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Change: Cleanup
Change: Cleanup
Changes that only make the code cleaner and do not change how the code works nor the outputs.
Change: Dependencies
Change: Dependencies
Changes that affect dependencies.
Change: Developer
Change: Developer
Changes that affect developers only, including non-customer-facing tools.
Change: Documentation
Change: Documentation
Changes to documentation only.
Change: Internationalization
Change: Internationalization
Changes that are for internationalization only.
Change: Performance
Change: Performance
Changes that are for performance improvements only.
Change: Refactoring
Change: Refactoring
Changes in the way the code works internally without changing output. Contrast to "Cleanup".
Change: Technical Debt
Change: Technical Debt
Changes that remove or significantly update old unused code and/or dependencies.
Change: Test
Change: Test
Changes to test code only.
Change: Tools
Change: Tools
Changes to customer-facing tools. Contrast to "Developer".
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
This is currently an issue that is unable to be resolved or worked on due to a blocker.
Status: Stale
Status: Stale
This issue is old and hasn't had activity in 6 months.
Status: Unmergeable
Status: Unmergeable
The pull request is unmergable.
Status: Verified
Status: Verified
The bug issue was reviewed and is verified to have the problem stated and a PR should be created.
Status: WIP
Status: WIP
This issue or PR is a work in progress.
Status: WontFix
Status: WontFix
This issue will not be fixed or otherwise handled. When applied, the issue should be closed.
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Not the ladybug kind, but the software gremlin kind.
Type: Design
Type: Design
Issues or changes specifically related to design (including UX/UI, look-and-feel, and general art).
Type: Duplicate
Type: Duplicate
This issue is a duplicate. When applied, the duplicate issue should be referenced in a comment.
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
An enhancement, new feature, or quality of life improvement. Contrast with 'cleanup'.
Type: Help Wanted
Type: Help Wanted
An issue that could be handled by anyone, even new members of the community.
Type: NotABug
Type: NotABug
This issue is not a bug as reported, or not reproducible. When applied, the issue should be closed.
Type: Question
Type: Question
Issues that are just questions. When the question is resolved, the issue should be closed.
Type: Social Media
Type: Social Media
Issues or changes specifically related to social media and external communications.
Type: Sporadic Bug
Type: Sporadic Bug
A bug that manifests as test failures in an unpredictable way.