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Jarble a poem into an I Ching hexagram.

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Example I Ching'd poem

sguided them into thehem into t  vcavscriptures only our fingers
' tips can reade of your flesh.  wouldwouldmost delicate youryou
r temple birds would poin the s  tmy most deliif yinourcate bird
pieces ofs,pouriurbirdwould pou  oulds,imost delicate birds,i gu
ided them into the cave of your  lesh. guided thedelicate birds,
i guided thit is the wave'semm:  e softyour birdswould wouldinto
pin the ofsoft give ofthe cavek  a hand upon the stone ofamy mos
t delicate birds,i guided themh  to the cave ofnd iscripturesof,
your cave. atonly our fingers'p  ad thhowled at yopour forth.urt
ad these iwstthese in the softc  ve of yourone of yourouldn the.
smyself struck together for ill  ination.oft give oif your flesh
.e astemandple withsion.howledr  hyour cave as ifmosof myself st
ruck together fort delicate bir  ,birds,i guided them into the c
ave of youriointo the cave ofnl  our fingers' tipa memory ofshow
led at your can read guided the  f your biof mysmy mostelf struc
k together for illumination.rds  on the woupieces of myself stru
ck togetherld pour fbirds,i gui  d theentered your templem intog
the cave of your flesh.orth.bir  ?the soft give of yourds,i guid
ngers' tips can birds,imemory o  the soft giveguided them intoso
ft give of the cave of yoursoft  onfusion.give of yourtof my mos
t delicate birds,i guided them'  to the a hand upon the stonecav
e of delicate bgive of yourirds  hguided them into the cave of y
ourto tsofthe cofave of iwould:  ur forth. howled aentered yourn
templet ya hand upon the stoned  ouryourbirds would pourthere ar
e scriptures onlaid a hand upon  he stone of your cave.lymost de
liyourcate birds,iyour guided t  mwould pour intoof my mif yours
bimost delicate birds,i guidede  em into the cread these in ther
them intas if youro the cave of  our entered your templethe cavi
sentered youre ofin yourall ofk  bmost delicate birds,i guided t
hem intio of myself struck toge  here are scripturesherthe cavel
aid a of yourin the soft give o  wled at your cave asf your fleb
irds thethese inup  nthe stone of yoursoftread bias
vif your birds would pourrdsthe  uin the your birare scthese in 
theriptures only our fingers'ds  ouldswould pour forthoft givine
a hand upon the stone of your o  uldfyour youriflaid a hand upon
ythe stone your yourbirds ofwou  would stais a memory of starlig
ers'erwould pourighmemoryt.pour  areawould pourat your forthd th
esesofin twould pour forthhe so  lgivet in the sobirdsft give of
iyourd these wouldinpour forthi  t your cave as ifyour ofbat you
rof my most delbirds wouldicate  irds,i guided them into the cav
e of yhowled at yourmyself stru  dtogether fis a memoryorour fle
sh. cbirds wouldave as ifirhowo  d pourconfusion. forthwled atds
pour fyourorthof mcaveyself str  k pieces of myself struck toget
her fortogether foras if your b  ds would pourdesceis ant to uni
foi laidrmity.if memoscriptif y  r birds would pourures only our
         asmy mosthere are scriptures only our fingers' tips can
 readanddi read these in the soft give of your flesh.i laid a ha
nd upon the stone of your cave.i howled at your cave as ifbirds 
would pour forthin if your birds would pour forth.i
 enteredtyour temple withpieces of myself struck together for il
lumination.all of my most delicate birds,i guided them into the 
cave ofdyour flesh.sometimes one would escape.i would imitate th
e sound:have you seen this bird?it is a memory of i
s the wave's slow descent to uniformity.but you had not seen it.