diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/.project b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/.project similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/.project rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/.project diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/DO_NOT_USE.txt b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/DO_NOT_USE.txt similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/DO_NOT_USE.txt rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/DO_NOT_USE.txt diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/background.html b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/background.html similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/background.html rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/background.html diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/bg2.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/bg2.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/bg2.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/bg2.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/bg3.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/bg3.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/bg3.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/bg3.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/contentscript.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/contentscript.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/contentscript.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/contentscript.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/disabled.html b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/disabled.html similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/disabled.html rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/disabled.html diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/fatal.html b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/fatal.html similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/fatal.html rename to 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app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/icon_blocked.png rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/icon_blocked.png diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/icon_disabled.png b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/icon_disabled.png similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/icon_disabled.png rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/icon_disabled.png diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/init.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/init.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/init.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/init.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/lib.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/lib.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/lib.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/lib.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/manifest.json b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/manifest.json similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/manifest.json rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/manifest.json diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/manifest2.json b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/manifest2.json similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/manifest2.json rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/manifest2.json diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/messaging.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/messaging.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/messaging.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/messaging.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/network.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/network.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/network.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/network.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/popup.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/popup.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/popup.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/popup.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/status.html b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/status.html similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/status.html rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/status.html diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/styles.css b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/styles.css similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/styles.css rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/styles.css diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/util.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/util.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/chrome/util.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/chrome/util.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/extension-code.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/extension-code.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb88a8c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/extension-code.js @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +var n; Array.prototype.includes || (Array.prototype.includes = function (a, b) { return 0 <= this.indexOf(a, b) }); NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] || (NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]); HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator] || (HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]); const ba = Boolean, ca = Array.isArray, t = RegExp.prototype.test, da = RegExp.prototype.exec, ea = Array.prototype.includes; Array.prototype.concat.bind([]); +const fa = Function.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice), ha = Function.apply.bind(Array.prototype.push), ia = Function.apply.bind(String.fromCharCode, null), w = Math.floor, x = Math.random, y = "undefined" == typeof browser; y && (browser = chrome); const z = navigator.userAgent.includes("Edge/"), ja = navigator.userAgent.includes("Edg/"), D = navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox/"), ka = navigator.userAgent.includes("OPR/"), la = navigator.userAgent.includes("YaBrowser/"); var F = 0, ma, G, na, qa, ra; const sa = D ? 69 : z ? 77 : 66, ta = D ? 220 : 150, ua = browser.runtime.getManifest(); +var va = ua.permissions.includes("notifications") || null; const wa = { 16: "images/logo16.png", 32: "images/logo32.png" }, xa = { 16: "images/logo16x.png", 32: "images/logo32x.png" }, ya = ["", ""], za = y ? "Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND" : D ? "MozillaWindowClass" : z ? "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow" : null, Aa = /(?!)/, Ba = ["main_frame", "sub_frame"], Ca = ["object", "image"]; var H = Ca.concat("xmlhttprequest", z ? "other" : []), Da = Ba.concat(Ca, "xmlhttprequest", "other"); +const I = ["*://*/*"], Ea = ["ftp://*/*"], Fa = I.concat(Ea, "file:///*", y ? "about:blank" : []), Ga = I.concat(y ? "about:blank" : []), Ha = y && btoa(x().toString().substr(2, 9)), Ia = browser.runtime.getURL("captured.html?" + (Ha ? "auth=" + Ha + "&" : "")), Ja = browser.runtime.getURL("welcome.html?" + (Ha ? "auth=" + Ha + "&" : "")), Ka = browser.runtime.getURL("").slice(0, -1), La = location.href, Ma = ka || la, Na = y || z, Oa = !D; var Pa = y; +const Qa = t.bind(/^(?:chrome|about|chrome-extension|chrome-search|ms-browser-extension|ms-appx-web|moz-extension):/), Ra = t.bind(/^(?:Host|Origin|Referer|Cookie|User-Agent|Connection|DNT|Accept-Encoding|Sec-.+)$/i), Sa = t.bind(/^(?:application\/(?:json|x-javascript)|text\/(?:javascript|plain))$/), Ta = t.bind(/^(HTM|HTML|CGI|PHP|ASP|ASPX|JSP|JSPX)$/i), Ua = t.bind(/^(MPD|M3U8|F4M)$/i), Va = t.bind(/^ftp:|^idmreg:|\bidman|\binternetdownloadmanager\b/i), Wa = t.bind(/^[GPTSDVACRHX]*$/); da.bind(/:\/\/.+\/([^/]+?(?:\.([^./]+?))?)(?=[?#]|$)/); +const Xa = da.bind(/\.([^.\\/]*?)(?:\.[0-9.]+)?$/), Ya = da.bind(/^v(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:b(\d+))?\b/), Za = ea.bind([301, 302, 303, 307, 308]), $a = ea.bind([301, 302, 303]), ab = t.bind(/messaging host not found|no such native application|application is not installed/i), bb = t.bind(/^(?:https?