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662 lines (628 loc) · 37.3 KB

File metadata and controls

662 lines (628 loc) · 37.3 KB
  • 1.0.15 (June 2024)

  • Add a Parameter to export strato letters to re-train the RNN model.

  • Better organization of flowalerts module by splitting it into many specialized files.

  • Better unit tests. thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash

  • Disable "Connection without DNS resolution" evidence to DNS servers.

  • Fix displaying "Failed" as the protocol name in the web interface when reading Suricata flows.

  • Fix problem reversing source and destination addresses in JA3 evidence description.

  • Improve CI by using more parallelization.

  • Improve non-SSL and non-HTTP detections by making sure that the sum of bytes sent and received is zero.

  • Improve RNN evidence description, now it's more clear which IP is the botnet, and which is the C&C server.

  • Improve some threat levels of evidence to reduce false positives.

  • Improve whitelists. Better matching, more domains added, reduced false positives.

  • More minimal Slips notifications, now Slips displays the alert description instead of all evidence in the alert.

  • The port of the web interface is now configurable in slips.conf

  • 1.0.14 (May 2024)

  • Improve whitelists. better matching of ASNs, domains, and organizations.

  • Whitelist Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Facebook and Google alerts by default to reduce false positives.

  • Better unit tests. thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash

  • Speed up portscan detections.

  • Fix the issue of overwriting redis config file every run.

  • Add more info to metadata/info.txt for each run.

  • 1.0.13 (April 2024)

  • Whitelist alerts to all organizations by default to reduce false positives.

  • Improve and compress Slips Docker images. thanks to @verovaleros

  • Improve CI and add pre-commit hooks.

  • Fix problem reporting victims in alerts.json.

  • Better docs for the threat intelligence module. thanks to @zeyadtmi

  • Improve whitelists.

  • Better detection threshold to reduce false positive.

  • Better unit tests. thanks to @Sekhar-Kumar-Dash

  • Fix problems stopping the daemon.

  • 1.0.12 (March 2024)

  • Add an option to specify the current client IP in slips.conf to help avoid false positives.

  • Better handling of URLhaus threat intelligence.

  • Change how slips determines the local network of the current client IP.

  • Fix issues with the progress bar.

  • Fix problem logging alerts and errors to alerts.log and erros.log.

  • Fix problem reporting evidence to other peers.

  • Fix problem starting the web interface.

  • Fix whitelists.

  • Improve how the evidence for young domain detections is set.

  • Remove the description of blacklisted IPs from the evidence description and add the source TI feed instead.

  • Set evidence to all young domain IPs when a connection to a young domain is found.

  • Set two evidence in some detections e.g. when the source address connects to a blacklisted IP, evidence is set for both.

  • Use blacklist name instead of IP description in all evidence.

  • Use the latest Redis and NodeJS version in all docker images.

  • 1.0.11 (February 2024)

  • Improve the logging of evidence in alerts.json and alerts.log.

  • Optimize the storing of evidence in the Redis database.

  • Fix problem of missing evidence, now all evidence is logged correctly.

  • Fix problem adding flows to incorrect time windows.

  • Fix problem setting SSH version changing evidence.

  • Fix problem closing Redis ports using -k.

  • Fix problem closing the progress bar.

  • Fix problem releasing the terminal when Slips is done.

  • 1.0.10 (January 2024)

  • Faster ensembling of evidence.

  • Log accumulated threat levels of each evidence in alerts.json.

  • Better handling of the termination of the progress bar.

  • Re-add support for tensorflow to the dockers for macOS M1 and macOS M1 P2P.

  • Fix problem setting 'vertical portscan' evidence detected by Zeek.

  • Fix unable to do RDAP lookups

  • Fix stopping Slips daemon.

-1.0.9 (December 2023)

  • Fix using -k to kill opened redis servers.
  • Better README and docs.
  • Improve URLhaus detections.
  • Improve the detection of vertical and horizontal portscans
  • Unify disabled modules names printed in the CLI.
  • Set the threat level reported to other peers to the max of threat levels seen in any time window.
  • Faster detections of devices changing IPs
  • Remove the home_network feature from Slips.
  • Faster detection of alerts.
  • Fix problem not using 'command and control channel' evidence in the alert of each profile.

-1.0.8 (November 2023)

  • Use All-ID hash to fingerprint flows stored in the flows database
  • Increase the weight of port scan alerts by increasing its threat level
  • Fix False positive port scan alerts
  • Add an option in slips.conf to wait for the update manager to update all TI feeds before starting the rest of Slips to avoid missing any blacklisted IPs.
  • Fix error detecting password guessing.
  • Fix issues reading all flows when running on a low-spec device.
  • Improved the stopping of slips and termination of processes.
  • Improved progress bar.
  • Fix reading flows from stdin.
  • Better code, logs, and unit tests.

