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The ‘syt’ package: Young tableaux


The first version of this package dealt with standard Young tableaux only, but now it contains more stuff related to Young tableaux.

Standard Young tableaux

  • Generation of all SYTx of a given shape

  • Count of all SYTx of a given shape

  • Uniform sampling of SYTx

  • Robinson-Schensted correspondence

  • Conversion to and from ballot sequences

  • Conversion to and from paths on the Young graph

  • Plancherel growth process

> gprocess2syt(list(1, 2, c(2,1), c(2,2), c(2,2,1)))
[1] 1 2

[1] 3 4

[1] 5

Other features

  • Generation of all semistandard tableaux, possibly skew, with a given shape and a given maximal entry

  • Generation of all semistandard tableaux, possibly skew, with a given shape and a given weight

  • Generation of all Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns defined by an integer partition, possibly skew, with a given weight

  • Computation of Kostka numbers and skew Kostka numbers