|socks[45])$/), cb = { direct: 2, auto_detect: 3, system: 4, pac_script: 5, fixed_servers: 7 }, db = [], eb = { + "-1": [2, [111, 112], [111]], 1: [2, [115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123], [115, 111, 112, 113, 114]], 2: [2, [114, 113, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 122, 119, 121, 124, 125, 120, + 123, 112], [111, 112, 114]], 3: [null, [113], [112]], 4: [2, [111, 101, 113, 112, 114, 115, 117, 116], [111]], 5: [null, [111, 112, 113], [111]], 6: [null, [], [111]] +}, fb = { 16: 1, 17: 2, 18: 4, 45: 8, 46: 16 }, gb = { http: 1, https: 9, ftp: 2, ftps: 10, idmreg: 12, xup: 33 }, hb = { + "text/html": "HTML|HTM", "text/css": "CSS", "text/javascript": "JS|JSON", "text/mspg-legacyinfo": "MSI|MSP", "text/plain": "TXT|VTT|SRT|M3U|PLS|M3U8|MPD|F4M|TORRENT|BTT", "text/srt": "SRT", "text/vtt": "VTT|SRT", "text/xml": "XML|MPD|F4M|TTML|TTML2", "text/x-javascript": "JS|JSON", "text/x-json": "JSON", + "application/dash+xml": "MPD", "application/f4m+xml": "F4M|MPD", "application/gzip": "GZ", "application/javascript": "JS", "application/json": "JSON", "application/json+protobuf": "JSON", "application/msword": "DOC|DOCX|DOT|DOTX", "application/ocsp-response": "OCSP", "application/octet-stream-m3u8": "M3U8", "application/pdf": "PDF", "application/pkix-crl": "CRL", "application/torrent": "TORRENT|BTT", "application/ttaf+xml": "DFXP", "application/ttml+xml": "TTML|TTML2", "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl": "M3U8", "application/zip": "ZIP", + "application/x-7z-compressed": "7Z", "application/x-aim": "PLJ", "application/x-bittorrent": "TORRENT|BTT", "application/x-chrome-extension": "CRX", "application/x-compress": "Z", "application/x-compress-7z": "7Z", "application/x-compressed": "ARJ", "application/x-dosexec": "EXE", "application/x-gtar": "TAR", "application/x-gzip": "GZ", "application/x-gzip-compressed": "GZ", "application/x-javascript": "JS", "application/x-mpegurl": "M3U8", "application/x-msdos-program": "EXE|DLL", "application/x-msi": "MSI", "application/x-msp": "MSP", + "application/x-ole-storage": "MSI|MSP", "application/x-rar": "RAR", "application/x-rar-compressed": "RAR", "application/x-sdlc": "EXE|SDLC", "application/x-shockwave-flash": "SWF", "application/x-silverlight-app": "XAP", "application/x-subrip": "SRT", "application/x-tar": "TAR", "application/x-zip": "ZIP", "application/x-zip-compressed": "ZIP", "video/3gpp": "3GP|3GPP", "video/3gpp2": "3GP|3GPP", "video/avi": "AVI", "video/f4f": "F4F", "video/f4m": "F4M", "video/flv": "FLV", "video/mp2t": "TS|TSV|M3U8", "video/mp4": "MP4|M4V|M4S", + "video/mpeg": "MPG|MPEG", "video/mpegurl": "M3U|M3U8", "video/mpg4": "MP4|M4V", "video/msvideo": "AVI", "video/quicktime": "MOV|QT", "video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd": "MPD", "video/webm": "WEBM", "video/x-flash-video": "FLV", "video/x-flv": "FLV", "video/x-mp4": "MP4|M4V", "video/x-mpegurl": "M3U|M3U8", "video/x-mpg4": "MP4|M4V", "video/x-ms-asf": "ASF", "video/x-ms-wmv": "WMV", "video/x-msvideo": "AVI", "audio/3gpp": "3GP|3GPP", "audio/3gpp2": "3GP|3GPP", "audio/mp2t": "TS|TSA|M3U8", "audio/mp3": "MP3", "audio/mp4": "M4A|MP4|M4S", "audio/mp4a-latm": "M4A|MP4", + "audio/mpeg": "MP3", "audio/mpeg4-generic": "M4A|MP4", "audio/mpegurl": "M3U|M3U8", "audio/webm": "WEBM", "audio/wav": "WAV", "audio/x-mpeg": "MP3", "audio/x-mpegurl": "M3U|M3U8", "audio/x-ms-wma": "WMA", "audio/x-wav": "WAV", "ilm/tm": "MP3", "image/avif": "AVIF", "image/gif": "GIF|GFA", "image/icon": "ICO|CUR", "image/jpg": "JPG|JPEG", "image/jpeg": "JPG|JPEG", "image/png": "PNG|APNG", "image/tiff": "TIF|TIFF", "image/vnd.microsoft.icon": "ICO|CUR", "image/webp": "WEBP", "image/x-icon": "ICO|CUR", "flv-application/octet-stream": "FLV" +}; +function ib(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) { + if (a) { var g = ["MSG#", a, "#", b, "#", c, "#", d]; this.j = a; this.type = b; this.o = c; this.l = d; this.a = e || []; this.h = g; if (e) for (a = 0; a < e.length; a++)g.push(":", e[a] || 0); if (f) for (var l in f) if (e = f[l], null != e) if (g.push(",", l, "="), e instanceof Array) { a = g.length; b = 0; for (var k of e) b = k instanceof Uint8Array ? b + (h ? jb(k = ia(k)) : k.length) : b + jb(k = k.toString()), g.push(k); g.splice(a, 0, b, ":") } else "string" == typeof e || e instanceof String ? g.push(jb(e), ":", e) : e instanceof Blob ? g.push(e.size, ":", e) : g.push(e) } else this.i = + new FileReader +} function kb() { this.a = kb.prototype.h++ } kb.prototype.h = 1; function lb(a, b, c, d) { this.id = a; this.port = b; c && (this.b = c = c.toLowerCase(), this.c = "iframe" == c); d && (this.f = d) } lb.prototype.a = 0; function mb(a, b, c) { this.id = a + "," + b; this.c = null == c || 0 > c ? null : a + "," + c } function nb() { } function ob(a) { a.f || (a.h.push(";"), a.f = !0); return a.h.join("") } function pb(a) { a.f || (a.h.push(";"), a.f = !0); return new Blob(a.h) } function qb(a, b, c) { a.f ? a.c(a) : (b.a = c || 0, b.b = 0, a.i.onload = a.s.bind(a, b), rb(a, b, 0, 50)) } +ib.prototype.s = function (a) { + for (var b = this.i.result; ;)switch (a.b) { + case 0: var c = b.split(",", 2), d = c.shift().split(":", 2), e = d.shift(); if (!d.length) { if (!c.length) return this.c(this); a.b = 1 } var f = e.length + 1; d = e.split("#", 6); if (5 != d.length || "MSG" != d[0]) return this.c(this); this.j = parseInt(d[1]); this.type = parseInt(d[2]); this.o = parseInt(d[3]); this.l = parseInt(d[4]); b = b.slice(f); a.a += f; a.b++; break; case 1: d = b.split(",", 2); e = d.shift(); if (!d.length) { + d = b.split(";", 2); if (2 > d.length) return rb(this, a, b.length, 100); a.b = + 4 + } f = e.length + 1; d = this.a = e.split(":"); for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++)c = d[e], d[e] = c.includes(".") ? parseFloat(c) : parseInt(c); b = b.slice(f); a.a += f; a.b++; break; case 2: c = b.split(",", 2); 2 > c.length && (c = b.split(";", 2)); d = c.shift().split(":", 2); var h = d.shift(); f = h.length; e = !1; if (d.length) f++; else { if (!c.length) return rb(this, a, b.length, 25); e = !0 } d = h.split("=", 3); if (2 != d.length) return this.c(this); c = parseInt(d[0]); d = parseInt(d[1]); a.a += f; a.b++; if (e) { this[c] = d; b = b.slice(f); a.b++; break } a.f = c; a.c = d; b = a.c; f = a.a; a = a.slice(f, + f + b); a.size == b ? this.i.readAsText(a) : this.c(this); return; case 3: return this[a.f] = b, a.a += a.c, a.b++, rb(this, a, 0, 21); case 4: switch (b[0]) { case ",": a.b = 2; b = b.slice(1); break; case ";": a.b++; break; default: return this.c(this) }a.a++; break; case 5: this.f = !0; this.g(this); a.size > a.a && (b = new ib, b.g = this.g, b.c = this.c, qb(b, a, a.a)); return + } +}; function rb(a, b, c, d) { var e = b.a; c = e + c; b.size > c ? a.i.readAsBinaryString(b.slice(e, c + d)) : a.c(a) } +function J() { + var a = this.constructor.prototype, b; for (b in a) b.startsWith("_") || "constructor" == b || (this[b] = a[b].bind(this)); this.j = 0; this.v = null; this.ea = this.fa = 0; this.Ra = 1; this.sa = null; this.Ba = ua.version || ""; this.Ua = ""; this.ga = 0; this.wa = this.X = !1; this.I = null; this.Ja = this.Sa = this.ta = this.o = !1; this.A = !D; this.Wa = this.Ka = !0; this.La = this.J = this.L = null; this.Ta = this.W = this.Y = !1; this.Qa = !0; this.bc = this.$b = 1; this.qa = this.l = this.M = null; this.xa = 1; this.eb = 0; this.G = this.C = null; this.Ma = Aa; this.K = []; this.va = 0; this.Na = + null; this.ya = this.ua = !1; this.O = this.s = null; this.ka = Array(16); this.c = {}; this.i = {}; this.a = {}; this.u = {}; this.b = {}; this.H = {}; this.f = {}; this.g = {}; this.Z = {}; this.R = {}; this.h = {}; this.P = {}; this.V = {}; this.V.Zb = []; this.Fa = []; browser.browserAction && (K(this, !1), browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(this.nb)); D && 1056964608 <= F && browser.contextMenus.onShown.addListener(this.ob); D && browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(this.sb); browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this.tb); browser.windows.onCreated.addListener(this.bb); + browser.windows.onRemoved.addListener(this.cb); browser.windows.onFocusChanged.addListener(this.Ub); browser.windows.onBoundsChanged && browser.windows.onBoundsChanged.addListener(this.Tb); browser.tabs.onActivated.addListener(this.Kb); browser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(this.Nb); browser.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(this.Mb); browser.tabs.onAttached && browser.tabs.onAttached.addListener(this.Lb); y && 1056964608 <= F && browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(this.pb, { urls: [browser.runtime.getURL("*")] }, ["blocking"]); + this.ac(); this.fb() +} function sb() { } sb.prototype = []; var L = sb.prototype; sb = null; n = J.prototype; n.ob = function (a, b) { tb(this, b.id, !0, !1, !0) }; n.sb = function (a) { this.Ba = a.version = ua.version; this.Yb = a }; function ub(a, b) { b && browser.storage.local.set({ consent: a.Ba }); a.J = null; a.za(5); a.A = !0; vb(a) } n.tb = function (a, b) { switch (a[0]) { case 38: a[1] && this.X && browser.storage.local.set({ silent: !0 }); browser.tabs.remove(b.tab.id); break; case 42: ub(this, !0); break; case 43: browser.management.uninstallSelf({ showConfirmDialog: !0 }) } }; +n.nb = function (a) { if (this.Ta) { if (this.J) return browser.windows.update(this.J, { focused: !0 }); var b = a.id, c = this.h[b]; K(this, c, b, !0); this.W && (c ? (this.da(a.windowId), wb(this, b)) : xb(this, b)) } }; function K(a, b, c, d) { c ? a.h[c] = !b : a.Ta = b || d; yb(b, c, d) } +function yb(a, b, c) { if (c || !b || !a) { var d = a; D && !b && (a || c ? browser.browserAction.enable() : browser.browserAction.disable(), d = !0); c = a ? zb + Ab : b ? Bb + Ab : c ? Bb : Cb; var e = d ? wa : xa, f = D && b && 989855744 <= F; if (z || y && 822083584 > F) e = e[16]; z || browser.browserAction.setTitle({ title: a && f ? null : c, tabId: b }); browser.browserAction.setIcon({ path: d && f ? null : e, tabId: b }); a || browser.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: "#606060" }); browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: a ? f ? null : "" : "X", tabId: b }) } } +function vb(a) { + var b = a.c, c = a.P = {}; browser.contextMenus.removeAll(); for (var d = 0; d < Db.length; d++) { var e = Db[d]; e[0] && b[e[1]] && (c[d] = browser.contextMenus.create({ title: Eb(e[2]), contexts: e[3].split(","), onclick: e[4].bind(a), documentUrlPatterns: e[5] || Fa, enabled: !0 })) } a.W || (a.W = !0, K(a, !0), a.D(1, browser.runtime.onConnect, a.Fb), y && a.D(1, browser.proxy.settings.onChange, a.$a), y && browser.proxy.settings.get({}, a.$a), a.D(1, browser.webNavigation.onCreatedNavigationTarget, a.Db), a.D(1, browser.webNavigation.onCommitted, + a.Za), a.D(1, browser.