-1.0.7 (September 2023):

  • CPU and memory profilers thanks to @danieltherealyang
  • Check dns queries and answers for whitelisted IPs and domains
  • Add AID flow hash to all conn.log flows, which is a combination of community_id and the flow's timestamp
  • Sqlite database improvements and better error handling
  • Add support for exporting Slips alerts to a sqlite db

-1.0.6 (June 2023):

  • Store flows in SQLite database in the output directory instead of redis.
  • 55% RAM usage decrease.
  • Support the labeling of flows based on Slips detections.
  • Add support for exporting labeled flows in json and tsv formats.
  • Code improvements. Change the structure of all modules.
  • Graceful shutdown of all modules thanks to @danieltherealyang
  • Print the number of evidence generated by Slips when running on PCAPs and interface.
  • Improved the detection of ports that belong to a specific organization.
  • Fix bugs in CYST module.
  • Fix URLhaus evidence desciption.
  • Fix the freezing progress bar issue.
  • Fix problem starting Slips in docker in linux.
  • Ignore ICMP scans if the flow has ICMP type 3
  • Improve our whitelist. Slips now checks for whitelisted attackers and victims in the generated evidence.
  • Add embedded documentation in the web interface thanks to @shubhangi013
  • Improved the choosing of random redis ports using the -m parameter.

-1.0.5 (May 2023):

  • Fix missing flows due to modules stopping before the processing is done.
  • Code improvements. Change the structure of all modules.
  • Fix how we detect vertical and horizontal port scans.
  • Update whitelist by adding all the IPs of whitelisted domains.
  • Fixed error whitelisting Unencrypted HTTP traffic.
  • Remove the feature of creating log directories using -l, now the only logs Slips generates are store in the output/ directory.
  • added support for reading flows from any module, not just inputprocess, using --input-module.
  • CYST module improvements.
  • Detect invalid DNS answers when querying adservers. thanks to @ganesh-dagadi .
  • Update Slips known ports.
  • Prevent model.bin and scaler.bin from changing in test mode. thanks to @haleelsada.
  • Use either 'ip neigh show' or 'arp -an' to get gateway MAC from the hosts ARP table. thanks to @naturalnetworks.

-1.0.4 (April 2023)

  • Add more descriptive titles to VT scores in the web UI thanks to @shubhangi.
  • Add stratoletters documentation, thanks to @haleelsada.
  • Add the detection of GRE tunnels.
  • Auto publish our MacOS Docker image when there's a new release, thanks to @pjflux2001
  • Detect malicious JARM hashes when there's a C&C alert and add our own malicious JARM hashes TI file.
  • Fix error getting IP confidence in P2P module.
  • Fix false positive alerts about "connection to private IP" thanks to @Onyx2406.
  • Fix problem killing all modules before the TI module stops.
  • Fix problem detecting vertical and horizontal port scans.
  • Improved CLI progress bar and status updates.
  • Keep a history of the past user-agents by @haleelsada.
  • More descriptive evidence.
  • Refactor code thanks to @danieltherealyang.
  • Update Slips default whitelist.
  • Web UI highlighting, new icons, and bug fixes.

-1.0.3 (March 2023)

  • Add HTTP unencrypted traffic detection by @haleelsada
  • use termcolor by @haleelsada
  • Instead of dos detection. slips is now detecting all executables thanks to @Onyx2406
  • Updated the docs for contributing
  • Fix Leak detector errors when a different version of yara is used.
  • fix problem with counting the number of flows to be processed in the progress bar
  • Remove debugging prints printed by the whois python library to stderr

-1.0.2 (Feb 2023)

  • Support ASNs in our own_malicious_iocs.csv file

  • Add a zeek script to recognize the gateway IP and add it to notice.log

  • Don't alert "Connection to Private IP" when there's a DNS connection on port 53 UDP to the gateway

  • Faster reading of netflow and suricata files

  • Add a progress bar to slips showing the number of processed flows

  • Fix having duplicate alerts

  • Fix vertical and horizontal portscan errors

  • Add the uids that caused an evidence to the evidence description in alerts.json

  • Add a blocking indicator in alerts.json

  • Fix wrong Source/Target type in alerts.json

  • Fix error parsing AIP TI list.

