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rds-mssql CfHighlander component


Name Use Default Global Type Allowed Values
EnvironmentName Tagging dev true string
EnvironmentType Tagging development true string ['development','production']
SubnetIds List of subnets None false CommaDelimitedList
RDSInstanceType RDS Instance Type to use None false string
RDSAllocatedStorage Amount of storage in GB to assign None false string
DnsDomain DNS domain to use None true string
DatabaseBucket Used when native_backup_restore is specified, defines the bucket to use None false string
MultiAZ Specifies whether the database instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment false false ['true','false']
RDSSnapshotID The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the DB snapshot that's used to restore the DB instance false false string


Name Value Exported
SecurityGroup Security Group Name true

Included Components

lib-ec2 lib-iam

Example Configuration


  Component name:'database', template: 'rds-mssql' do
    parameter name: 'DnsDomain', value: root_domain
    parameter name: 'DnsFormat', value: FnSub("${EnvironmentName}.#{root_domain}")
    parameter name: 'SubnetIds', value: cfout('vpcv2', 'PersistenceSubnets')
    parameter name: 'RDSInstanceType', value: 'db.m5.large'
    parameter name: 'MultiAZ', value: 'false'
    parameter name: 'StackOctet', value: '120'
    parameter name: 'RDSAllocatedStorage', value: '100'
    parameter name: 'NamespaceId', value: cfout('servicediscovery', 'NamespaceId')

RDS-MSSQL Configuration

engine: 'sqlserver-se'
engine_version: '15.00.4073.23.v1'
family: 'sqlserver-se-15.0'
dns_record: db
deletion_policy: Snapshot
native_backup_restore: true

license_model: license-included
storage_encrypted: true
maintenance_window: sat:18:00-sat:18:30
backup_window: 16:00-17:00
backup_retention_period: 10

        IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 1433
        ToPort: 1433
      - stack

  username_ssm_param: /project/rds/RDS_MASTER_USERNAME
  password_ssm_param: /project/rds/RDS_MASTER_PASSWORD

  name: db

Cfhighlander Setup

install cfhighlander gem

gem install cfhighlander

or via docker

docker pull theonestack/cfhighlander

Testing Components

Running the tests

cfhighlander cftest rds-mssql