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated, a.vb), (b = a.c[17]) && a.D(2, browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest, a.Ob, { urls: b.split("|"), types: Ba }, ["blocking"]), Fb(a, !0), browser.tabs.query({ url: I }, a.oa)) +} +function Fb(a, b) { + y && a.o && browser.downloads.setShelfEnabled(!b); if (b) { + y && a.o && a.D(3, browser.downloads.onCreated, a.qb); y && a.o && a.D(3, browser.downloads.onDeterminingFilename, a.rb); b = qa ? void 0 : Da; const c = ["blocking"], d = y && !ra && 1207959552 <= F ? ["extraHeaders"] : []; a.D(4, browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest, a.ab, { urls: Ea, types: Ba }, c); a.D(4, browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest, a.ab, { urls: I, types: b }, ["requestBody"]); a.D(4, browser.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders, a.Pb, { urls: I, types: b }, ["requestHeaders"].concat(c, d)); + a.D(4, browser.webRequest.onHeadersReceived, a.Rb, { urls: I, types: b }, ["responseHeaders"].concat(c)); a.D(4, browser.webRequest.onResponseStarted, a.Sb, { urls: I, types: b }); a.D(4, browser.webRequest.onErrorOccurred, a.Qb, { urls: I, types: b }) + } else a.za(3, 4) +} +n.$a = function (a) { + browser.runtime.lastError; if (a) { + var b = a.value; a = cb[b.mode]; var c, d; this.ka.fill(void 0); if (5 == a && (d = b.pacScript)) d.data && 5E4 < d.data.length ? a = 4 : (c = d.data) ? (a = 6, c = c.replace(/\blet\b/g, "var").replace(/,(?=(?:\s*\/\/.*?\n)*\s*[\]}])/g, "")) : c = d.url, this.ka.fill(!0); else if (7 == a) { + b = b.rules; d = b.bypassList; c = Gb(this, b.singleProxy); if (!c) { + c = Gb(this, b.fallbackProxy); var e = Gb(this, b.proxyForHttp, 1), f = Gb(this, b.proxyForHttps, 9); b = Gb(this, b.proxyForFtp, 2); e != f || e != b || e != c && c ? (c = (e || "") + ";" + (f || + "") + ";" + (b || "") + ";" + (c || ""), ++a) : c = e + } d && d.length && (c += ";" + d.join(",")) + } b = 5 > a ? a.toString() : c ? a + ":" + c : null; b != this.s && (this.s && this.Ha(), this.s = b) + } +}; function Gb(a, b, c) { if (b) { var d = b.scheme || "http", e = "https" == d; a = a.ka; c ? a[c] = e : a.fill(e); if (bb(d)) return d + "://" + b.host + (b.port ? ":" + b.port : "") } } +function Hb(a, b, c, d) { if (b) { var e = b.type; if ("direct" == e) return "0"; "socks" == e && (e = "socks5"); if (bb(e)) { var f = "1:" + e + "://" + b.host + ":" + b.port; "socks5" == e && b.proxyDNS && (f += "#"); c || d || !(c = a.O) || (c = c.substr(c.indexOf(";") + 1 || c.length)); c && (f += ";" + c); d && f && (a.O = f); return f } } } +n.Ha = L[L.length] = function Ib(a, b) { if (void 0 === a) { if ((Oa || Pa) && this.j) { var d = this.C; d || (b = "http://" + (1 == this.j ? (new URL(this.v.url)).host : ya[0]), d = b + "/status/204+IDM"); a = new XMLHttpRequest; a.timeout = 1E3; a.onreadystatechange = Ib.bind(this, a, b); a.open("GET", d, !0); a.send() } } else 4 == a.readyState && (204 != a.status ? this.C = this.G = null : b && (this.C = b + "/status/204+IDM", this.G = Oa && this.sa ? b + "/client/" + this.sa : null)) }; n.ra = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this.f; return b in e ? e[b] : e[b] = new lb(b, a, c, d) }; +function Jb(a, b) { a = a.g; var c = b.id; a[c] !== b && (a[c] = b, z && (a[b.requestId] = b)) } function Kb(a, b, c, d, e) { if (M(b)) { var f = b.frameId || 0; var h = b.parentFrameId; var g = b.method && b.id; d || (d = b.tabId); e || (e = b.url) } else f = b; var l = a.u[d + "," + f]; l || (l = new mb(d, f, h), a.u[l.id] = l); g ? (l.g != g && (l.g = g, l.j = e, l.f = !1, l.b && (l.b = e.startsWith(b.initiator || b.originUrl))), l.h = "POST" == b.method) : e && (e.startsWith("about:blank") ? f && (l.b = !0) : l.m = e); null != c && (l.refresh = c); return l } function Lb(a, b) { return a.u[b.tabId + "," + b.frameId] } +function Ob(a) { var b = new kb; return a.H[b.a] = b } function Pb(a, b) { delete a.H[b instanceof kb ? b.a : b] } function Qb(a, b) { for (var c of a.K) if (c && c[101].test(b)) return c.ma; return 0 } +n.Aa = function () { + var a = this.fa % (ya.length + 1); if (a < ya.length) { a = ya[a]; var b = x().toString().substr(2, 9); a = this.v = new WebSocket("ws://" + a + "/?cid=" + b, "plugin.v3.internetdownloadmanager.com"); a.onopen = this.Da; a.onclose = this.S; a.onmessage = this.Jb; a.onerror = N; 1 == a.readyState ? this.Da(1) : 3 == a.readyState ? this.S() : a.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.S, 1500, a) } else z ? this.S() : (a = this.v = browser.runtime.connectNative("com.tonec.idm"), a.onDisconnect.addListener(this.S), a.onMessage.addListener(this.wb), a.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.Da, + 0, 2)) +}; n.Da = function (a) { var b = this.v; b && b.timeout && (window.clearTimeout(b.timeout), b.timeout = null); this.j = M(a) ? 1 : a; this.Ra = 1; this.X = !1; a = browser.i18n.getUILanguage().replace("_", "-"); "sr" == a && (a += "-Cyrl-CS"); b = [88, 52, Ma ? 1028 : 1031, 0]; var c = {}; c[112] = G; c[113] = ma; c[114] = za; c[125] = JSON.stringify(this.Yb); c[116] = a; P(this, 2, 1, Ma ? 0 : 1024, b, c) }; +n.S = function (a) { var b = browser.runtime.lastError || a && a.error, c = this.v; c && c.timeout && (window.clearTimeout(c.timeout), c.timeout = null); if (c instanceof WebSocket) { if (a === c) return c.close() } else c && ab(b && b.message) && (this.X = !0); this.v = null; this.j && (this.j = 0, this.Z = {}, Fb(this, !1), this.za(1, 2), this.W = !1, this.s = this.G = this.C = null, K(this, !1)); a = ++this.fa; b = ya.length + 1; c = a / b; 120 > c && (1 == c && Rb(this), !a || a % b ? this.Aa() : window.setTimeout(this.Aa, 5E3 * c)) }; +n.Jb = function (a) { var b = new ib; b.g = this.Ya; b.c = this.S; qb(b, a.data) }; n.wb = function (a) { var b = new ib; b.g = this.Ya; b.c = this.S; qb(b, new Blob([a])) }; function P(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) { var g = a.j; if (!g) return 0; var l = a.Ra++; b = new ib(l, b, c, d, e, f, 2 == g); if (h) return h.open("POST", a.G + "?seq=" + l, !1), h.send(pb(b)), 200 == h.status ? l : 0; if (1 == g) a.v.send(pb(b)); else try { a.v.postMessage(ob(b)) } catch (k) { return a.S(), 0 } d & 1 && (a.Z[l] = b); return l } +function Sb(a, b) { if (b.a) { var c = b.a[1] || b.a[6], d = a.g[c]; if (d) return d.c ? b.b = d.port.id : null; d = a.i; for (var e in d) if (d[e].f == c) return b.b = e } e = b[6]; d = b[17]; var f = b[50], h = b[7], g = a.V, l = a.f; a = a.a; var k; if ((k = g[e]) || (k = g[d])) return b.b = k.id; if (k = g[f]) var m = k.id; for (c in l) { g = l[c]; var p = g.f; if (p) { if (p == e || p == d || p == f) { k = g.port; if (h) { var r = a[k.tabId]; r && r.m != h && (k = null) } if (k) return b.b = k.id } if (p == h) var q = g.port.id } } return m ? b.b = m : q ? b.b = q : null } +n.jb = L[L.length] = function Tb(a, b, c, d) { var f; a: for (; !c;) { if (f = a.b) return f; if (a.a) { var h = this.a[a.a[6] + "," + a.a[7]]; h ? f = h.id : (h = a.a[7]) && this.i[h] && (f = h) } if (f || (f = Sb(this, a))) break; var g = this.i, l = a[50], k = a[7], m; for (m in g) { h = g[m]; if (h.m == l) { f = m; break a } h.m == k && (f = m) } if (f) break; return k ? browser.tabs.query({ url: k }, Tb.bind(this, a, b, !0)) : null } return c ? (browser.runtime.lastError, d && (d = d.shift()) && (h = this.a[d.id]) && (f = a.b = h.id), b && b(f)) : a.b = f }; +n.Oa = L[L.length] = function Ub(a, b, c) { + var e = a.tabId, f = a.aa; if (b) if (ca(c)) for (var h = a.m, g = h.includes("#") && Vb(h), l = c.length; l--;) { b = c[l]; var k = b.frameId; if (k != f) if (k && !b.pc && (b.url == h || g && b.url == g)) f = a.aa = k; else continue; var m = b.parentFrameId; break } else c ? m = c.parentFrameId : browser.runtime.lastError; else if (0 < f ? !a.c : null == f) { if (f && 822083584 <= F) return browser.webNavigation.getFrame({ frameId: f, tabId: e }, Ub.bind(this, a, !0)); if (f || a.m) return browser.webNavigation.getAllFrames({ tabId: e }, Ub.bind(this, a, !0)) } 0 <= + m && (a.c = e + "," + m); if (null != f && a.i) { if (b = this.u[e + "," + f]) a.f = b.g, a.g |= b.f, a.refresh |= b.refresh, a.l = b.b, (c = b.ba) && a.m != c && (a.ba = c), a.c || (a.c = b.c), (c = this.g[a.f]) && !c.port && (c.port = a); this.a[e + "," + f] = a; m = this.ta ? 1 : null; c = a.ma; e = [11, a.id, e, f, c, a.refresh, a.g, m && db[m]]; c && a.g && (f = this.K[c], e.push(db[f.kb]), ha(e, f.hb.map(Wb(f)).map(Xb))); a.postMessage(e) } +}; +n.ja = L[L.length] = function Yb(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g) { var k = Zb(a); if (!k) return 0; var m = 0 < (k & 32), p = 1 == (k &= 7); if (p && !m) { if (!h) return Q(a, Yb.bind(this, a, b, c, d, e, f, !0)), -1; M(g) && (g = R(g)) } h = [k]; k = {}; k[6] = Vb(a, p, this); k[50] = b; k[7] = c; k[8] = d; k[100] = e; k[102] = f; k[51] = g; k[54] = navigator.userAgent; k[121] = D ? this.O : this.s; P(this, 14, 1, 0, h, k); return 3 }; +n.cc = L[L.length] = function $b(a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (c) { var g = c.c; var l = c.M; var k = c.l } if (!d) { if (!a || !a.length) return; f = ac(); g && !l && Q(g, e = S()); for (var m of a) Q(m[0], f[f.length] = S()); return T($b, this, a, b, c, !0, e, f) } e && (l = R(e)); for (m of a) m[5] = R(f.shift()); b = 0; c = [0, 0, 0]; d = { 8: 4 }; d[54] = navigator.userAgent; d[7] = g; d[110] = k; d[111] = l; d[121] = D ? this.O : this.s; 1 < a.length && (c[1] = P(this, 15, 1, 0, [a.length], d), b = 16, d = {}); for (m of a) c[2]++, d[6] = m[0], d[100] = m[2], d[102] = m[3], d[50] = m[4], d[51] = m[5], P(this, 14, 2, b, c, d) }; +function tb(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g, l) { if (!d || a.c[-8]) { var k = a.a[b]; if (k) { var m = Ob(a); m.tabId = b; m.port = k; m.C = c; m.H = e; m.b = 0; m.f = []; if (k = d && !!f) m.I = !0, m.K = f, m.u = h, m.v = g, m.s = l, f.b || bc(a, f); f = m.a; (d = d && a.c[12]) ? (d = d.replace(/\./g, "\\.").replace(/\*/g, ".*").replace(/~/g, "(?:.*\\.)?"), d = "^(?:http|https|ftp|ftps)://(?:[^\\/]*@)?(?:" + d + ")(?::\\d+)?