  • Update slips default whitelist

  • Kill web interface on ctrl+c

  • Use the current user's timezone in alerts.log and alets.json

  • Fix problem displaying data from the db in the web interface

  • Add the option to view blocked profiles only in the web interface

  • Fix displaying alerts of profile in the webinterface

  • Add the option to display all evidence in a profile

  • Fix searching in the web interface

  • Fix caching ASN ranges

  • Code optimizations

  • 1.0.1 (Jan 2023)

  • fix FP horizontal portscans caused by zeek flipping connections

  • Fix Duplicate evidence in multiple alerts

  • Fix FP urlhaus detetcions, now we use it to check urls only, not domains.

  • Fix md5 urlhaus lookups

  • add support for sha256 hashes in files.log generated by zeek

  • Add detection of weird HTTP methods

  • Fix race condition trying to update TI files when running multiple slips instances

  • Fix having multiple port scan alerts with the same timestamp

  • Add detection for non-SSL connections on port 443

  • Add detection for non-HTTP connections on port 80

  • P2P can now work without adding the p2p4slips binary to PATH

  • Add detection for connections to private IPs from private IPs

  • Add detection of high entropy DNS TXT answers

  • Add detection of connections to/from IPs outside the used local network.

  • Add detection for DHCP scans

  • Add detection for devices changing IPs.

  • Support having IP ranges in your own local TI file own_malicious_iocs.csv

  • Remove rstcloud TI file from slips.conf

  • Add the option to change pastebin download detection threshold in slips.conf

  • Add the option to change shannon entropy threshold detection threshold in slips.conf

  • Store zeek files in the output directory by default

  • Portscan detector is now called network service discovery

  • Move all TI feeds to their separate files in the config/ directory for easier use

  • Add the option to start slips web interface automatically using -w

  • Fix multiple SSH client versions detection

  • Add detection of IPs using multiple SSH server versions

  • Wait 30 mins before the first connection without DNS evidence

  • Optimize code and performance

  • Update Kalispo dependencies to use more secure versions

  • Change the rstcloud feed to

-1.0.0 (November 2022)

  • ignore NXDOMAINs dns resolution when checking for 'dns without resolutions'
  • Keep track of old peer reports about the same ip
  • Add a new log file p2p_reports.log, for logging peer reports only
  • Don't force kill all modules when using -P
  • Add -g option for running slips on growing zeek dirs. (for example dirs generated by zeek running on an interface)
  • Add support for hosts outside of the network in zeek generated software.log
  • Make sure the domains that are part of DGA alerts are not whitelisted
  • Don't stop slips when p2p is enabled but slips is given a file, not an interface.
  • Add Detection of SSH password guessing by slips in addition to zeek.
  • Blacklist IP used by blackmatter for exfiltration in config/own_malicious_iocs
  • Detect empty connections to duckduckgo used by blackmatter for checking internet connection
  • Fix pastebin downloads detection to include HTTPs too
  • Change colors and CLI evidence format
  • don't detect 'connection without dns' when running on an interface except for when it's done by your own IP
  • Create profiles for all IPs by default (source and destination IPs)
  • Create profiles for all ips reported by peers
  • Alerts now contain attacks done by the profile only (excluding those done to the profile)
  • Set evidence for each p2p report in the attackers profile
  • Take p2p reports into consideration when deciding to block an IP
  • Add Dockerfiles for MacOS M1
  • Fix P2P and ubutnu-image Dockerfiles

-0.9.6 (October 2022)

  • Detect DNS answers that have a blacklisted IP or CNAME
  • Fix problem detecting SSH logins by zeek
  • Make rotating zeek files configurable. how many days you want to keep the rotated files and how often to rotate
  • Support running slips on a growing zeek dir. for example a zeek dir of an interface.
  • Support looking up hashes and domains in URLhaus
  • Support looking up IPs in Spamhaus
  • Support looking up hashes in
  • Remove support for VT hash lookups to save quota
  • Add support for suricata ssh flows
  • Fix saving the redis database
  • Fix false positive connection without DNS
  • Fix reading zeek tab files
  • Fix vertical portscan detections by zeek
  • Better detection of suspicious user agents
  • Fix importing and exporting to warden servers
  • whitelist top tranco top 10k domains for fewer false positive alerts
  • Detect ICMP scans in netflow files
  • Fix P2P
  • Fix zeek rotating files on ctrl+c
  • Kill slips on when redis ConnectionError occurs
  • Kill all modules after 15 mins to trying to stop them
  • Keep track of profiles' past threat levels
  • Don't alert ARP scans from the gateway
  • Add an option to store the zeek log files inside the output dir

