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409 lines (238 loc) · 21.4 KB
  • “Any repetitive process that you perform is a candidate for automation. Anything that you do more than once, you can automate.”

  • “We want to understand the value of what our stakeholders care about first, and then reverse engineer that to the activities we perform in our marketing operations teams.”

  • "This mechanism is known as a pull system because new work is pulled into the system when there is capacity to handle it, rather than being pushed into the system based on demand."

  • Scrum events aren't meetings, but opportunities for a conversation. Tobias Mayer describes this perfectly in his book The People's Scrum:

“Scrum is centered on people, and people have conversations. There are conversations to plan, align, and to reflect. We have these conversations at the appropriate times, and for the appropriate durations in order to inform our work. If we don't have these conversations, we won't know what we are doing (planning), we won't know where we are going (alignment), and we'll keep repeating the same mistakes (reflection).”

  • Einstellung (in der meist englischen Fachliteratur attitude) bezeichnet in der Psychologie die aus der Erfahrung kommende Bereitschaft (Prädisposition) eines Individuums, in bestimmter Weise auf eine Person, eine soziale Gruppe, ein Objekt, eine Situation oder eine Vorstellung wertend zu reagieren, was sich im kognitiven (Annahmen und Überzeugungen), affektiven (Gefühle und Emotionen) und behavioralen (Verhaltensweisen) Bereich ausdrücken kann. Beispiele für Einstellungen sind Vorurteile, Sympathie und Antipathie oder der Selbstwert. Einstellungen haben die Funktion, Objekte einzuschätzen sowie durch Identifikation und Distanzierung zu Individuen soziale Anpassung zu erreichen.

  • Die Einstellungsforschung klärt die Zusammenhänge von Einstellungen, Verhalten und Handeln. Sie fragt vor allem danach, unter welchen Bedingungen Einstellungen zustande kommen, wie dauerhaft diese sind und unter welchen Bedingungen sie geändert werden.


In software design and development almost everything is possible, but only a small fraction of what is possible is also appropriate

  • „Failure is the consequence of doing something new. In biz failure is used as bludgeon to attack people.“ – Ed Catmull –

  • So what’s the missing link? Requirements. The code may be of the highest quality, but if it’s not reflecting what was specified in the requirements, you may have built perfectly useless code.

Louis Srygley has an apt description for this: “Without requirements and design, programming is the art of adding bugs to an empty text file.” The key is to change our mindset of using “testing” as the only means to achieve application quality. Martin Thompson says it best: “It took us centuries to reach our current capabilities in civil engineering, so we should not be surprised by our current struggles with software.” “If we look to other engineering [disciplines], we can see the use of tooling to support the process of delivery rather than imposing a process on it.” As teams adjust to Agile software development practices, they become better at calculating their capacity and estimating the size of tasks. Consequently, their predictability increases, and they begin to deliver consistently on the content that they commit to producing.

  • The Scrum Guide starts defining a Sprint with this sentence:

“The heart of Scrum is a Sprint, a time-box of one month or less during which a ‘Done’, usable, and potentially releasable product Increment is created.” At the end of a Sprint, the new Increment must be “Done,” which means it must be in useable condition and meet the Scrum Team’s definition of “Done.” It must be in useable condition regardless of whether the Product Owner decides to actually release it. —  Scrum Guide

  • I see four main reasons to automate a computer-related task:
  • Speed. This is the obvious one that everyone thinks of. We’ll come back to it later.
  • Consistency and accuracy. Little errors often creep in when you do a repetitive task by hand.
  • Conservation of concentration. Multistep tasks can take your mind off of what you’re working on. I owe this insight to John D. Cook.
  • Entertainment and satisfaction. Puzzling out an automation script is way more fun than Sudoku.
  • At its core, Agile is a set of Values and Principles:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. Underlying these is a mindset with a focus on self-discipline, self-organization, and adaption to change.

  • Top 3 Skills Not Replaceable with #AI or #Robots

1- #Creativity 2- #Leadership 3- #Emotions (CEO Survey via @MikeQuindazzi @srikanthr4080)

“Good design is difficult to achieve and hard to replicate. Design is the DNA of your product.” –@andybudd #uxriga

“First order design is how the product looks. Second order design is how the product feels (delighters).” —@andybudd #uxriga

“In the digital world, UI animation is the second order design on the web. It is important.” —@andybudd #uxriga

“Third level design is how customers interact with a product. It’s how it behaves when used.” –@andybudd #uxriga

“Fourth order design focuses on systems thinking. It’s where interaction design crosses over into service design and customer experience.”