(?:\\W|$)") : d = "^(?:http|https|ftp|ftps)://"; m.g = cc(a, b, [12, f, c, k || e, d]); m.A = 0; m.g || Pb(a, m) } } } +n.Wb = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g) { + if (a = this.H[b]) { + d && (a.b += d); h && (a.c = h); g && (a.l = g); if (e && ("string" == typeof e && (e = JSON.parse(e)), e instanceof Array)) { if (f) for (var l of e) l[4] = f; ha(a.f, e) } ++a.A < a.g || (a.I ? (d = a.tabId, (e = this.b[a.port.a]) && e.B == d && a.b && (f = a.s, h = e.a, g = e.b, P(this, 10, 1, 0, [4294967295, e.l, Math.round(a.u * f + (e.h + h) * g), Math.round(a.v * f + (e.A + h) * g), 0, a.b]), this.l = d, cc(this, d, [13, !0]))) : a.H ? (d = 0 < a.b, this.Qa != d && (this.Qa = d, browser.contextMenus.update(this.P[2], { visible: d }), browser.contextMenus.refresh())) : + (d = a.f, d.length ? this.cc(d, a.C, a) : dc(a.tabId, "cannot_find_links")), Pb(this, a)) + } +}; n.Bb = function (a, b, c, d) { if (a = this.H[b]) this.ja(a.j, a.o, a.c, a.i, c, d), Pb(this, a) }; n.Eb = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.ra(a, b, c, d); a = [b, a.tabId, a.f, a.ma]; b = {}; b[132] = d; b[134] = e; b[133] = f; P(this, 23, 1, 0, a, b) }; +n.$ = L[L.length] = function ec(a, b, c) { if (4294967295 == a) this.l = null, c = !0; else { var e = this.f[a]; if (e) { c = e.a; if (!c) return; if (b) switch (c) { case 3: return; case 2: break; default: e.a = 3; window.setTimeout(ec.bind(this), 1E3, a, !1, !0); return }e.a = 0; c = !0 } } c && P(this, 8, 1, 32, [a]) }; +n.jc = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g, l) { + var k = a.tabId, m = a.a, p = this.b[m], r = this.h[k]; if (b) { + var q = this.H[b], u = q && q.G; if (u) { + if (!c && a.l) { var B = this.a[a.c]; if (B) return B.postMessage([15, b, null, u[6], u[17], u[50], u[31], u[133]]) } var A; if (!d) { if (!c || null == e) { if (!a.b) { c = a.la; f = "iframe"; h = a.m; var v = !!c } if (!v) { c = k; f = h = null; var C = !0 } } a = this.ra(a, c, f, h); p = k == p.B && !p.N && (C || v || e) && !r; !p || C || a.a || window.setTimeout(this.da, 3E3, m); var O = 2; a.a = p ? 1 : 2; var E = (p ? 128 : 64) | (C ? 512 : 0); !g && (A = this.a[k]) && (g = A.o) } U(this, u, O || 1, E || 0, m, + k, c, g, l); !O || C || r || fc(this, c, e); Pb(this, q) + } + } else d ? (this.$(c, !0), delete this.f[c]) : k != p.B || p.N || r || (e ? fc(this, c, e, !0) : gc(this, c)) +}; function hc(a, b) { var c = a.b[b]; if (c && c.ha) { var d = c.a, e = c.b; P(a, 7, 2, c.N ? 128 : c.o ? 256 : c.g ? 512 : 0, [b, Math.round((c.h + d) * e), Math.round((c.A + d) * e), Math.round((c.width - d - c.s) * e), Math.round((c.height - d) * e)]) } } +function fc(a, b, c, d) { var e = a.f[b]; if (e && e.a) { var f = e.port, h, g = 256; 2 == e.a && (null == d && (h = a.b[f.a]) && (d = f.tabId == h.B && !h.N), d ? (g |= 128, e.a = 1) : g |= 64); (d = e.c) && !c && (c = f.h); if (c) { var l = c[0]; var k = c[1]; var m = c[2] || l + 1; var p = c[3] || k + 1; var r = c[4]; if (c = !d && f.h) l += c[0], k += c[1], m = Math.min(m + c[0], c[2]), p = Math.min(p + c[1], c[3]); if (f = a.a[f.tabId]) var q = f.u } P(a, 9, 1, g, [b, l, k, m, p, r, q]) } } +n.da = function (a) { var b = this.h, c = this.a, d = this.b, e = a ? [d[a]] : V(d); a = []; d = {}; for (var f of e) !f || f.N || f.ca || b[f.B] || a.push(f.B); if (a.length) for (var h of V(this.f)) h.a && (b = h.port, f = b.tabId, a.includes(f) && ((f = b.b ? b : c[f]) && f.update && (f.update = !1, f.postMessage([14, !1])), h.b ? b.b ? b.postMessage([15, null, h.id]) : bc(this, b, null, d) : fc(this, h.id, null, !0))) }; function ic(a, b) { var c = a.b, d; if (b = null == b ? V(c) : (d = c[b]) ? [d] : null) for (d of b) xb(a, d.B, void 0) } +function xb(a, b, c, d) { d = 0 != d; var e = c ? 0 : 2; c = c ? 32 : 64; var f = a.f, h; for (h in f) { var g = f[h]; g.a && g.port.tabId == b && g.a != e && (d || g.b) && (g.a = e, P(a, 8, 1, c, [h])) } } function gc(a, b) { var c = a.f[b]; c && 1 == c.a && (c.a = 2, P(a, 8, 1, 64, [b])) } function jc(a, b, c, d) { var e = a.va, f = (e & b) != ((c ? 255 : 128) & b); a.va = c ? e |= b : e &= ~b; f && (c = a.c[-1], b = a.c[-2], c = a.ua = 0 != c && (e & c) == c, e = a.ya = 0 != b && (e & b) == b, a.Na = (c || e) && d || null) } +n.Ea = L[L.length] = function kc(a, b, c, d, e) { + var h = this.b[a]; if (h) if (h.ca ? d && (window.clearTimeout(h.ca), h.ca = null) : d || (d = -1), 0 <= d) h.i |= b, h.j |= c, d && (h.ca = window.setTimeout(kc.bind(this), d, a)); else { + b |= h.i; c |= h.j; h.i = h.j = h.ca = null; if (b) { for (var g of V(this.i)) g.b && g.a == a && (g.update = !0); e ? this.U(e) : browser.windows.get(a, this.U); browser.tabs.query({ windowId: a, active: !0 }, this.U) } if (c) { + if ((a = this.b[a]) && !a.N && !a.ca && (a = a.B, !this.h[a])) { + b = this.f; for (var l in b) c = b[l], c.a && c.port.tabId == a && 1 == c.a && P(this, 8, 1, 1152, + [l]) + } + } else this.da(a) + } +}; +n.U = L[L.length] = function lc(a, b) { + browser.runtime.lastError; a instanceof Array && (a = a.shift()); if (a) { + var d = a.windowId || a.id, e = this.b[d]; if (e) { + var f = !a.windowId; if (f) { + var h = b ? e.b = this.xa : e.b, g = e.g = "minimized" == a.state, l = e.o = "maximized" == a.state; g || (z ? (e.width = Math.round(a.width / h), e.height = Math.round(a.height / h), e.c = Math.round(a.left / h), e.f = Math.round(a.top / h)) : (e.width = a.width, e.height = a.height, e.c = a.left, e.f = a.top), g = e.N, a = e.N = "fullscreen" == a.state, h = l && -e.c, 0 < h && 16 >= h && h == -e.f && (e.a = h), a == g || b || (a ? + ic(this, d) : this.da(d))) + } else { if (e.C && Qa(a.url)) return; a.width && (e.v = a.width); a.height && (e.u = a.height) } if (!e.g) { h = e.width; g = e.v; l = e.height; a = e.u; var k = g > h || a > l; if (k || !g || !a) { f || k && browser.windows.get(d, lc.bind(this)); return } f = h - g; h = f / 2; 0 <= h && 16 >= h ? (e.a = h, e.h = e.s = 0) : (h = e.a, D || ka ? e.h = f - 2 * h : e.s = f - 2 * h); f = l - a - 2 * h; f >= (e.G ? 20 : 50) && f <= ta && (e.A = f); e.C = !0 } b || hc(this, d); return e + } + } +}; function wb(a, b) { return a.h[b] ? !0 : (a = a.a[b]) && a.refresh ? (a.refresh = !1, browser.tabs.reload(b), !0) : !1 } +n.fc = function (a, b, c, d) { a.m = b; a.s = c; a.refresh && !d && (a.refresh = !1); null == a.aa && this.Oa(a); this.da(a.a); a.b && 0 < this.I && mc(this) }; n.ic = function (a, b, c, d, e) { a.o = b; a.u = e; a = [a.f, a.tabId, a.a, d, e]; d = {}; d[110] = b; d[128] = c; P(this, 21, 1, 0, a, d) }; +n.kc = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = a.tabId, h = this.a[f + "," + c]; if (h) { var g = h.h; h.la = d; if (h.h = e) { var l = a.h; l && (e[0] += l[0], e[1] += l[1], e[2] = Math.min(e[2] + l[0], l[2]), e[3] = Math.min(e[3] + l[1], l[3])); if (g && g.join() != e.join()) { g = this.a; a = a.tabId + ","; c = a + c; for (var k in g) k.startsWith(a) && (l = g[k], l.c == c && h.postMessage([16, b, l.aa, l.la])) } } if (!this.h[f]) { fc(this, d, e); for (var m of V(this.f)) m.port == h && m.a && m.b && !m.c && h.postMessage([15, null, m.id]) } } }; +function bc(a, b, c, d) { a = a.a; c = [16, c]; for (var e = [b], f; f = a[b.c]; b = f) { if (d) if (d[b.id]) break; else d[b.id] = !0; e.push(f) } for (f = e.pop(); b = e.pop(); f = b)d = b.la, c[2] = b.aa, c[3] = d, c[4] = d ? null : b.m, c[5] = d ? null : b.ba, f.postMessage(c) } function cc(a, b, c) { a = a.a; b += ","; var d = 0, e; for (e in a) e.startsWith(b) && (a[e].postMessage(c), d++); return d } +n.oa = function (a, b) { var c = { file: "content.js", runAt: "document_start", matchAboutBlank: !0 }; !z && b ? c.frameId = b : c.allFrames = !0; if (a instanceof Array) for (; b = a.shift();)try { b.discarded || browser.tabs.executeScript(b.id, c, N) } catch (d) { } else if (b = a) try { browser.tabs.executeScript(b.id || b, c, N) } catch (d) { } }; function nc(a, b, c, d) { null == c && (c = b.l == a.M); c = 17 | (c ? 2048 : 1024) | (b.o ? 256 : b.g ? 512 : 0); b = [b.l, b.ha, b.width, b.height, b.c, b.f, b.b]; var e = {}; e[117] = d; P(a, 6, 2, c, b, e) } +n.fb = L[L.length] = function oc(a, b, c) { if (b) { a = {}; for (var e of c) a[e.windowId] = e; for (var f of b) e = a[f.id], b = this.U(f, !0) || this.bb(f, !0, e), nc(this, b, f.focused, f.title || e && e.title) } else { if (!a) { try { browser.windows.getAll({ windowTypes: ["normal", "popup"] }, b = S()) } catch (h) { browser.windows.getAll(b) } browser.tabs.query({ active: !0 }, c = S()); return T(oc, this, 1, b, c) } if (z && 1 == a && c) { b = ac(); for (f of c) browser.windows.get(f.windowId, b[b.length] = S()); return T(oc, this, 2, b, c) } } }; +n.ec = L[L.length] = function pc(a, b) { if (void 0 === a) return qc("system.display", pc.bind(this)); if (a) { if (!b) return browser.system.display.getInfo(null, pc.bind(this, a)); this.eb = b[0].displayZoomFactor } }; +n.Ca = function (a, b) { if (!this.j) return dc(b.id, "cannot_contact_idm"); var c = a.linkUrl, d = a.pageUrl, e = d; if (a.menuItemId == this.P[4]) return browser.downloads.search({ query: [c] }, this.ib.bind(this, c)); if (a.menuItemId == this.P[1]) c = a.frameUrl, c && "about:blank" != c || (c = d, e = null); else if (!c && (c = a.srcUrl, (a = this.a[b.id + "," + a.frameId]) && c)) { var f = Ob(this); f.tabId = b.id; f.port = a; f.j = c; f.o = e; f.c = d; f.i = 4; return a.postMessage([18, f.a, c]) } c && this.ja(c, e, d, 4) }; +n.Ia = function (a, b) { if (!this.j) return dc(b.id, "cannot_contact_idm"); tb(this, b.id, a.menuItemId == this.P[2]) }; n.ib = function (a, b) { for (var c, d, e; c = b.pop();)c.exists && "complete" == c.state ? d || e || (e = c.referrer) : (d || (d = c.referrer), browser.downloads.erase({ id: c.id })); this.ja(a, d || e, null, 4) }; +n.Fb = function (a) { var b = a.sender.tab; if (b && !(0 > b.id)) { a.name = a.name.split(":").shift(); var c = a.id; null == c && (c = a.id = this.