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Comparative Analysis of Unsupervised Learning Methods for Real-time Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

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Comparative Analysis of Unsupervised Learning Methods for Real-time Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

This project is a collaborative assignment for the Open Source Technologies / Stream Mining subjects.


The primary objective of this project is to conduct a comparative analysis of unsupervised learning methods for real-time anomaly detection within Industrial Control Systems (ICSs). The project aims to assess algorithmic effectiveness and applicability in domains like cybersecurity and industrial monitoring.


The project follows a structured architecture:

Architecture Diagram

Technologies Used

The project leverages several open-source technologies:

  • Kafka: An open-source distributed event streaming platform crucial for efficient data pipelines and streaming analytics.
  • PySpark: An interface for Apache Spark in Python, supporting various Spark functionalities like Spark SQL, DataFrame, Streaming, MLlib (Machine Learning), and Spark Core.
  • InfluxDB: An open-source time series database by InfluxData, suitable for storing and retrieving time series data in real-time applications.
  • Grafana: An open-source analytics and visualization web application capable of generating charts, graphs, and alerts when connected to compatible data sources.
  • Chronograf: A web application developed by InfluxData as part of the InfluxDB project, facilitating data visualization and exploration.

Run the Project

To execute the project, use the following command in the terminal:

  1. Run Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up 
  2. Merge SWaT Normal and Attack Datasets: Run to merge SWaT normal and attack datasets. This script combines these datasets for further processing.

  3. Create 'swat' Topic in Kafka: Inside the kafka folder, execute topic_creation.ipynb to create the 'swat' topic within Kafka. This step is required only once initially.

Data Streaming and Processing:

  1. Data Streaming to Kafka: Execute kafka_producer.ipynb in the kafka folder. This notebook streams data from CSV files into Kafka.

  2. Preprocess Data using Spark: a. Find the Spark container ID: sh docker ps # Copy the Spark container ID b. Access the Spark container: sh docker exec -it [spark_container_id] bash c. Preprocess data using Spark: sh spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.2 /sparkScripts/

  3. Perform Batch Data Preprocessing: Use to preprocess data using Spark libraries.

  4. Initiate Model Training on Batch Data: Commence model training by executing <model_name>.py scripts.

Visualization and Result Interpretation:

  1. Configure InfluxDB Data Source in Grafana and Chronograf: Set up a new InfluxDB data source in both Grafana and Chronograf to visualize and analyze the results.

Additional Notes:

  • All related scripts and sketches are located in the spark folder.
  • To run Spark scripts, access the Spark Docker container and execute:
    spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.2 /sparkScripts/<>