-0.9.5 (AUgust 2022)

  • Slips
  • Fix the way we update TI files
  • Add a new web interface
  • Detect Incompatible certificate CN
  • Detect downloads from pastebin with size > 0.012 MBs
  • Detect DOS executable downloads from http websites
  • Update the mac database automatically
  • Support using multiple home network parameters in slips.conf
  • Add redis.conf for special redis configurations when running slips
  • Improve portscan or ARP scan alerts
  • Improve ARPA scan alerts to alert on unique domains
  • Add new methods to detect data upload
  • Add the option to close all redis servers when slips can't start because all port are unavailable
  • Remove support for whitelisting an unsupported org by slips
  • Better description of alerts exported to Slack
  • Faster Whitelists
  • Whitelist connections made by slips causing false positives
  • Change the unknown ports detections to detect only established connections
  • Change -killall argument behaviour. now supports closing a specific redis port or all of them at once
  • Fix exporting module
  • Fix false positive resolution without connection alerts
  • Fix disabling alerts
  • Fix saving and loading the database
  • Fix running several slips instances
  • Fix stopping the daemon with -S
  • Fix how packets are calculated in portscan detections
  • Fix 'multiple reconnections attempts' detection to detect 5 or more rejected reconnection attempts to the same IP on the same destination port

-0.9.3 (July 2022)

  • Slips
  • Run multiple slips instances on demand using (-m), and use redis port 6379 by default.
  • Fix false positive 'DNS resolution without connection' alerts
  • Faster Slips and reduced memory and CPU consumption
  • Better 'unknown ports' detections
  • Faster reading of local TI files
  • Fix docker not working in macOS
  • Fix problem generating the data upload alerts
  • Improve contributing guidelines
  • Update microsoft whitelisted IP ranges
  • Fix problem stopping input process when slips stops
  • Update the locations of GeoIP database in zeek for better zeek detections
  • Fix P2P output dir, now it's the same as alerts.log and slips.log
  • Update our usage of API
  • Whitelist the connections made by slips, so now you won't be alerted when Slips is using or

-0.9.2 (June 2022)

  • Slips
  • Fix saving the database in MacOS and Linux
  • Add a MacOS dockerfile to be able run Docker in MacOS
  • Fix problem updating TI files
  • Fix problem starting and stopping the Daemon
  • Fix false positive ARP MITM attacks
  • Fix problem stopping slips when using whitelists
  • Fix problem opening unused redis ports

-0.9.1 (May 2022)

  • Slips
  • Drop root privileges in modules that don't need them
  • Added support for running slips in the background as a daemon
  • Fix the issue of growing zeek logs by deleting old zeek logs every 1 day. (optional but enabled by default)
  • Added support for running several instances of slips at the same time.
  • Saving and loading the db in macos
  • Fix reading flows from stdin, now it supports zeek, argus and suricata
  • Faster Startup of slips, now slips updates the TI files in the background
  • Added slips.log where all Slips logs goes. in daemon and interactive mode
  • Automatic starting of redis servers (cache and main databases).
  • Added a new TI file
  • Update the docs and added instructions for contributing and creating a new module

-0.9.0 (April 2022)

  • Slips
  • P2P module: Added the support for sharing and receiving IPs' info with other peers. Can be run using docker or locally.
  • Parse zeek software.log and extract software type, version and user agent from it
  • Detect multiple SSH client versions. slips will now alert if an IP is detected using OpenSSH_8.1 then OpenSSH_7.1 for example
  • Detect DoH flows in ssl.log
  • Fix connection rest by peer error by changing the buffer limit in redis
  • Fix reading flows from stdin
  • Fix home_network parameter
  • Fix portscans detections
  • Fix DGA detections
  • Reduce p2p.log file size
  • Rotate p2p.log every 1 day and keep only the last day by default
  • Don't create p2p.log by default, unless create_p2p_log is set to yes in slips.conf -0.8.5 (March 2022)
  • Slips