$b++); var d = b.id, e = "top" == a.name; a.tabId = d; a.a = 0 > b.index ? null : b.windowId; a.i = !0; a.j = !1; a.update = e; a.b = e; a.aa = e ? 0 : a.sender.frameId; a.v = 0; a.m = a.sender.url || e && b.url || null; a.ba = null; this.i[c] = a; e && (this.a[d] = a); a.m && (a.ma = Qb(this, (new URL(a.m)).hostname)); a.onMessage.addListener(this.Gb.bind(this, a)); a.onDisconnect.addListener(this.pa); this.Oa(a) } }; +n.pa = function (a, b) { + browser.runtime.lastError; if (a.i) { + a.i = !1; var c = a.tabId + "," + a.aa, d = this.H, e = this.f, f, h = this.V, g = this.g, l, k; for (k in d) d[k].port === a && delete d[k]; for (k in e) if (f = e[k], f.port === a) this.$(k), delete e[k]; for (var m in h) h[m] === a && delete h[m]; for (k in g) (l = g[k], l.port !== a || l.g) || delete g[k]; this.Na === a && jc(this, 255, !1); delete this.i[a.id]; delete this.a[c]; a.b && delete this.a[a.tabId]; if (z && !b) browser.tabs.executeScript(a.tabId, { code: "__idm_connect__ && __idm_connect__(); true;" }, N); else for (k in a = + this.u, a) c == a[k].c && delete a[k] + } +}; +n.Gb = function (a, b) { + var c = b[0]; b[0] = a; switch (c) { + case 21: this.fc.apply(this, b); break; case 24: this.ic.apply(this, b); break; case 22: this.kc.apply(this, b); break; case 23: this.jc.apply(this, b); break; case 41: this.Eb.apply(this, b); break; case 25: this.ra.apply(this, b); break; case 26: tb(this, a.tabId, !0, !0, !1, a, b[1], b[2], b[3]); break; case 27: this.Wb.apply(this, b); break; case 28: this.$(4294967295); break; case 29: this.Xa.apply(this, b); break; case 30: this.Xa.apply(this, b); break; case 31: this.zb.apply(this, b); break; case 32: this.Cb.apply(this, + b); break; case 39: this.Ab.apply(this, b); break; case 33: this.ub.apply(this, b); break; case 34: this.yb.apply(this, b); break; case 35: this.Bb.apply(this, b); break; case 36: this.Vb.apply(this, b); break; case 37: this.Ib.apply(this, b) + } +}; +n.Ya = function (a) { + var b = a.type, c = a.o, d = a.l, e = a.a, f; if (1 == b) { var h = e[0]; if (f = this.Z[h]) b = f.type, delete this.Z[h] } switch (b) { + case 3: 0 <= this.fa && (this.fa = -1, this.Ha()); d = this.ea = e[0]; this.Sa = 9 > d; this.Ja = 10 <= d; this.sa = e[6]; if (d = e[4]) d /= 96, this.xa = y && 1.245 > d ? 1 : d, this.fb(), y && this.eb && this.ec(); rc(this, e[5], a); sc(this, !0); Rb(this); break; case 4: f = this.c; this.o = !!(e[3] & 2147483648); this.ta = !!(e[3] & 1073741824); rc(this, e[2], a); sc(this); f[-9] = 0 < (d & 64); f[-13] = 0 < (d & 1024) || Ma; f[-8] = 0 < (d & 32); f[-4] = 0 < (d & 2); f[-11] = 0 < + (d & 256) || 2 > c; f[-12] = 0 < (d & 512) || 2 > c; f[-1] = e[0]; f[-2] = e[1]; f[12] = a[12]; f[17] = a[17]; W(f, a, 1); W(f, a, 2); W(f, a, 3); W(f, a, 4); W(f, a, 10); W(f, a, 9, 2); W(f, a, 11, 2); W(f, a, 20); W(f, a, 21, 1); tc(f, a, 19); tc(f, a, 18, 1, 1); (this.A || this.Ka) && vb(this); break; case 18: d = e[0]; e = e[1]; e = eb[e ? -e : d]; if (!e) break; f = this.K[d] = {}; c = e[2]; f.ma = d; f.kb = e[0]; f.hb = e[1]; for (var g in a) (g = parseInt(g)) && (102 == g || 110 < g && 150 > g) && (f[g] = c.includes(g) ? RegExp(a[g]) : a[g]); 15 > this.ea && 2 == d && (f[124] = "a:not([target])", f[125] = "
:not(:only-child):not(video:first-child,img:first-child:nth-last-child(2))", + f[120] = 4); 87 > this.ea && 4 == d && (f[115] = "~+" + f[115].slice(1) + "<"); for (g of c) f[g] || (f[g] = Aa); e = this.K.map(uc(102)).filter(ba); this.Ma = RegExp("^https?://(?:" + e.join("|") + ")", "i"); W(f, a, 101, 2); break; case 5: a = e[0]; (e = this.b[a]) ? (d = 0 != (d & 128), e.N != d && (e.N = d) && ic(this, a)) : this.cb(a); break; case 6: if (d & 4) break; a = f.a[0]; e = e[1]; if (d = this.b[a]) d.ha = e, hc(this, a); break; case 8: a = e[0]; e = d & 32; if (4294967295 == a) cc(this, this.l, [13, !1]), this.l = null; else if (a = this.f[a]) a.a = e ? 0 : 2; break; case 11: a = e[0]; 4294967295 == a && (tb(this, + this.l, !0, !0), this.l = null); break; case 12: try { var l = a.a[5], k = a[4]; e = 4 == l ? 2 : 3; if (1 == l || 2 == l) { if (Sb(this, a)) { if (this.c[3].test(k)) 1 == l ? e = 6 : l = 4; else if (this.c[-4] || this.c[4].test(k)) e = 6; a[8] |= 256 } if (3 == e) { var m = this.b[this.M]; m && this.h[m.B] && (e = 1) } } if (4 == l) if (!this.Sa || a.a[6] || a.a[7]) { switch (a.a[4]) { case 1: a[7] || (a[7] = a[50]); break; case 3: a[7] || (a[7] = a[32]), a[50] || (a[50] = a[31]) }this.Xb(a) } else U(this, a, 1); else U(this, a, e) } catch (p) { U(this, a, 0) } break; case 13: a = f.a[0]; d = f.a[5]; e = e[1]; g = 3 == e; if (3 >= d) f.l & 128 ? + vc(this, a, g) : X(this, a, g); else if (5 == d) if (e) { if (a = (g = this.g[a]) && g.i) { f = g.method; e = g.requestHeaders; if (d = g.f) (d = wc(d, Y(e, "Content-Type"))) || (f = "GET"); a.timeout = 1E4; a.onreadystatechange = this.Hb.bind(this, a, g.id); a.open(f, g.url, !0); for (g = 0; g < e.length; g++)f = e[g].name, c = f.toLowerCase(), c.startsWith("x-idm-") || (Ra(c) && (f = "X-IDM-" + f), a.setRequestHeader(f, e[g].value)); a.send(d) } } else xc(this, a); break; case 20: e = a[123]; d = !e; a = [a.j, 0, 0, 0]; g = {}; D && (f = this.O) && (g[122] = f, d || (d = f.substr(2).split(";", 1).shift() == + e)); g[121] = this.s; P(this, 1, 1, d ? 2 : 4, a, g); break; case 22: this.gb(e[0], e[1], a[131], a[130]); break; case 1: break; default: !f && d & 1 && P(this, 1, 1, 0, [a.j, 0, 0, 0]) + } +}; n.gb = L[L.length] = function yc(a, b, c, d, e) { if (!z && null == va) { if (void 0 === e) return qc("notifications", yc.bind(this, a, b, c, d)); va = e || !1 } va && (browser.notifications.create(a.toString(), { type: "basic", title: d || "", message: c, iconUrl: "images/logo48.png" }, N), b && window.setTimeout(browser.notifications.clear, 1E3 * b, a.toString(), N)) }; +n.Xb = L[L.length] = function zc(a, b, c, d) { + try { var f = a.b; if (!f) if (c) f = a.b = c; else if (d) { var h = this.b[d.id], g = this.a[h && h.B]; g && (f = a.b = g.id) } else if (!b && (f = this.jb(a, c = S()), !f)) return browser.windows.getLastFocused(d = S()), T(zc, this, a, !0, c, d); var l = this.i[f]; if (!l) return U(this, a, 0); h = this.b[l.a]; if (!h || !h.ha) return U(this, a, 1); (g = this.a[l.tabId]) && g.update && (g.update = !1, g.postMessage([14, !0])); var k = Ob(this), m = a.a[8], p = [15, k.a, m]; k.G = a; m || (l.b || bc(this, l, k.a), p.push(a[6], a[17], a[50], a[31], a[133])); l.postMessage(p) } catch (r) { + U(this, + a, 0) + } +}; function U(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g, l) { -1 != c && (e = [b.j, c, e, h, f], f = {}, f[8] = b[8], g && (f[101] = g, f[128] = l), P(a, 1, 2, d | (0 == c ? 4 : 2), e, f)) } n.Db = function (a) { Kb(this, a).a = !0; D && browser.windows.get(a.windowId, this.U) }; +n.Za = function (a, b) { + var c = a.tabId, d = a.frameId, e = a.url, f = a.transitionType, h = f ? f.endsWith("_subframe") : z && 0 < d, g = this.u[c + "," + d]; this.L != c || Qa(e) || (this.L = null); !h && this.h[c] && (g ? (f = g.i, f = !(e && f && (new URL(e)).hostname == (new URL(f)).hostname)) : f = !0, K(this, f, c)); g && (g.i = e); if (f = this.a[c + "," + d]) if (this.l && (a = this.b[f.a]) && a.B == this.l && this.$(4294967295), b) { + if (b = f.m, c = new URL(b), d = new URL(e), (c.origin != d.origin || c.pathname != d.pathname || 1 != Qb(this, c.hostname) || "/watch" != c.pathname || c.a("v") != d.a("v")) && e != + b) { b = this.f; var l, k; for (k in b) if (l = b[k], l.port === f) 2 == f.ma ? gc(this, k) : (this.$(k), delete b[k]); f.v++; f.m = e; f.b && (f.update = !0); f.postMessage([17, !0]) } + } else this.pa(f, !0), h && "about:blank" == f.m && this.oa(c, d); else h && "about:blank" == e ? (Kb(this, a), this.oa(c, d)) : g && g.a && (g.m || !b) && (g.a = !1) +}; n.vb = function (a) { return this.Za(a, !0) }; +n.bb = function (a, b, c) { var d = a.id; c = { l: d, width: a.width, height: a.height, c: a.left, f: a.top, b: this.xa, a: 8, A: sa, h: 0, s: 0, G: "popup" == a.type, N: "fullscreen" == a.state, o: "maximized" == a.state, g: "minimized" == a.state, B: c && c.id, u: c && c.height, v: c && c.width, C: !D, ha: null, ca: null }; Object.setPrototypeOf(c, nb.prototype); this.b[d] = c; a.focused && (this.M = d); b && (browser.tabs.query({ windowId: d, active: !0 }, this.U), browser.tabs.query({ windowId: d, url: I }, this.hc), browser.tabs.query({ windowId: d, url: I }, this.oa)); return c }; +n.hc = function (a) { for (var b of a) Kb(this, 0, !0, b.id, b.url) }; n.cb = function (a) { P(this, 5, 1, 32, [a]); delete this.b[a]; this.J == a && ub(this) }; n.Ub = function (a) { if (0 < a) { this.J && browser.windows.update(this.J, { drawAttention: !0 }); var b = this.b[a]; b && (this.M = a, b.ha || nc(this, b, !0), browser.windows.onBoundsChanged || browser.windows.get(a, this.U), wb(this, b.B), z && this.Ea(a, !1, !0, 500)) } else this.M = null }; n.Tb = function (a) { this.Ea(a.id, !0, !1, -1, a) }; +n.Nb = function (a, b, c) { var d = c.active; c = c.windowId; var e = d && this.b[c]; e && (e.ha || nc(this, e)); "complete" == b.status && (a = this.a[a]) && !a.j && (a.j = !0, d && this.da(c)) }; n.Mb = function (a) { var b = this.a, c = this.u, d = a + ","; this.L == a && (this.L = null); var e = b[a]; e && this.pa(e, !0); for (var f in b) f.startsWith(d) && this.pa(b[f], !0); for (var h in c) h.startsWith(d) && delete c[h]; delete this.h[a] }; +n.Kb = function (a) { var b = a.tabId; a = a.windowId; this.va = 0; this.l && this.$(4294967295); var c = this.b[a]; c && (xb(this, c.B), c.B = b, (c = this.L) && b != c && (this.J ? browser.windows.update(this.J, { drawAttention: !0 }) : this.j && this.A && (this.L = null, window.setTimeout(browser.tabs.remove, 250, c))), browser.tabs.get(b, this.U), wb(this, b) || this.da(a)) }; n.Lb = function (a, b) { b = b.newWindowId; var c = this.i, d; for (d in c) (d = c[d]) && d.tabId == a && (d.a = b); xb(this, a, !0) }; n.xb = function (a) { this.J && "idle" == a && browser.windows.update(this.J, { focused: !0 }) }; +n.Xa = function (a, b, c) { if (a.b) { var d = a.tabId; a = a.a; var e = this.b[a]; this.l && this.