“Designers are fire-fighters if there is 1 designer for every 10 developers. Design becomes accidental. It won’t work.” —@andybudd #uxriga

“Highly effective design teams have one designer for every 3–6 developers. Only then can design serve its purpose well.” —@andybudd #uxriga

“Massive teams don’t work. Every single team should not have more than 8 people. A team no bigger that can be fed by two pizzas.” #uxriga

“Product market fit isn’t delivered by devs or product managers. To succeed, it has to be delivered by design teams.” –@andybudd #uxriga

Design is the only way out to remain relevant today. Given that people are moving from hotels to AirBnBs, how many hotels are innovating?

To outperform your competitors, focus on design, delight and unique personality. Meeting needs with an unprecedented attention to detail.

“Performance is a proxy for happy users. A proper metrics isn't page load time — it's Image Render time.” —@Souders #imagecon17

“Images have a significant impact on user experience. Displaying a white blank screen due to critical blocking resources is unacceptable.”

“To convince management of performance, appeal to the need for a better understanding of how performance impacts business.” –@aemcknig

"Listening to people" is hollow unless you go on with the humility to change your opinion and decisions based on what you hear.

“Concurrency is a way to structure things so they can run parallel. But concurrency’s goal is not parallelism; the goal is good structure.”

How to speed up developers:

How to speed up teams:

Aim for getting it done, not making it perfect.

A short explanation about the ~ part: (If you've used a Unix shell before, you probably know this part already) ~ means "the user's home directory". That's where on most systems you have folders like "Documents", "Downloads", "Desktop", "Music", etc. On iOS, you don't have a "home directory", because every app runs in its own sandbox. So on iOS, the "home directory" is the app's user data folder, which is the /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/{UUID} folder that you see in many paths. Unlike a shell, Python doesn't automatically understand the ~ shortcut. You need to manually use os.path.expanduser(path) to replace the ~ with the actual home directory path. Long story short, to move your module files to the correct location, this command should work: shutil.move(os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/Commands/site-packages/gspread"), os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/site-packages/gspread"))

Stop thinking about drawing as an artistic process. Drawing is a thinking process. #NapkinAcademy

Loading everything before showing anything is an antipattern. This is an old native pattern we shouldn't be bringing to the web.

Our brains scan the world for problems and sometimes that's all we see. Happiness is a choice. And it's hard work.

AgileLeadership requires self-awareness, empathy & humility. Catalyze don't micro-manage. Trust the wisdom of the team. #agile #leadership

Agile is not Lean and never will be, primarily because it’s blind to and ignorant of systemic issues.

Being #Agile is not table stakes, it’s a cul-de-sac.

Continuous Delivery is practice of releasing work to customers frequently. #Agile #Scrum #Kanban

Proven software engineering techniques will ensure your end product is functional and meets all of your requirements @nyndesigns #agile

Vision and strategy is for leaders; Mission and execution is for managers; Accountability is for directors -Mark Goulston @Inc @WSJ @NACD

Productivity = (time spent) X (intensity of focus). Creativity = (time spent) X (variety of ideas).

UserStory #Refinement is for CLARIFYING the problem while the #Sprint is for SOLVING the problem! @sgranese #sgcal #Agile #DefOfReady

Procrastination isn't a recipe for getting things done. Make things easier by focusing on the harder tasks first. #WednesdayWisdom

Slow automated tests are no more use to you than no tests at all, if you can't gain fast enough feedback from your tests refactor!

Im Gegensatz dazu ordnet Liggesmeyer (Lit.: Liggesmeyer) den Regressionstest in die Gruppe der diversifizierenden Tests ein. Dadurch wird im Unterschied zu funktionsorientierten Testtechniken die Korrektheit der Testergebnisse nicht anhand der Spezifikation entschieden, sondern durch Vergleich der Ausgaben der aktuellen Version mit den Ausgaben des Vorgängers. Ein Testfall gilt beim Regressionstest als erfolgreich absolviert, wenn die Ausgaben identisch sind.

@sarahmei Declarative programming removes control flow from the program and makes it about data. A spreadsheet is declarative programming.

Interesting! In a spreadsheet, the code is hidden while the data is front & center - the inverse of most of our programming systems.

The "minimum" in #MVP refers to effort/time, not no./quality of features. The output is #validatedLearning; a decision point - not features.