    • Detect young domains that was registered less than 60 days ago.
    • Detect bad SMTP logins
    • Detect SMTP bruteforce
    • Detect DNS ARPA scans
    • Update our list of ports used by specific organizations to minimize false positive 'unknown destination port' alerts
    • Add support for Russia-Ukraine IoCs
    • Detect incompatible user agents by comparing mac vendors with user agents found in http traffic.
    • Detect the use of multiple user agents, for example Linux UA, then Apple UA, then MAC UA.
    • The default time to wait to alert on DNS without resolution now is 30 mins
    • The time to wait for DNS without resolution now works in interface capture mode and in reading any file
    • detect ICMP timestamp scan, Address scan and address mask scan
    • Support deleting of large log files (arp.log) in case the user doesn't want a copy of the log files after slips is done
    • Update our offline MAC vendor database and add support for getting unknown vendors from an online database
    • Fix FP Multiple reconnection attempts
    • Added a zeek script to recognize DoH flows for more real-time experience while using slips
    • Change the structure of slips files by splitting large modules into smaller files.
    • Reduce false positives by disabling 'connections without DNS' to a well known org
    • Fix 'multiple reconnection attemps' alerts
    • Update the list of our special organization ports
    • Document all the internet connections made by slips
    • Fix
    • Add errors.log to output/ dir to log errors encountered by slips. -0.8.4 (Feb 2022)
  • Slips

    • Add support for local JA3 feeds
    • Improve CESNET Module
    • Update and improve whitelists
    • Improve alerts by adding hostname to alerts printed in the CLI and in alerts.log
    • Faster startup of Slips, now TI files are updated concurrently.
    • Add a logstash configuration file to allow exporting slips alerts.
    • Add support for malicious SSL feeds.
    • Support blacklisting IP ranges taken from TI feeds.
    • profilerProcess optimizations.
    • Get device type, browser and OS info from user agents found in HTTP traffic.
    • Add "Blocked by Slips" comment to all iptables rules added by slips
    • Improve whitelisting by updating organizations' domains.
    • Update documentation
    • Fix invalid JSON alerts in alerts.json
    • Fix problem stopping slips.
    • Fix problem with redis stopping on error writing to disk.
    • Fix false positive 'not valid yet' SSL alerts
    • Descrease the amount of false positive C&C alerts
  • Kalipso

    • Fix Kalipso in docker issue
    • Associate IPs with their hostname

-0.8.3 (Jan 2022)

  • Slips
    • More accurate threat levels, now they're strings instead of values
    • Add CESNET sharing module, which supports exporting and importing event to and from warden servers
    • Improve Unknown ports alerts, now we don't have false positive alerts when apple devices are talking to each other using unknown ports
    • Added support for continuous integrations using Github Actions
    • Improvements in printing alerts, we now print each alert with it's timestamp and the evidence caused it
    • Local TI files now support threat levels. each entry now has it'sown threat level.
    • Improve empty HTTP connections. now supports (Yandix, bing and yahoo)
    • Detect JNDI string as suspicious user agent. used in Log4shell CVE-2021-44228.
    • Improve whitelists.
    • Improve code security.


  • Slips - Detect gratoitous ARP - Detect unsolicited ARP - Detect MITM ARP attack - Detect DGA - Support popup notifications in Linux and mac. disabled by default. enable it by changing popup_alerts to yes in slips.conf - Add 5 new TI feeds (AmnestyTech domains) - The Threat Intelligence feeds are now assigned a threat level instead of confidence value by default (user can change), so you can establish how each list impact your detection. - Improve unknown ports detections. Now we don't alert for ports that appear in an FTP connection. - Improve threat levels and confidence of all alerts. - Add support for storing a copy of zeek files in the output directory. - Add support for enabling and disabling detections in slips.conf - Read RiskIQ email and API key from modules/RiskIQ/credentials instead of the configuration file. - Now log files are disabled by default, use -l or set create_log_files to yes in slips.conf for enabling them. - Support commenting TI files in slips.conf: when TI files are commented using ; in slips.conf, they are completely removed from our database. - Now slips generates alerts in IDEA format by default in alerts.json - Support importing and exporting alerts to warden servers. (CESNET sharing module) - Fix redis closing connection errors - Optimize our docker image


  • Slips - The Threat Intelligence feeds are now assigned a tag value by default (user can change), so you can categorize feeds e.g. phshing, adtrackers, etc.. - Add module to detect leaks of data in the traffic using YARA rules (works on PCAPs only) - Move RiskIQ api key to a separate file in modules/UpdateManager/api_key_secret - Add support for whitelisting MAC addresses - Add a new module for getting RiskIQ info like passive DNS etc. - Merge geoip, asn and RDNS modules into a single new module called IP_Info - Add detection for multiple connections to on port 80 - Add the known list of TOR exit nodes to the TI list - Improve DNS without connection and connection without DNS detections - Update our lists of organizations IPs, used for whitelisting - Improve the printing of evidence and alerts - Add SNI/DNS/RDNS to the IP to 'unknown ports' alerts description - Improve ICMP Sweep detections