$(4294967295); if (e && e.B == d) { var f = !1; b && (e.v = b, f = !0); c && (e.u = c, f = !0); xb(this, d, !1, f); this.Ea(a, f, !1, 500) } } else a.la && (b = this.a[a.c]) && b.postMessage([16, null, a.aa, a.la]) }; n.zb = function (a, b, c) { (b = fb[b]) && jc(this, b, c, a) }; n.Cb = function (a, b, c) { 0 == b && jc(this, 128, c, a) }; n.Ab = function (a, b, c, d) { this.qa = a.id; a.lb = b; a.Ga = c; a.mb = d }; n.ub = function () { jc(this, 255, !1) }; +n.yb = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = a.f; e && (a = 32, c = [e, null == c ? (a |= 16, -2) : c], e = {}, e[110] = b, e[115] = d, P(this, 16, 1, a, c, e)) }; n.Vb = function (a, b, c) { if (a = this.g[b]) { b = [a.id, 0]; var d = {}; d[115] = c; P(this, 16, 1, 48, b, d); a.o = !1; a.W && X(this, a) } }; n.Ib = function (a, b, c, d) { P(this, 19, 2, 0, [b, c, a.tabId, a.f], d) }; function xc(a, b) { if (b = a.g[b]) { var c = b.i; b.o = !1; b.i = null; b.W && X(a, b); c && c.abort() } } n.Hb = function (a, b) { if (4 == a.readyState) { var c = [b, 0], d = {}; 200 == a.status && (d[115] = a.response); P(this, 16, 1, 48, c, d); xc(this, b) } }; +function Ac(a, b) { var c = a.c; if (b.s || a.h[b.tabId] || !c[-9]) return 1; if (b.h) return 6; if (b.c && c[-4]) return 1; var d = b.u, e = b.R = Z(d.pathname); return c[9].test(d.hostname) || c[19].test(d.href) ? 1 : 2 == (b.b & 7) && (b.M || c[-13]) ? d.pathname.endsWith("/") || c[21].test(d.pathname) ? 1 : c[1].test(e) || a.o && !c[20].test(e) ? 4 : 1 : 6 } +function Bc(a, b) { + var c = !b.a; if (b.h && c) return 3; var d = a.c, e = d[18], f = d[1], h = b.u, g = b.R, l = b.j || (h.search ? null : g), k = b.c, m = Ca.includes(b.type), p = !b.M, r = !m && e.exec(h.href); if (r) { + var q = e.lc, u = e.mc, B = e.nc, A = e.oc; for (e = 1; e < r.length; ++e)if (r[e]) { + q = q[--e]; if (null === q) break; r = 0; if (q.includes("G")) { var v = !0; r |= "GET" == b.method } q.includes("P") && (v = !0, r |= "POST" == b.method); if (v && !r) break; v = q.includes("V") | q.includes("A") | q.includes("C"); q.includes("H") && (b.X = !0); if ((v ? b.X : k ? !q.includes("S") : q.includes("X")) || p && q.includes("D")) return 1; + if (r = A[e]) { r = r.exec(h.href); if (!r) break; h = u[e]; if (u = h.F) { var C = !0; var O = r[u] } if (u = h.T) { C = !0; var E = r[u] } } E || (E = Z(O) || q.includes("T") && (C = !0, g) || B[e]); if (v) return E && (b.R = E), k || (b.c = !0), b.a = !0, 6; if (c && (E ? f.test(E) : !C)) return b.P = 16777216, 4; break + } + } if (!c) return 6; if (l && (m && d[2].test(l) || k && d[4].test(l))) return 1; if ((D || a.G) && (b.M || d[-13])) { if (k && d[3].test(l)) return 6; if ((!k || a.o) && l && f.test(l)) return b.P = 8, 4 } return 6 +} +function Cc(a, b) { + if (b.ga) return a.ia(6, b), 6; var c = b.statusCode; if (200 != c && 206 != c && 304 != c) return 1; var d = Y(b.responseHeaders, "Content-Type"), e = Y(b.responseHeaders, "Content-Disposition"), f = Dc(d).toLowerCase(), h = "attachment" == Dc(e).toLowerCase(); c = b.c; var g = b.A; if (b.fa = g && !h && "text/html" == f) { if (b.g) { var l = Lb(a, b); l && (l.f = !0); a.ia(5, b) } return 1 } if (c ? b.s : b.a) return 1; if (a.o && g && h) return 4; var k, m, p, r = a.c, q = b.u, u = q.hostname, B = q.pathname; e = (d = Ec(e, "filename") || Ec(d, "name")) && Z(d); if (d) { + if (!e && !c) return 1; + if (e && (!c || 5 >= e.length)) { b.v = d; var A = p = !0 } + } p || (d = B.split("/").pop(), (e = b.R || Z(d)) && e.toLowerCase() == f.split("/").pop() && (A = !0)); if (!A) { var v = r[10].test(f), C = hb[f]; if (C) if (C = C.split("|"), e && C.includes(e)) A = !0; else if (c && Ua(e)) A = !0; else if (c ? !v : !e) { A = !0; var O = v; e = C[0] } !A && e && (h && g ? A = !0 : v ? A = O = !0 : C || Ta(e) || (A = O = !0)) } if (c) { + C = Qb(a, u); g = a.K[C]; v = B + q.search; switch (C) { + case 0: break; case 1: if (g[111].test(v)) { var E = A = !0; e = null } else if (g[112].test(v)) var aa = !0; else if (g[115].test(v) && "application/json" == f) var oa = + !0; else if (g[113].test(v) && "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" == f || g[114].test(v) && "video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd" == f) var pa = !0; break; case 2: (u = g[111].exec(v)) && (Sa(f) || "text/html" == f) ? (f = u[1] && g[112].exec(b.port.m)) && u[1] != f[1] || (pa = !0) : g[114].test(v) ? oa = !0 : h && "image" == b.type && "MP4" == e && (m = !0); break; case 3: "M4S" == e && (A = !0); u == g[111] && g[112].test(B) && Sa(f) && (pa = !0); break; case 4: g[111].test(v) && Sa(f) && (oa = !0); break; case 5: g[111].test(v) && "text/html" == f && (oa = !0); break; case 6: g[111].test(v) && (pa = !0); break; + default: g[111].test(B) && (oa = !0) + }A && ("M3U8" == e || "F4M" == e || a.Ja && "MPD" == e ? pa = !0 : "F4F" == e && (d.endsWith("Seg1-Frag1") || d.endsWith("Seg1-Frag2") || d.includes("Seg1-Frag2_")) && (k = !0)); "ASF" == e && ((f = Y(b.responseHeaders, "Content-Length")) && 102400 >= parseInt(f) && (m = !0), "DCLK-AdSvr" == Y(b.responseHeaders, "Server") && (m = !0)) + } if (m) return 1; A && (c && r[3].test(e) ? E = !0 : c && r[4].test(e) ? b.a = !0 : !b.a && r[1].test(e) && (l = !0)); if (E) { + var Mb, Nb; if (b.X) E = !1; else if (m = r[11]) m.test(q.hostname) ? E = !1 : (Mb = a.a[b.tabId]) && (Nb = Mb.m) && m.test((new URL(Nb)).hostname) && + (E = !1) + } if (oa) aa = b.o = !0; else if (pa || k) "POST" != b.method || b.f ? (a = new XMLHttpRequest, a.responseType = k ? "blob" : "text", b.i = a, aa = !0) : aa = !1; if (!l && !E && !aa) return 1; A && (b.j = e); p && (b.v = d); b.g |= aa; b.P = E || aa ? 256 : 16 | (c ? 4096 : 0) | (O ? 8388608 : 0); return l ? 4 : E ? 2 : 5 +} +n.ia = L[L.length] = function Fc(a, b, c, d, e, f) { + var g = b.url, l = b.b || Zb(g), k = 1 == (l & 7), m = b.requestHeaders; if (k && !d && !e && (f = Y(m, "Cookie"), null == f)) return Q(g, Fc.bind(this, a, b, c, d, !0)), !0; M(f) && (f = R(f)); var p = b.id, r = b.port && b.port.id, q = b.timeStamp, u = c ? w(c.timeStamp - q) : null, B = b.P, A = b.responseHeaders; e = b.Y; var v = c && c.ip; c = 0; 3 == (v ? v.length - v.replaceAll(".", "").length : 0) ? B |= 33554432 : 2 < (v ? v.length - v.replaceAll(":", "").length : 0) && (B |= 4194304); l & 16 && (B |= 2097152); "POST" == b.method && (B |= 512); 4 > a && (D || d) && (c |= 1); b.g && + b.i && (c |= 1); b.g && 5 != a && (c |= 32); b.c && (c |= 16); b.K && (c |= 8192); b.A && (c |= b.C ? 2048 : 4096); l = [p, r, q.toFixed(), b.statusCode, l & 7, a, b.tabId, b.frameId]; p = {}; 16 > this.ea && (l[2] = w(q / 1E3), l[3] = w(q % 1E3 * 1E3)); p[6] = Vb(g, k && 4 > a, this); p[12] = b.statusLine; p[17] = b.ba; p[4] = b.j; p[100] = b.v; p[127] = b.ka; p[8] = B; p[129] = u; p[122] = this.s; p[11] = Gc(m); p[13] = Gc(A); p[18] = Gc(e); b.f && (p[14] = wc(b.f, Y(m, "Content-Type"))); b.O && (p[19] = wc(b.O, Y(e, "Content-Type"))); if (null == m) { + a = this.u; g = b.tabId + "," + b.frameId; do g = (k = a[g]) && k.c, k = k && k.m, "about:blank" == + k && (k = null); while (!k && g); p[50] = k; p[51] = f; p[54] = navigator.userAgent + } D && (p[122] = Hb(this, b.proxyInfo, Y(m, "Proxy-Authorization")), p[55] = Hb(this, b.Z, Y(e, "Proxy-Authorization"))); if (!b.fa || !b.C) if (b = this.a[b.tabId]) p[7] = b.m; return !!P(this, 13, 1, c, l, p, d) +}; +n.na = L[L.length] = function Hc(a, b, c, d, e) { if (0 == a) b.H = d, b.G = e, Jb(this, b); else { this.I && mc(this, !0); d = this.G ? new XMLHttpRequest : null; e = this.ia(a, b, c, d); d && (e = (d = e && parseInt(d.getResponseHeader("x-idm-status"))) ? 3 == d : this.ia(a, b, c)); if (e) return Na && !c ? void (b.I = !0) : D ? new Promise(Hc.bind(this, 0, b, null)) : X(this, b, !0); b.a = !0 } }; +function X(a, b, c) { var d = a.g, e; if (M(b)) { var f = b; b = f.id } else if (!(f = d[b])) return; if (c) { if (f.A || f.K) { var h = 0 < f.statusCode || !f.requestHeaders, g = Lb(a, f); g && g.a && f.C ? browser.tabs.remove(f.tabId) : y && h && !f.K ? e = { redirectUrl: "javascript:void(0)" } : z && h ? e = { redirectUrl: Ic(f, g) } : Pa && h && (e = { redirectUrl: a.C || Ic(f, g) }) } e || (e = { cancel: !0 }); f.I = !0 } (a = f.H) && void 0 !== c && (f.H = f.G = null, a(e || {})); if (c = f.G) f.H = f.G = null, c(); if (f.i || f.o) return f.W = !0, e; delete d[b]; z && delete d[f.requestId]; f.V && delete d[f.V]; return e } +n.qb = function (a) { (this.o || a.byExtensionId) && !this.ya && this.c[-9] && Zb(a.finalUrl || a.url, !0) && (this.R[a.id] = a, browser.downloads.pause(a.id, N)) }; +n.rb = function (a, b) { var c = a.id, d = this.R; if (!d[c]) return !1; var e = this.c, f = a.finalUrl || (a.finalUrl = a.url), h = new URL(f), g = a.b = Zb(f, !0), l = a.j = Z(a.filename || h.pathname); if (!(a.h = this.ua) && !this.o && (!e[1].test(l) || e[9].test(h.hostname) || e[19].test(h.href))) return vc(this, c); a.dc = b; d[c] = a; if (1 == g) { if (!a.referrer) { b = this.i; c = this.b; for (var k in b) if (d = b[k], d.m == f && (a.referrer = d.s, (e = c[d.a]) && e.B == d.tabId)) break } var m; Q(f, k = S()); a.url == f || Q(a.url, m = S()); T(this.Va, this, a, k, m); return a.Pa = !0 } return this.Va(a) }; +n.Va = function (a, b, c) { var d = Date.now(); d = [a.id, 0, w(d / 1E3), w(d % 1E3 * 1E3), a.b, 2]; var e = {}; e[6] = Vb(a.finalUrl); e[4] = a.j; e[103] = a.totalBytes || null; e[100] = a.filename || null; e[127] = a.mime || null; e[8] = a.h ? 