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Ryo Okubo edited this page Nov 30, 2016 · 2 revisions

Installation Guide

I privide 3 cases of installation way.

Case1. build yourself

1. Clone trafficserver's repository

$ git clone

2. Build and install trafficserver with atscppapi

How to build trafficserver, see the documents in its repository.

$ cd trafficserver
$ autoreconf -if

# If you use trafficserver-7.0.0+, remove '--enable-cppapi' option.
$ ./configure --enable-cppapi

$ make
$ make install

3. Clone ts_mruby's repository

$ git clone
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

4. (Optional) If you want to use mruby extentions in mrbgems, write build_config.rb as you wish

# in the ts_mruby root directory
$ vim build_config.rb

5. Configure for ts_mruby

$ autoreconf -if
$ ./configure --with-ts-prefix-root=/path/to/trafficserver/

6. Build libmruby.a which is the static library of mruby

$ make build_mruby

7. Prepare

$ make
$ make install

8. Prepare mruby script

9. Configure plugin.config to load and your mruby script

$ vim /path/to/prefix/etc/trafficserver/plugin.config

# you should append below the line to the bottom of this file.
--- /path/to/script.rb

10. Run trafficserver and enjoy. :)

Case2. use pre-built docker image

  • Example docker image has already published to Docker Hub. The image contains a test script(simply responds by ATS::echo), so you can test ts_mruby quickly:
$ docker pull syucream/ts_mruby
$ docker run docker run -it syucream/ts_mruby /bin/bash
root@ad7a82be8a65:/opt# trafficserver start
root@ad7a82be8a65:/opt# curl http://localhost:8080/
ts_mruby test

Case3. use Homebrew, if you're a Mac OS X user.

$ brew install
$ brew install --HEAD