that at least _one of_ these permits is needed to park. When a permit is composed by more than one item (and) they can be combined with a '',''. For instance ''residentPermit,disabledPermit'' stays that both, at the same time, a resident and a disabled permit are needed to park. If the list is empty no permit is needed. Allowed values: The following, defined by the _PermitTypeEnum_ enumeration of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''employeePermit, fairPermit, governmentPermit, noPermitNeeded, residentPermit, specificIdentifiedVehiclePermit, studentPermit, visitorPermit''. Or any other application-specific' items: enum: - employeePermit @@ -770,7 +883,7 @@ OffStreetParking: x-ngsi: type: Property reservationType: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. he following specified by _ReservationTypeEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''mandatory, notAvailable, optional, partly''' + description: 'he following specified by _ReservationTypeEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''mandatory, notAvailable, optional, partly''' items: enum: - mandatory @@ -785,7 +898,7 @@ OffStreetParking: model: http://schema.org/Text type: Property security: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. Security aspects provided by this parking site. Allowed values: The following, some of them, defined by _ParkingSecurityEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''areaSeparatedFromSurroundings, cctv, dog, externalSecurity, fences, floodLight, guard24hours, lighting, patrolled, securityStaff'' . or any other application-specific' + description: 'Security aspects provided by this parking site. Allowed values: The following, some of them, defined by _ParkingSecurityEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''areaSeparatedFromSurroundings, cctv, dog, externalSecurity, fences, floodLight, guard24hours, lighting, patrolled, securityStaff'' . or any other application-specific' items: enum: - areaSeparatedFromSurroundings @@ -818,12 +931,12 @@ OffStreetParking: x-ngsi: type: Property source: - description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object.' + description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object' type: string x-ngsi: type: Property specialLocation: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. If the parking site is at a special location (airport, department store, etc.) it conveys what is such special location. Allowed values: Those defined by _ParkingSpecialLocationEnum_ of [DATEX II version 2.3](http://www.datex2.eu/content/parking-publications-extension-v10a). Enum:''airportTerminal, cableCarStation, campground, cinema, coachStation, conventionCentre, exhibitionCentre, ferryTerminal, hotel, market, publicTransportStation, religiousCentre, shoppingCentre, skilift, specificFacility, themePark, trainStation, vehicleOnRailTerminal, other''' + description: 'If the parking site is at a special location (airport, department store, etc.) it conveys what is such special location. Allowed values: Those defined by _ParkingSpecialLocationEnum_ of [DATEX II version 2.3](http://www.datex2.eu/content/parking-publications-extension-v10a). Enum:''airportTerminal, cableCarStation, campground, cinema, coachStation, conventionCentre, exhibitionCentre, ferryTerminal, hotel, market, publicTransportStation, religiousCentre, shoppingCentre, skilift, specificFacility, themePark, trainStation, vehicleOnRailTerminal, other''' items: enum: - airportTerminal @@ -853,7 +966,7 @@ OffStreetParking: model: http://schema.org/Text type: Property status: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. Status of the parking site. Allowed values: The following defined by the following enumerations defined by DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''almostFull, closed, closedAbnormal, full, fullAtEntrance, open, openingTimesInForce, spacesAvailable''. Or any other application-specific' + description: 'Status of the parking site. Allowed values: The following defined by the following enumerations defined by DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''almostFull, closed, closedAbnormal, full, fullAtEntrance, open, openingTimesInForce, spacesAvailable''. Or any other application-specific' items: enum: - almostFull @@ -872,53 +985,71 @@ OffStreetParking: model: http://schema.org/Text type: Property totalSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. The total number of spots offered by this parking site. This number can be difficult to be obtained for those parking locations on which spots are not clearly marked by lines. Allowed values: Any positive integer number or 0. Normative references: DATEX 2 version 2.3 attribute _parkingNumberOfSpaces_ of the _ParkingRecord_ class.' + description: 'The total number of spots offered by this parking site. This number can be difficult to be obtained for those parking locations on which spots are not clearly marked by lines. Allowed values: Any positive integer number or 0. Normative references: DATEX 2 version 2.3 attribute _parkingNumberOfSpaces_ of the _ParkingRecord_ class' minimum: 1 type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property twoWheelerSlots: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text. Two wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation.' + description: Two wheeler parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation properties: availableSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber.' + description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property occupiedSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber.' + description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property totalSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation.' + description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property type: object x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/Text type: Property type: - description: Property. It has to be OffStreetParking + description: It has to be OffStreetParking enum: - OffStreetParking type: string x-ngsi: type: Property unclassifiedSlots: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Text. Unclassified vehicles or other vehicles parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation.' + description: Unclassified vehicles or other vehicles parking spot availability status in parking site corresponding to this observation properties: availableSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber.' + description: Number of parking spots available for use in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property occupiedSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber.' + description: Number of parking spots occupied in the smart parking site corresponding to this observation. This must a positve number lower than or equal to the totalSpotNumber type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property totalSpotNumber: - description: 'Property. Model:''https://schema.org/Number''. The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation.' + description: The total number of spots offered by the parking site corresponding to this observation type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property type: object x-ngsi: model: https://schema.org/Text type: Property usageScenario: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Text''. Usage scenario(s). Gives more details to the `category` attribute. Allowed values: Those defined by the enumeration _ParkingUsageScenarioEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''automaticParkingGuidance, carSharing, dropOffWithValet, dropOffMechanical, dropOff, eventParking, kissAndRide, liftShare, loadingBay, overnightParking, parkAndCycle, parkAndRide, parkAndWalk, restArea, serviceArea, staffGuidesToSpace, truckParking, vehicleLift, other''. Or any other value useful for the application and not covered above.' + description: 'Usage scenario(s). Gives more details to the `category` attribute. Allowed values: Those defined by the enumeration _ParkingUsageScenarioEnum_ of DATEX II version 2.3. Enum:''automaticParkingGuidance, carSharing, dropOffWithValet, dropOffMechanical, dropOff, eventParking, kissAndRide, liftShare, loadingBay, overnightParking, parkAndCycle, parkAndRide, parkAndWalk, restArea, serviceArea, staffGuidesToSpace, truckParking, vehicleLift, other''. Or any other value useful for the application and not covered above' items: enum: - automaticParkingGuidance @@ -948,14 +1079,14 @@ OffStreetParking: model: http://schema.org/Text type: Property vehicleEntranceCount: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. Aggregated number of vehicle that enter the parking site in a period of time.' + description: Aggregated number of vehicle that enter the parking site in a period of time minimum: 0 type: number x-ngsi: model: http://schema.org/Number type: Property vehicleExitCount: - description: 'Property. Model:''http://schema.org/Number''. Aggregated number of vehicle that leave the parking site in a period of time.' + description: Aggregated number of vehicle that leave the parking site in a period of time minimum: 0 type: number x-ngsi: @@ -1081,8 +1212,8 @@ OffStreetParking: ] }, "extCategory": { - "type": "Text", - "value": "A" + "type": "array", + "value": ["A"] }, "layout": { "type": "array",