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Flutter TODO application for cs50 final project with hive database.

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TODO application

TODO apllication for CS50 final project with flutter framework.


This is my Final project for CS50 course. This is a TODO list application for Mobile(Android and iOS), Desktop(Windows, Linux and MacOS) and Web with Flutter framework.

You may ask me What is a TODo list? The answer is simple: To Do list is a list of tasks you want to complete, or tasks you want to do and this application helps you to manage your tasks.

About Flutter (From documentation):

  • Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
  • Flutter code compiles to ARM or Intel machine code as well as JavaScript, for fast performance on any device.
  • Flutter is powered by Dart, a language optimized for fast apps on any platform
  • ...

In this application to save TODO objects in device storage I used Hive database and as you know Hive is a Fast, Enjoyable and Secure NoSQL Database.

About Hive (From documentation):

  • Hive is a lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart. Inspired by Bitcask.
  • All data stored in Hive is organized in boxes. A box can be compared to a table in SQL, but it does not have a structure and can contain anything.
  • Cross platform: mobile, desktop, browser.
  • ...

To save TODOs with Hive, I make my TODO model like this:

import 'package:hive/hive.dart';

part 'todo.g.dart';

@HiveType(typeId: 0)
class TODO extends HiveObject {
  final String id;

  final String name;

  final DateTime time;

  bool done = false;

  TODO({required, required, required this.time});

I actually used material design for building ui/ux. Another beautiful feature in my project is dark mode supporting, application detects theme mode of the device then apply the correct(light or dark) theme. For dark mode I added this to the MaterialApp:

darkTheme: ThemeData(
        brightness: Brightness.dark,

This is my app logo:


Here is a preview of my application in Mobile:

This is the empty main page:


When you want to create a new TODO you should fill in these fields.


When you want to choose a date for the TODO you should select your date from this page.


If you want to delete a TODO after click on delete icon, youo chould press the delete text to confirm deleting TODO.


Here is a preview of my application in Desktop(Windows):

This is the main page with some TODOs


This is date picker for adding a new TODO


This is the warning message to confirm deleting the TODO


At last its turn to take a look at a preview of my application in Web or PWA app (in dark mode):

This is a dark view from main page and adding TODO


This is a dark view from confirm deleting warning.


This was my ptoject for CS50 course.


Flutter TODO application for cs50 final project with hive database.



