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Releases: testcomputer/mech


09 Nov 03:45
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mech minimech mecha


18 Aug 18:07
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Here are some new ideas & features that could be considered for enhancing Kaboom:

  • Automated Exploitation:
    Integrate additional automated exploitation modules to allow Kaboom to take advantage of vulnerabilities it discovers. This could include adding modules from popular frameworks like Metasploit, allowing Kaboom to not only identify vulnerabilities but also attempt to exploit them.

  • Machine Learning-Based Vulnerability Prediction:
    Implement machine learning algorithms that analyze historical vulnerability data to predict potential vulnerabilities in the target system. This could help security professionals prioritize their testing efforts and focus on areas more likely to have vulnerabilities.

  • Cloud Integration:
    Provide seamless integration with cloud environments like AWS, Azure, or GCP. This would allow Kaboom to automatically scan and assess cloud infrastructure configurations for security vulnerabilities.

  • API Security Testing:
    Extend Kaboom's capabilities to include automated security testing of APIs. This could involve scanning for common API vulnerabilities like insecure authentication, data exposure, and injection attacks.

  • Deeper Web Application Testing:
    Enhance Kaboom's web application testing by integrating more advanced scanners for specific vulnerabilities, such as SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery) or XXE (XML External Entity) attacks.

  • Customizable Workflows:
    Allow users to define custom workflows by selecting which modules and tools Kaboom should utilize during a scan. This would provide flexibility to adapt Kaboom to various use cases and preferences.

  • Integration with Bug Tracking Systems:
    Enable integration with bug tracking systems like JIRA or GitHub Issues. This way, vulnerabilities discovered by Kaboom can be automatically logged as tickets, facilitating the remediation process.

  • Interactive Mode:
    Implement an interactive mode where the user can interact with Kaboom during the scanning process. This could be useful for making real-time decisions based on scan results.

  • Dashboard and Reporting:
    Develop a user-friendly dashboard that displays scan progress, findings, and vulnerabilities in a visual format. Additionally, provide customizable and detailed vulnerability reports that can be shared with stakeholders.

  • Community Modules and Plugins:
    Create a plugin architecture that allows the community to develop and share their own modules and integrations, thereby expanding Kaboom's functionality and adaptability.

  • Integration with Security Orchestration Platforms:
    Integrate Kaboom with security orchestration platforms like Phantom or Demisto to automate incident response actions based on scan findings.

  • Container and Serverless Security Assessment:
    Extend Kaboom's capabilities to assess the security of containers and serverless functions, providing insights into misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in these modern deployment environments.

These ideas aim to further empower Kaboom as a comprehensive and versatile penetration testing tool, addressing a wider range of security assessment needs while streamlining the testing process for security professionals.