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CodeEngine Rake Tasks

A collection of Rake tasks for working with IBM Cloud Code Engine projects


  1. Add the gem to your project:

    $ bundle add code-engine-tasks
  2. Require the gem in your Rakefile:

    require 'code_engine/tasks'


The following envrionment variables need to be set:

export CE_PROJECT=presentations
export CE_APP=concourse-resource-presentation
export CE_REGION=eu-de

Optionally, CE_RESOURCE_GROUP can be set; it defaults to default.

How to get these values:

  • CE_ACCOUNT - running ibmcloud account list and use the "Account GUID" of the account the project resides in
  • CE_REGION - the region where your Code Engine app should run in (use rake ce:regions or check the list for possible values)
  • CE_PROJECT - the name of your Code Engine project. Find existing ones with ibmcloud ce project list or provide the name for a new one, which will be created.
  • CE_APP - the name of your Code Engine app. Find existing ones with ibmcloud ce application list or provide the name for a new one, which will be created.


All Rake tasks have documentation; use rake --tasks to show it.

If the app does not already exist, create a new one with

$ rake ce:app:create

Subsequent updates of the app can be performed with

$ rake ce:app:update

The URL of the app can be shown with

$ rake ce:app:url


  • cli tool to generate a boilerplate project (ce init --type static-web-app)