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Shu Wang edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the fftw3-android wiki!

Yes I was able to use the FFTW library with Android NDK using this tool:

You have to build the library locally on your computer using the build script.

You can use the file in the README, just make modifications to it so that it points on the built library.

You also need an file, like in this tutorial:

You will need to configure Gradle via the Android Studio UI to set up your project as a NDK project:

After this you should be able to create a .cpp file and try including the header

#include <fftw3.h> and hopefully your project should compile.

I suggest installing the FFTW library to your local development computer and writing some toy FFTW code locally before porting that to NDK.

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