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GraphQL for .NET

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This is an implementation of Facebook's GraphQL in .NET.

This project uses a lexer/parser originally written by Marek Magdziak and released with a MIT license. Thank you Marek!


You can install the latest version via NuGet.

PM> Install-Package GraphQL

Upgrade Guide

GraphiQL sample

There is a sample web api project hosting the GraphiQL interface. yarn install and yarn start from the root of the repository, then run the web project from Visual Studio.

Note: Before running the GraphiQL project: make sure you Build the entire solution so that all the project references get built. (GraphQL, GraphQL-Parser, etc) to avoid missing reference/assembly errors.

> npm install -g yarn
> yarn install
> yarn start


Define your schema with a top level query object then execute that query.

A more full-featured example including all classes required can be found here.

namespace ConsoleApplication
    using System;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using GraphQL;
    using GraphQL.Http;
    using GraphQL.Types;

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)

        private static async void Run()
          Console.WriteLine("Hello GraphQL!");

          var schema = new Schema { Query = new StarWarsQuery() };

          var result = await new DocumentExecuter().ExecuteAsync( _ =>
            _.Schema = schema;
            _.Query = @"
                query {
                  hero {

          var json = new DocumentWriter(indent: true).Write(result);


    public class Droid
      public string Id { get; set; }
      public string Name { get; set; }

    public class DroidType : ObjectGraphType<Droid>
      public DroidType()
        Field(x => x.Id).Description("The Id of the Droid.");
        Field(x => x.Name, nullable: true).Description("The name of the Droid.");

    public class StarWarsQuery : ObjectGraphType
      public StarWarsQuery()
          resolve: context => new Droid { Id = "1", Name = "R2-D2" }


Hello GraphQL!
  "data": {
    "hero": {
      "id": "1",
      "name": "R2-D2"


Grammar / AST

  • Grammar and AST for the GraphQL language should be compatible with the April 2016 specification.

Operation Execution

  • Scalars
  • Objects
  • Lists of objects/interfaces
  • Interfaces
  • Unions
  • Arguments
  • Variables
  • Fragments
  • Directives
    • Include
    • Skip
    • Custom
  • Enumerations
  • Input Objects
  • Mutations
  • Subscriptions
  • Async execution


  • Arguments of correct type
  • Default values of correct type
  • Fields on correct type
  • Fragments on composite types
  • Known argument names
  • Known directives
  • Known fragment names
  • Known type names
  • Lone anonymous operations
  • No fragment cycles
  • No undefined variables
  • No unused fragments
  • No unused variables
  • Overlapping fields can be merged
  • Possible fragment spreads
  • Provide non-null arguments
  • Scalar leafs
  • Unique argument names
  • Unique directives per location
  • Unique fragment names
  • Unique input field names
  • Unique operation names
  • Unique variable names
  • Variables are input types
  • Variables in allowed position

Schema Introspection

  • __typename
  • __type
    • name
    • kind
    • description
    • fields
    • interfaces
    • possibleTypes
    • enumValues
    • inputFields
    • ofType
  • __schema
    • types
    • queryType
    • mutationType
    • subscriptionType
    • directives

Deployment Process

yarn run setVersion 0.17.0
git commit/push
download nuget from AppVeyor
upload nuget package to github
publish nuget from MyGet

Running on .NET Core

The GraphQL.GraphiQLCore project runs on .NET Core 1.1. You can run from Visual Studio Code or from the command line using dotnet run. When you run the project, you will see the GraphiQL editor open.

When using Visual Studio Code, open to the ./src/GraphQL.GraphiQLCore folder. You will get a warning "Required assets to build and debug are missing from 'GraphQL.GraphiQLCore'. Add Them?". Choose Yes. This will add the necessary launch.json and tasks.json files.

Running on OSX with mono

To run this project on OSX with mono you will need to add some configuration. Make sure mono is installed and add the following to your bash configuration:

export FrameworkPathOverride=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/4.6.2/lib/mono/4.5/

See the following for more details:




  • C# 90.6%
  • CSS 9.2%
  • Other 0.2%