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prepares transactions for creating symbol multisig accounts

Creates an aggregate transaction containing an embedded multisig account modification transaction signed by all cosigners.

Example: prepare transactions as described in account/samples/symbol_multisig_create.yaml.

python3 -m account.symbol_multisig_create --input account/samples/symbol_multisig_create.yaml


prepares transactions for relinking Symbol voting public keys

Creates an aggregate transaction containing embedded voting key link and/or voting key unlink transactions signed by specified cosigners.

Example: prepare transactions as described in account/samples/symbol_multisig_relink.yaml.

python3 -m account.symbol_multisig_relink --input account/samples/symbol_multisig_relink.yaml


prepares transactions for sending tokens from one account to another in two phases

Phase One can be used to send a small amount to the destination account to be used as a correctness check. Phase Two can be used to send the remainder after Phase One succeeds.

Example: prepare transactions as described in account/samples/two_part_send.yaml.

python3 -m account.two_part_send --input account/samples/two_part_send.yaml


verifies account derivations from a BIP32 seed and passphrase

Compares BIP32 derivation paths to expected accounts.

Example: check accounts in account/samples/verify_ownership.yaml.

python3 -m account.verify_ownership --input account/samples/verify_ownership.yaml



check balances of multiple accounts in a network

Prints balance and last harvest information for a set of NEM and/or Symbol accounts.

Example: load accounts and nodes from templates/symbol.mainnet.yaml and print all accounts with role core.

python3 -m health.check_nem_balances --resources templates/symbol.mainnet.yaml --groups core
 UTC Time: 2021-07-30 18:15:59.437878
XYM Price: 0.115421

| [SYMBOL @ 390742] CORE ACCOUNTS          | PK  | TYPE | IMPORTA |  HARVEST HEIGHT  | Balance              | V % |
| NBMDALVKGYK562LXSESZT6FFNI65FDXFY5VOXSQ  |  X  | UNLI | 0.00033 |       0    NEVER |     3,125,000.000003 | N/A |
| NABH3A5VDLYAVA73OV246JTVMAIPD2WEMAQL27I  |  X  | MAIN | 0.00033 |  390561 ~ 90.50M |     3,101,302.375428 | N/A |
| NAL4XHZU6MANNNFQI4Z2WNMU3KRI2YW2MRRMHLI  |  X  | MAIN | 0.00033 |  388170 ~ 21.43H |     3,106,297.223537 | N/A |
9,332,599.598968 (~$1,077,177.91 USD)



download transactions from nem or symbol networks

Retrieves balance change events for a set of accounts over a specified date range.

Example: download all June 2021 balance change events for the accounts in templates/symbol.mainnet.yaml and save the data in _histout/raw.

python3 -m history.downloader --input templates/symbol.mainnet.yaml --start-date 2021-06-01 --end-date 2021-06-30 --output _histout/raw


generates a merged pricing and account report

Merges all the of the raw downloaded data into a single unified report file.

Example: merge the downloaded data in _histout/raw into _histout/all/full.csv using prices for symbol.

mkdir -p _histout/all
python3 -m history.merger --input _histout/raw --output _histout/all/full.csv --ticker symbol


produces grouped report by aggregating input data based on mode

Groups the data in a unified report file by one of the following modes:

report name grouping key
account account
account_tag (account, tag)
daily (day, tag)
tag tag

Example: Group data in _histout/all/full.csv by account and produce a new _histout/account/grouped.csv report.

mkdir -p _histout/account
python3 -m history.grouper --input _histout/all/full.csv --output _histout/account/grouped.csv --mode account


generates a balance table based on options

Produces a balance table from multiple grouped reports denominated in either tokens or fiat. Only account and tag modes are supported.

Example: Read account grouped reports from _histout/account and produce a new _histout/balances.csv report.

python3 -m history.summarizer --input _histout/account --output _histout/balances.csv --mode account


reconciles an account balance table with a network

Compares the account balances in an account balance table with live network balances.

Example: Compare the balances in _histout/balances.csv with the spot network balances reported by the network described in templates/symbol.mainnet.yaml.

python3 -m history.reconciler --input _histout/balances.csv --resources templates/symbol.mainnet.yaml --mode spot

⚠️ This will only succeed when all balances have been downloaded.



downloads harvester account information for a network

Downloads information about all accounts that recently harvested a block.

Example: Retrieve all accounts that have harvested a block in the last ~15 minutes (1% of a day) from the network described in templates/nem.mainnet.yaml and save the results to harvesters.csv.

python3 -m network.harvester --resources templates/nem.mainnet.yaml --days 0.01 --output nem_harvesters.csv


downloads node information from a network

Crawls the entire network, connecting to each node individually in order to pull node information.

Example: Discover all nodes connected to the network described in templates/nem.mainnet.yaml with a one second peer timeout and save the results to nemnodes.json.

python3 -m network.nodes --resources templates/nem.mainnet.yaml --timeout 1 --output nemnodes.json


downloads high balance account information for a Symbol network

Downloads information about all accounts owning a specified mosaic with a balance above a threshold.

Example: Retrieve all accounts with balances greater than 50M from the network described in templates/symbol.mainnet.yaml and save the results to 50M.csv.

python3 -m network.richlist_symbol --resources templates/symbol.mainnet.yaml --min-balance 50000000 --output 50M.csv


downloads geolocation info from node list

Retrieve host information from nodes file (generated from network.nodes), convert host names to their corresponding IP addresses, and then make batch requests to to obtain geolocation information for each IP address.

Example: The script can take an input file named symbolnodes.json, which contains the host information for a set of nodes, and then use this data to make requests to The resulting geolocation information save to geolocation.json.

python3 -m network.geolocation --file ./symbolnodes.json --output geolocation.json


miscellaneous but useful symbol scripts







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