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Bitcoin Stamps

Bitcoin Stamps

SRC-20 / SRC-721 / OLGA / SRC-721r / SRC-101

Python Checks last commit

btc_stamps is the indexer, API, and explorer for Bitcoin Stamps. Which is an experimental meta-protocol built on Bitcoin with no warranty.

This code was conceived based on the meta-protocol design created by Mikeinspace (Bitcoin Stamps Github) in Feb 2023 by Reinamora137. This code has served as the basis for all thins Stamps since inception. See also Bitcoin Stamps Initial Commit

Much of the history of Bitcoin Stamps can be seen in this chat: Bitcoin Stamps Telegram

This code also serves as the indexer and API for, which is the primary API source for developers building on the Bitcoin Stamps protocol.

API endpoint documentation can be found at:

Bitcoin Stamps - Immutable Digital Assets on Bitcoin

Bitcoin Stamps encompass a collection of sub-protocols built on Bitcoin, all embodying the ethos of immutability. Here's an overview of the various stamp types and their historical significance:


NFT tokens where each Stamp can utilize a built-in token layer via standards developed on Counterparty in 2014. Originally, Stamps were encouraged to be 1:1, but creators can issue up to 4,294,967,295 individual tokens per Stamp. Initially using only OP_MULTISIG transactions and a Base64 encoded image, they now also include the OLGA P2WSH transaction format. Stamps were purpose built to address the issues of accidental spending and prunability of Ordinals data.

History: The first Official Bitcoin Stamp was created by Mikeinspace in Block 779652 (Stamp 0).


A fungible token layer built around a fair mint system where users only pay BTC miner fees. Modeled after BRC-20, but with the immutability of Stamps.

History: The first official SRC-20 Token (KEVIN) was deployed by Reinamora in Block 788041.


An NFT format utilizing a small JSON file to construct layered images from data stored across multiple Stamps. This enables complex, high-resolution Stamps while still leveraging the token layer employed via Counterparty.

History: The first SRC-721 Stamp was created in Block 792370.


A new transaction format that eliminates the need for Base64 encoding, reducing the transaction footprint by 50%. This optimized format reduces the costs of the initial OP_MULTISIG format by approximately 60-70%, while maintaining all original functionality. Almost all Classic Stamps after block 833000 are OLGA.

History: The first OLGA Stamp was created in Block 833000.


The evolution of SRC-721, allowing for complex recursive images created from JavaScript and other libraries stored on Stamps.


A domain name system built on Bitcoin Stamps. Currently in development.

Since SATs don't exist, we Stamp on the UTXO set to ensure immutability. It is impossible to inscribe a Stamp.


The Bitcoin Stamps protocol is open source and is being actively developed. If you have any ideas, improvements, or bug fixes, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.


Bitcoin Stamps is open-source and community funded. The current maintainer and original creator of the protocol is Reinamora137.

Bitcoin received will go towards maintenance, development and, hosting costs for

Bitcoin Stamps Dev Fund: bc1qe5sz3mt4a3e57n8e39pprval4qe0xdrkzew203

SRC-20 (KEVIN) tokens or BTC donations are extremely appreciated and serve as the primary source of funding for this experimental project.

Bitcoin Stamps Installation


  • Local full BTC Node or an account with (free tier is fine) or similar service
  • MySQL Database or Default MySQL installation from the provided Docker installation
  • RECOMMENDED: Local Counterparty Node (optional)

For a simple Docker based installation of the Bitcoin Node and Counterparty stack see:

Setting up a Counterparty Node

The default configuration uses the public API and Counterparty APIs for XCP asset data. To minimize resource consumption on these free public resources, we highly recommend using a local Counterparty node for long-term or production use. These public resources are intended for dev/test purposes only. Stampchain operates two Counterparty nodes for redundancy and to ensure the availability of the XCP asset data in the Stampchain API.

Installation & Execution with Docker

Clone the repo

git clone

If you wish to use the frontend app and API integrated into the docker config, you may use:

git submodule update --init app

Step 1. Create & configure the env files

There are 3 env files that need to be created initially. These files are used to configure the indexer, MySQL, and the explorer application. The sample files are provided in the repo and can be copied and modified as needed. The sample files are:

  • /app/.env.sample - Explorer application environment variables [if submodule installed]
  • /docker/.env.mysql.sample - MySQL environment variables
  • indexer/.env.sample - Indexer environment variables

Copy the sample files to the actual env files:

cp app/.env.sample app/.env
cp docker/.env.mysql.sample docker/.env.mysql
cp indexer/.env.sample indexer/.env

Step 2 - Run the stack

There are two options for running the stack. Option one is to use docker-compose commands directly and option two is to use the Makefile with make commands. The Makefile is a wrapper for docker-compose commands and provides a more simplified interface for running the stack.

  • Option 1. Starting the services with docker-compose commands:

    # Start all the services
    cd docker && docker-compose up -d
    # View the logs for the indexer application
    cd docker && docker-compose logs -f indexer
    # Shutdown all the services
    cd docker && docker-compose down
  • Option 2. Starting the services with the make commands:

    # Start the stack
    make dup
    # View the logs for the indexer application
    make logs
    # Shutdown all the services
    make down
    # Shutdown all the services and clean volumes
    make fdown

Local Execution w/o Docker:

Configure all environment variables for MySQL, Bitcoin Node, and Counterparty as indicated in .env

Install Poetry:

curl -sSL | python3 -

Install Dependencies

cd indexer
poetry install --only main

Execute Indexer:

poetry run indexer