2048 : 0; e[50] = a.referrer || null; e[51] = R(b); e[54] = navigator.userAgent; e[122] = this.s; a.finalUrl != a.url && (e[17] = Vb(a.url), e[56] = R(c)); return !!P(this, 13, 1, 129, d, e) || vc(this, a.id) }; +function vc(a, b, c) { var d = a.R[b]; if (d) { if (c) return browser.downloads.cancel(b, N), !0; d.Pa && (d.Pa = !1, d.dc()); browser.downloads.resume(b, N); delete a.R[b] } return !1 } n.pb = function (a) { if (!(0 > a.tabId || a.initiator == Ka || this.ta || (z || Pa) && a.url.startsWith(Ia) && a.type.endsWith("_frame") || a.url.startsWith(Ja) && "main_frame" == a.type)) return { cancel: !0 } }; +n.Ob = function (a) { var b = new URL(a.url); if (b.search.startsWith("?d=")) { var c = this.a[a.tabId]; this.ja("idmreg:" + b.href.substr(b.protocol.length), null, c && c.m); X(this, a.requestId); (b = Lb(this, a)) && b.a && "main_frame" == a.type && browser.tabs.remove(a.tabId); return { redirectUrl: Ia + "register=1" } } }; +n.ab = function (a) { + var b = a.type, c = a.tabId, d = a.frameId; if (!(qa && !Da.includes(b) || 0 > c && 0 == d)) { + var e = a.url, f = a.method, h = Zb(e); if (h && ("GET" == f || "POST" == f) && e != this.C) { + var g = a.id = z ? String(this.bc++) : a.requestId; g = this.g[g]; var l = this.ya, k = "POST" == f, m = "image" == b, p = y && 0 > c && "other" == b, r = !p && 0 > c && 0 > d, q = 0 < c && b.endsWith("_frame"); if ((f = r ? null : this.a[c + "," + d]) || q || r || p || g) { + D && k && g && $a(g.statusCode) && (a.method = "GET", k = !1); q && Kb(this, a, !1); if (!l && k && a.requestBody) { + k = a.requestBody; var u = k.raw; if (u) for (var B = 0; B < u.length && + (u[B].bytes || (u = null)); B++); if (!(u || k.formData || y && k.error)) return + } if ((k = this.qa) && (u = f ? f.id == k && f : this.i[k]) && e == u.Ga) { p = u.lb; if (k = u.mb) a.v = k, a.j = Z(k); f || (f = u); this.qa = null } k = new URL(e); k.hash = ""; a.u = k; a.b = h; a.h = this.ua; a.s = l; a.C = q && "main_frame" == b; a.A = q; a.K = p; a.ea = r; a.c = r || H.includes(b); a.a = m; a.g = this.Ma.test(e); a.f = a.requestBody; a.port = f; a.M = h & 8 || (D ? a.proxyInfo && "https" == a.proxyInfo.type : this.ka[h]); 0 > c && (a.tabId = null); 0 > d && (a.frameId = null); g && (a.id = g.id, a.port = f = g.port, a.h = g.h, a.s = g.s, a.ba = g.ba || + g.url, a.Y = g.Y || g.requestHeaders, a.O = g.O || g.f, D && (a.Z = g.Z || g.proxyInfo)); if (a.c && !m) { b = this.V; for (c = b.Zb; 30 <= c.length;)delete b[c.shift()]; b[e] = f; c.push(e) } switch (a.l = Ac(this, a)) { case 1: a.a = !0; case 6: Jb(this, a); break; case 4: return this.na(1, a) } + } + } + } +}; +n.Pb = function (a) { + var b = this.g[a.requestId]; if (b) { + var c = b.requestHeaders = a.requestHeaders; b.timeStamp = a.timeStamp; if (!b.I) { + if (b.ea && !b.port && (a = Y(c, "Referer"))) for (var d of V(this.i)) if (d.m == a) { b.port = d; break } D && b.proxyInfo && Hb(this, b.proxyInfo, Y(c, "Proxy-Authorization"), !0); d = b.u; if (!("POST" != b.method || b.f && !(b.f.error && 0 < Y(c, "Content-Length")) || z && 1 == Qb(this, d.hostname) && this.K[1][115].test(d.pathname + d.search))) return X(this, b); switch (b.l = Bc(this, b)) { + case 1: b.a = !0; break; case 4: return this.na(1, + b); case 3: return this.na(3, b) + }if (b.port && b.port.g && "xmlhttprequest" == b.type) for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++)if (a = c[d], "accept" == a.name.toLowerCase() && a.value.startsWith("x-idm-request-id/")) { var e = a.value, f = e.indexOf(","); 0 > f && (f = void 0); var h = e.slice(17, f); e = f && e.slice(++f).trim(); b.V = h; this.g[h] = b; e ? a.value = e : c.splice(d--, 1); return { requestHeaders: c } } + } + } else if (0 > a.tabId && "xmlhttprequest" == a.type && (a.initiator ? a.initiator == Ka : a.originUrl ? a.originUrl == La : 1)) { + b = a.requestHeaders; c = {}; e = !1; for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++)a = + b[d], f = a.name.toLowerCase(), f.startsWith("x-idm-") ? c[f.substr(6)] = e = !0 : "origin" == f && a.value == Ka && (c[f] = e = !0); if (e) { for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++)a = b[d], f = a.name.toLowerCase(), c[f] ? b.splice(d--, 1) : f.startsWith("x-idm-") && (a.name = a.name.substr(6)); return { requestHeaders: b } } + } +}; +n.Rb = function (a) { + var b = this.g[a.requestId]; if (b) { + var c = b.statusLine = a.statusLine, d = b.statusCode = a.statusCode || parseInt(c.split(" ", 2).pop()); if (b.I || 204 == d && c.includes(" IDM ")) return X(this, b, !0); c = b.responseHeaders = a.responseHeaders; b.ga = Za(d); if ("image" == b.type && (d = Y(c, "Content-Type")) && d.toLowerCase().startsWith("image")) return X(this, b); "quic" == Y(c, "Client-Protocol") ? b.b |= 16 : (d = Y(c, "Alternate-Protocol")) && d.endsWith(":quic,p=0") && "chunked" != Y(c, "Transfer-Encoding") && (b.b |= 16); switch (b.l = Cc(this, + b)) { case 1: return X(this, b); case 4: return this.na(2, b, a); case 3: return this.na(3, b, a) }if (b.o) return c.push({ name: "x-idm-request-id", value: b.id.toString() }), { responseHeaders: c } + } +}; n.Sb = function (a) { var b = this.g[a.requestId]; if (a.type.endsWith("_frame") && (200 == a.statusCode || 304 == a.statusCode)) { var c = Lb(this, a); c && (c.m = a.url, c.ba = c.j) } b && (2 == b.l ? this.ia(4, b, a) : 5 == b.l && this.ia(5, b, a), X(this, b)) }; n.Qb = function (a) { X(this, a.requestId) }; +n.ac = L[L.length] = function Jc(a, b, c, d) { a ? (this.Ua = b ? b.version : "", this.Y = b ? b.silent : null, this.La = d, D && (this.A = b ? !!b.consent : !0), D && (this.Ka = M(c) && c.value == Ka), this.Aa()) : (a = ["version", "silent"], D && a.push("consent"), D && browser.cookies.get({ url: ua.homepage_url, name: "idmmzcc3_uri" }, c = S()), (D ? 1124073472 <= F : z ? 1073741824 <= F : 1) && browser.extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess(d = S()), browser.storage.local.get(a, b = S()), T(Jc, this, !0, b, c, d)) }; +function Rb(a) { + function b(k) { k && (this.L = k.id) } a.L && (browser.tabs.remove(a.L), a.L = null); if (a.Wa || !a.A) { + var c = !a.j, d = !a.La, e = !a.A, f = a.wa, h = a.ga, g = a.Ua, l = a.Ba; if (c) { if (a.X && a.Y) return } else a.Wa = !1, l != g && (l && browser.storage.local.set({ version: l }), D && browser.cookies.set({ url: ua.homepage_url, name: "idmmzcc3_uri", value: Ka, expirationDate: 2147483647 })), a.Y && (a.Y = !1, browser.storage.local.set({ silent: !1 })); if (null != g && (e = !1, a.A = !0, l != g ? h && !f && !e : !e)) return; l = Ja + "current=" + escape(l); g && (l += "&previous=" + escape(g)); + h && (l += "&manager=" + (h ? [h >> 24 & 255, h >> 16 & 255, h >> 8 & 255, h & 255].join(".") : "")); c && (l += "&error=1"); d && (l += "&incognito=1"); f && (l += "&update=1"); e && (l += "&consent=1"); D && (l += "&mzffox=1"); ka && (l += "&opera=1"); if (z || ja) l += "&msedge=1"; if (e && !c) { + browser.idle && a.D(5, browser.idle.onStateChanged, a.xb) && browser.idle.setDetectionInterval(15); browser.windows.create({ type: "popup", width: Math.min(Math.round(.85 * screen.availWidth), 1100), height: Math.min(Math.round(.85 * screen.availHeight), 900), url: l }, k.bind(a)); function k(m) { + m && + m.id ? (this.J = m.id, this.L = m.tabs[0].id, K(this, !1, null, !0)) : ub(this) + } + } else browser.tabs.create({ url: l }, b.bind(a)) + } +} function rc(a, b, c) { null == b && (b = (b = Ya(c[13])) ? b[1] << 24 | b[2] << 16 | b[3] << 8 : 0); a.ga = b || 0 } function sc(a, b) { var c = a.wa = 103089920 > a.ga, d = 103219200 > a.ga; c ? a.I = null : a.I = d ? 6E4 * w(120 * x() + 60) * (b ? 1 : 2) + Date.now() : -1 } function mc(a, b) { if (b || a.I < Date.now()) { a.I = 6E4 * w(240 * x() + 120) + Date.now(); var c = "xup://" + x().toString(36).substr(2); b ? a.ja(c) : window.setTimeout(a.ja, w(5E3 * x() + 5E3), c) } } +function dc(a, b) { b = browser.i18n.getMessage(b); D ? browser.tabs.executeScript(a, { code: 'window.alert(unescape("' + escape(b) + '")); true;' }, N) : window.alert(b) } n.D = function (a, b, c) { if (null == b) return !1; var d = fa(arguments); if (D || z) d[2] = function () { return c.apply(null, arguments) }; this.Fa.push(d); b.addListener.apply(b, d.slice(2)); return !0 }; +n.za = function () { for (var a = arguments.length ? fa(arguments) : null, b = this.Fa, c = 0; c < b.length; c++)if (!a || a.includes(b[c][0])) { var d = b.splice(c--, 1).pop(), e = d.splice(0, 2).pop(); z && d.splice(1); e.removeListener.apply(e, d) } }; function S() { function a(b) { browser.runtime.lastError; a.a ? a.a(b) : a.c = b; a.b = !0 } return a } S.prototype = Object.create(Function.prototype); function ac() { var a = []; Object.setPrototypeOf(a, ac.prototype); return a } ac.