Je ne sais pas comment sera la 3ème guerre mondiale, mais je sais qu’il n’y aura plus beaucoup de monde pour voir la 4ème - Albert #Einstein

Rinse, review, adjust, and repeat. #WednesdayWisdom

If you're spending all of your time dealing with tactical issues, when will you ever focus on the bigger picture? #productivity

One of the reasons teams fail to build product discovery into their work is a hyper-focus and management to drive velocity of delivery /1 Adding in discovery work increases a different type of velocity -- the velocity of learning /2 However, there isn't a different bucket of capacity for the team for each type of work (discovery vs delivery) /3 This means that as the team increases their velocity of learning (discovery work) the velocity of delivery goes down. /4 This is OK since it informs the team on which delivery work makes most sense right now. But most teams struggle to absorb this "slowdown" /5 Successful lean/agile teams find the right balance b/w velocity of delivery and velocity of learning. /6

If you don't get enough sleep, evidence shows that you can't learn. -@RisingLinda #mixit17

Woah, did you know there's a battery status API in native JS? You can add/remove features -@smashingmag (support limited, but promising)

Responsive typography: there's a "simple" (😄) formula for it. -@smashingmag at #FITCToronto

agile is a belief system not a method @elmoray - @AgileAlliance webinar

How quickly we can go from commit to deploy in prod is a more valuable metric than deploys per day. @RealGeneKim #devopsdays

A softer approach to #noprojects and #noestimates, agile manifesto style: "We value product management over project management"

If you are a designer who needs to learn how to code, the fastest way to learn is by eating developers and gaining their powers.

What's your ultimate productivity trick, strategy or technique? What tasks do you automate, and how? Any tools you can't live without?

If you reward delivery [velocity], you will get more delivery - but of what? - @AgileBrightSpot #BASD2017

“Accessibility isn’t about optimizing for extremes; it’s about keeping content inclusive and available to all customers.” #respond17

Though 95% of people struggle to focus, the hardest part is STAYING #focused and not just being busy.

[on my death bed, struggling to speak] me:'s..not..a..unit..test.. [dies]

First I thought TDD was about testing, then that was about designing, now I'm convinced it's about thinking at sustainable pace

HTTP what? : I drew what HTTP is & how HTTP1.x and HTTP2 are different✨ (tweetzine, drawsplainer, codedoodles…I don't know what to call it)

It's irresponsible to load teams to 100% capacity. Increased workload creates longer delays, lower quality, and higher costs.

Design is problem-solving. Design is never finished. Design is continuous. Design is foundational. There is always more to come, to do.

Don't ask customers what they want. Measure what they do. #RunningLean

Incorrect prioritization of risk is one of the top contributors to waste. #RunningLean

"Give someone a program, you frustrate them for a day; teach them how to program, you frustrate them for a lifetime." - David Leinweber

Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it. - Alan Perlis

Perhaps the root of all confusion stems from the belief that #agile & waterfall are just different solutions to the same problem.

"Solving problems is hard. Understanding their causes is harder." —Eli Goldratt CC: @nodosenlared

"Typically, projects are canceled and fail for reasons outside the developers' control."

  • When two modules in the same process, it´s best to use many fine-grained calls _ but when modules are remote, then favor few coarse-grained calls. (Software Modules)

  • Peak of False Success - The hard yards of sticking to it - Real Success (Work)

  • To process all the data in real-time, AI uses ...

  • How we learn to remember:

    • Capture (info you don´t know)
    • Identify (what´s important)
    • Review (when time has passed)
    • Recall (when it´s needed)
  • Collaborate - Deliver - Reflect - Improve <->

  • Intelligence - Curiosity - Empathy

  • Organisation == Kultur + Struktur/Prozesse + Ziele

  • Plan for Agile and adopt agile practices at the team level -> Deployment and production changes involve adopting doves and continuous integration -> Organizational process change required to intrinsically adopt Agile

  • die 7 Arten der Verschwendung "TIMWOOD":

    • T: unnötiger Transport
    • I: zu hohe Bestände
    • M: unnötige Bewegung
    • W: Liege-/Wartezeiten
    • O: Überproduktion
    • O: Übererfüllung
    • D: Fehler & Korrektur
  • Problems customers have - Problems your bots solve - Problems your bots cause

  • 7 C´s of Scrum:

    • Continuous Improvement
    • Continuous Delivery of Value
    • Constant Feedback
    • Clarity
    • Compliance
    • Collective Ownership
    • Consumer Centric
  • Adapt -> Deliver -> Inspect

  • Eisenpower

    • Do first
    • Schedule
    • Delegate
    • really!?
  • „Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all.“ —Peter Drucker

  • The earlier you can develop a prototype, the easier it is for you to know whether your proposed solution works, without investing too much effort into the process. But you also need to make sure the core of your idea works.

  • manage the change: Advice ⇒ Implement & Evolve ⇒ Maintain & Secure ⇒ Support

  • Kanban: inform Resources about Material in Real Time.

  • Project Management Cycle Loop: Design -> Develop -> Analyse -> Evaluate

  • almost done is not done agile, lean, management

  • TRIZ- Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

  • Can Creativity be Systematic?