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Project: Search and Sample Return

Writeup Template: You can use this file as a template for your writeup if you want to submit it as a markdown file, but feel free to use some other method and submit a pdf if you prefer.

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

Training / Calibration

  • Download the simulator and take data in "Training Mode"
  • Test out the functions in the Jupyter Notebook provided
  • Add functions to detect obstacles and samples of interest (golden rocks)
  • Fill in the process_image() function with the appropriate image processing steps (perspective transform, color threshold etc.) to get from raw images to a map. The output_image you create in this step should demonstrate that your mapping pipeline works.
  • Use moviepy to process the images in your saved dataset with the process_image() function. Include the video you produce as part of your submission.

Autonomous Navigation / Mapping

  • Fill in the perception_step() function within the script with the appropriate image processing functions to create a map and update Rover() data (similar to what you did with process_image() in the notebook).
  • Fill in the decision_step() function within the script with conditional statements that take into consideration the outputs of the perception_step() in deciding how to issue throttle, brake and steering commands.
  • Iterate on your perception and decision function until your rover does a reasonable (need to define metric) job of navigating and mapping.

Rubric Points

Here I will consider the rubric points individually and describe how I addressed each point in my implementation.

Writeup / README

1. Provide a Writeup / README that includes all the rubric points and how you addressed each one. You can submit your writeup as markdown or pdf.

  • ./code/Rover_Project_Test_Notebook_hkkim.ipynb
  • ./code/Rover_Project_Test_Notebook_hkkim.html

Notebook Analysis

1. Run the functions provided in the notebook on test images (first with the test data provided, next on data you have recorded). Add/modify functions to allow for color selection of obstacles and rock samples.

  • Prespect_transform with the indicated source and destination point using opencv function warpPrespective and getPrespective. alt text alt text

  • color_treshold method in the RGB:

def color_thresh(img, rgb_thresh=(160, 160, 160)):
    # Create an array of zeros same xy size as img, but single channel
    color_select = np.zeros_like(img[:,:,0])
    # Require that each pixel be above all three threshold values in RGB
    # above_thresh will now contain a boolean array with "True"
    # where threshold was met
    above_thresh = (img[:,:,0] > rgb_thresh[0]) \
                & (img[:,:,1] > rgb_thresh[1]) \
                & (img[:,:,2] > rgb_thresh[2])
    # Index the array of zeros with the boolean array and set to 1
    color_select[above_thresh] = 1
    # Return the binary image
    return color_select
  • obstacle_thresh method in the RGB:
def obstacle_thresh(img, rgb_lower_thresh=(3,3,3), rgb_upper_thresh=(155, 155, 155)):
    # Finding obstacles
    color_obstacle = np.zeros_like(img[:,:,0])
    occupied_space=(img[:,:,0] < rgb_upper_thresh[0]) \
                & (img[:,:,1] < rgb_upper_thresh[1]) \
                & (img[:,:,2] < rgb_upper_thresh[2]) \
                & (img[:,:,1] > rgb_lower_thresh[0]) \
                & (img[:,:,2] > rgb_lower_thresh[1]) \
                & (img[:,:,2] > rgb_lower_thresh[2]) 
    return color_obstacle
  • rock_thresh method in the RGB:
def rock_thresh(img, rgb_lower_thresh=(60,60,45), rgb_upper_thresh=(255,255,0)):
    #Finding yellow rock samples
    color_rock = np.zeros_like(img[:,:,0])
    rock=(img[:,:,0] < rgb_upper_thresh[0]) \
      & (img[:,:,1] < rgb_upper_thresh[1]) \
      & (img[:,:,2] > rgb_upper_thresh[2]) \
      & (img[:,:,0] > rgb_lower_thresh[0]) \
      & (img[:,:,1] > rgb_lower_thresh[1]) \
      & (img[:,:,2] < rgb_lower_thresh[2])
    return color_rock

alt text

  • The rotation and translation functions were added based on the formulas provided during the lessons.
def rotate_pix(xpix, ypix, yaw):
    # TODO:
    # Convert yaw to radians
    # Apply a rotation
    yaw_rad = yaw * np.pi / 180
    xpix_rotated = (xpix * np.cos(yaw_rad)) - (ypix * np.sin(yaw_rad))                            
    ypix_rotated = (xpix * np.sin(yaw_rad)) + (ypix * np.cos(yaw_rad))
    # Return the result  
    return xpix_rotated, ypix_rotated

# Define a function to perform a translation
def translate_pix(xpix_rot, ypix_rot, xpos, ypos, scale): 
    # TODO:
    # Apply a scaling and a translation
    xpix_translated = (xpix_rot / scale) + xpos
    ypix_translated = (ypix_rot / scale) + ypos
    # Return the result  
    return xpix_translated, ypix_translated

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1. Populate the process_image() function with the appropriate analysis steps to map pixels identifying navigable terrain, obstacles and rock samples into a worldmap. Run process_image() on your test data using the moviepy functions provided to create video output of your result.

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Autonomous Navigation and Mapping

1. Fill in the perception_step() (at the bottom of the script) and decision_step() (in functions in the autonomous mapping scripts and an explanation is provided in the writeup of how and why these functions were modified as they were.

  • The prection_step() was filled in basically with most of the function used as used previously in the jupyter notebook only difference is that the Rover.
  • Vision clearly mapped the enviroment under 3 different categories (Rock , obstacle and free space). alt text

2. Launching in autonomous mode your rover can navigate and map autonomously. Explain your results and how you might improve them in your writeup.

Note: running the simulator with different choices of resolution and graphics quality may produce different results, particularly on different machines! Make a note of your simulator settings (resolution and graphics quality set on launch) and frames per second (FPS output to terminal by in your writeup when you submit the project so your reviewer can reproduce your results.

  • The logic behind the rover is that the Rover starts always with a move forward status, under a maximuim velocity limit.
  • In case the rover finds a lack of navigable terrain Rov.nav_angles the rover will start breaking and turn into stop mode.
  • My results have the performace of 62.0% of "Mapped" and 79.9% of "Fidelity".
  • And, the my algorithm found two rocks.
  • In the future, I have plan to improve the robot control algorigm using deep learning.

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