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype); +function T(a, b, c) { if (this instanceof T) { c instanceof Array || (c = fa(arguments, 2)); for (var d = 0, e = 0, f = Function.prototype.bind.bind(this.g, this), h = 0; h < c.length; h++) { var g = c[h]; if (g instanceof Function) g.b ? (c[h] = g.c, e++) : (g.a = f(h, null), d++); else if (g instanceof ac) for (var l = 0; l < g.length; l++) { var k = g[l]; k.b ? (g[l] = k.c, e++) : (k.a = f(h, l), d++) } } d ? (this.c = a, this.f = b, this.a = c, this.b = d) : a.apply(b, c) } else return (new T(a, b, fa(arguments, 2))).b } +T.prototype.g = function (a, b, c) { var d = this.a; if (null === b) for (var e = 2; e < arguments.length; e++)d[a++] = arguments[e]; else d[a][b] = c; 0 == --this.b && (this.c.apply(this.f, d), delete this.c, delete this.f, delete this.a) }; function Eb(a) { return browser.i18n.getMessage(a) || a } function Vb(a, b, c) { var d = a.lastIndexOf("#"); d > a.indexOf("?") && "!" != a[d + 1] && (a = a.substr(0, d)); b && !Va(a) && (c.wa ? a = "idm0x00000001" + a : a.startsWith("xup") && (a = "idm0x00000002" + a.slice(3))); return a } +function Ic(a, b) { var c = a.port; b = b && !b.h; var d = new URL(c && c.m || a.url); z && (c && a.url == c.Ga || (b = !1)); return Ia + (b ? "back=1" : "host=" + d.hostname) } function Q(a, b) { z && a.startsWith("ftp:") ? b([]) : (a = { url: a }, na && (a.firstPartyDomain = null), browser.cookies.getAll(a, b)) } function R(a) { var b = []; if (a) for (var c of a) b && b.push("; "), b.push(c.name, "=", c.value); return b.join("") } +function Gc(a) { if (!a || !a.length) return null; var b = [], c; for (c of a) b.push(c.name, ": "), null != c.value ? b.push(c.value) : c.binaryValue && b.push(new Uint8Array(c.binaryValue)), b.push("\r\n"); return b } function Y(a, b) { if (!a) return null; b = b.toLowerCase(); for (var c of a) if (c.name.toLowerCase() == b) { if (null != c.value) return c.value; if (c.binaryValue) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, c.binaryValue) } return null } +function Ec(a, b) { + if (!a) return null; a = a.split(";"); for (b = b.toLowerCase(); a.length;) { + var c = a.shift(), d = c.indexOf("="); if (0 < d) { var e = c.slice(0, d).trim().toLowerCase(), f = e.endsWith("*"); if (f) e = e.slice(0, -1).trimRight(); else if (g) continue; if (e == b) { c = c.substr(d + 1).trim(); d = c.length - 1; if ('"' == c[0] ? '"' == c[d] : "'" == c[0] && "'" == c[d]) c = c.slice(1, d); if (f && c.includes("'")) { if (c = c.split("'", 3), f = c.shift().toLowerCase(), (d = "utf-8" == f || "utf8" == f) || !g) { var h = unescape(c.pop()); var g = f; if (d) break } } else h = unescape(c) } } else 0 > + d && null == h && c.trim().toLowerCase() == b && (h = "") + } return h +} function Dc(a) { const b = /[;,]/; return a && (a = a.split(b, 1).shift().trim()) && !a.includes("=") && unescape(a) || "" } +function wc(a, b) { + var c, d = []; if (c = a.raw) for (var e of c) if (e.bytes) d.push(Kc(e.bytes)); else return null; else if (a = a.formData) if ((c = Dc(b).toLowerCase()) && "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" != c) if ("multipart/form-data" == c) { (b = Ec(b, "boundary")) || (b = "----WebKitFormBoundary" + x().toString(36).substr(2)); for (f in a) for (h of a[f]) h instanceof ArrayBuffer && (h = Kc(h)), d.push("--", b, '\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="', f, '"\r\n\r\n', h || "", "\r\n"); d.push("--", b, "--\r\n") } else return null; else for (var f in a) { + b = + encodeURIComponent(f).replaceAll("%20", "+"); for (var h of a[f]) h = h instanceof ArrayBuffer ? escape(Kc(h)) : null == h ? "" : encodeURIComponent(h), d.length && d.push("&"), d.push(b, "=", h && h.replaceAll("%20", "+")) + } else return null; return d.join("") +} function Z(a) { return (a = Xa(a)) ? a.pop().toUpperCase() : "" } function Zb(a, b) { a = a.split(":", 1).shift().toLowerCase(); a = gb[a] || 0; return b ? a & 7 : a } function jb(a) { for (var b = a.length, c = b, d = 0; d < c;) { var e = a.charCodeAt(d++); 128 <= e && (2048 <= e ? (b += 2, e - 55296 & 56320 || d++) : b++) } return b } +function Lc(a, b, c, d, e) { + browser.runtime.lastError; if (!a) { y && Mc(); z || browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo(b = S()); navigator.userAgentData ? navigator.userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues(["uaFullVersion"]).then(c = S()) : browser.runtime.getBrowserInfo && browser.runtime.getBrowserInfo(c = S()); try { browser.privacy && browser.privacy.websites.firstPartyIsolate.get({}, d = S()) } catch (h) { d = null } y && browser.management.get("clhiejnehegdfknplplojohghjaklbae", e = S()); return T(Lc, null, !0, b, c, d, e) } if (b && ("win" != b.os || !b.arch.startsWith("x86-"))) return yb(!1); + b = navigator.userAgent; a = b.match(/\b(?!(?:Safari|Chrome|Gecko)\/)\w+\/(\d+)(?:.(\d+))?(?:.(\d+))?(?:.(\d+))?\b(?!.*[()])/); ma = (b = D ? a : b.match(/\bChrome\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\b/)) ? b[0] : "UNKNOWN/0.0"; G = a ? a[0] : ma; b && b.shift(); if (M(c)) if (a = c.uaFullVersion) b = a.split(/\D+/), ma = "Chrome/" + a; else if (a = c.version) b = a.split(/\D+/), 53 <= b[0] && (ma = G = c.name + "/" + a); b && (F = b[0] << 24 | b[1] << 22 | b[2] << 8 | b[3]); y && navigator.brave && (G = G.replace("Chrome/", "Brave/")); y && e && (ra = !0, G = G && G.replace("Chrome/", "Epic/")); D && M(d) && + (na = d.value); D && 939524096 > F && (Pa = !0); c = browser.webRequest.ResourceType; if (c) { if (c.MEDIA) { Da.push("media"); H.push("media"); var f = !0 } if (c.OBJECT_SUBREQUEST || (qa = D && 922746880 > F)) Da.push("object_subrequest"), H.push("object_subrequest") } y && (f || H.push("other")); D && 922746880 > F && H.push("other"); z && (Da.push("fetch"), H.push("fetch")); new J; Nc(1, "debug.js"); Nc(2, "document.js") +} +function Mc() { function a(d) { browser.runtime.lastError; M(d) && d.enabled && browser.management.setEnabled(d.id, !1) } function b(d) { browser.runtime.lastError; M(d) && d.enabled && browser.management.setEnabled(c || browser.runtime.id, !1) } var c = ja && "llbjbkhnmlidjebalopleeepgdfgcpec" == browser.runtime.id && "ngpampappnmepgilojfohadhhmbhlaek"; y && browser.management.get("jeaohhlajejodfjadcponpnjgkiikocn", a); ja && browser.management.get(c || "llbjbkhnmlidjebalopleeepgdfgcpec", b) } +function Nc(a, b, c) { c ? 4 == c.readyState && (db[a] = btoa(c.responseText)) : (c = new XMLHttpRequest, c.responseType = "text", c.onreadystatechange = Nc.bind(null, a, b, c), c.open("GET", browser.runtime.getURL(b)), c.send()) } +function W(a, b, c, d) { if (b = b[c] || void 0) try { b = b.replace(/^\|+|\|+(?=\||$)/g, "").replace(/\./g, "\\."), b = 1 == d ? b.replace(/\?/g, "[^/\\\\]").replace(/(^|[^*])\*(?!\*)/g, "$1[^/\\\\]*").replace(/\*\*/g, ".*?") : b.replace(/\?/g, ".").replace(/\*/g, ".*?"), 2 == d && (b = b.replace(/~/g, "(?:\\b[^.]+\\.)?")), b = RegExp("^(?:" + b + ")$", 1 == d ? "" : "i") } catch (e) { b = null } a[c] = b || Aa } +function tc(a, b, c, d, e) { + b = b[c]; var f = [], h = [], g = [], l = []; if (b) try { + b = b.replace(/^\|+|\|+(?=\||$)/g, "").replace(/[.?+(){}[\]]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\*(?=[^:/|&]*:\/\/)/g, "\\w%%").replace(/(:\/\/[^:/]*?)~/g, "$1(?:\\b[^./]+\\.)?").replace(/\\\?(?=\||$)/g, "(?:$&.%%)?"); if (d) { for (var k = b.replace(/(^|\|)(?:([A-Z]+)?(?:#(\w+))?!)?[^|]+/g, "$1$2|$3").split("|"); k.length;) { var m = k.shift(); f.push(Wa(m) ? m : null); h.push(k.shift()) } b = b.replace(/(^|\|)[\w#]+!/g, "$1") } if (e) { + k = b.replace(/(^|\|)(?:(?=[^|]+?<[A-Z]:.*?>)|[^|]+)/g, + "$1").split("|"); m = /<([A-Z]):(.*?)>/g; for (var p = { F: "[^/\\?#&;]%%", T: "[^/\\?#&;.]%%" }, r, q = 0; k.length; ++q)if (r = k.shift()) { for (var u = {}, B = ["^"], A = "", v, C = 1; v = m.exec(r); ++C)u[v[1]] = C++, A = RegExp.rightContext, B.push(RegExp.leftContext, "(", v[2].replace(/\*/g, p[v[1]] || ".%%?"), ")"); B.push(A, "$"); g[q] = u; l[q] = RegExp(B.join("").replace(/\*/g, ".*?").replace(/%%/g, "*")) } b = b.replace(m, "(?:$2)") + } b = b.replace(/\*/g, ".%%?").replace(/%%/g, "*"); b = d || e ? RegExp("^(?:(" + b.replace(/\|/g, ")|(") + "))$") : RegExp("^(?:" + b + ")$") + } catch (O) { + b = + null + } a[c] = b || (b = /(?!)/); d && (b.lc = f, b.nc = h); e && (b.mc = g, b.oc = l) +} function Xb(a) { return M(a) ? a.source.replaceAll("\\/", "/") : a } function qc(a, b) { b && browser.runtime.lastError || browser.permissions.request({ permissions: [a] }, b) } function N(a) { browser.runtime.lastError; a; !0 } +URL.prototype.a = "searchParams" in URL.prototype ? function (a) { return this.searchParams.get(a) } : function Oc(a) { var c = Oc.cache || (Oc.cache = {}); return (a = (c[a] || (c[a] = new RegExp("[?&]" + escape(a) + "\\b(?:=([^&]*))?"))).exec(this.search)) && unescape(a[1] || "") }; const Wb = Function.bind.bind(function (a) { return this[a] }), uc = Function.bind.bind(function (a) { return a && a[this] }), Kc = window.TextDecoder ? TextDecoder.prototype.decode.bind(new TextDecoder("ascii")) : function () { return "" }; var M = Object.isExtensible; +try { M(null) } catch (a) { M = function (b) { return b instanceof Object } } var V = Object.values; V || (V = function (a) { return Object.keys(a).map(Wb(a)) }); Array.prototype.fill || (Array.prototype.fill = function (a) { for (var b = this.length; b--; this[b] = a); return this }); String.prototype.replaceAll || (String.prototype.replaceAll = function (a, b) { return this.split(a).join(b) }); +const Db = [[!0, -11, "menu_download_link", "link,image,video", J.prototype.Ca], [!0, -11, "menu_download_link", "page,frame,editable", J.prototype.Ca, Ga], [!0, -11, "menu_download_selected", "selection", J.prototype.Ia], [!0, -12, "menu_download_all", "page,frame,editable", J.prototype.Ia], [y, -11, "menu_download_item", "link", J.prototype.Ca, ["chrome://downloads/*"]]], zb = Eb("tooltip_title"), Bb = Eb("tooltip_disabled"), Cb = Eb("tooltip_error"), Ab = "\n" + Eb("tooltip_text"); L.splice(0); Lc(); diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/firefox-old/background.html b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/firefox-old/background.html similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/firefox-old/background.html rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/firefox-old/background.html diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/firefox-old/bg.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/firefox-old/bg.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/firefox-old/bg.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/firefox-old/bg.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/firefox-old/contentscript.js b/app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/firefox-old/contentscript.js similarity index 100% rename from app/xdm-browser-monitor/firefox-old/contentscript.js rename to app/xdm-browser-monitor--depricated/firefox-old/contentscript.js diff --git a/app/xdm-browser-monitor/firefox-old/disabled.html 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