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Driving Log Replayer for ROS 2 Autoware.Universe

Driving Log Replayer is a ROS package that evaluates the functionality of Autoware.Universe


  • ROS 2 humble
  • Python 3.10
  • pipx
    • pipx is installed automatically in Autoware setup.


If you want to change the rosbag format from ros1 to ros2.


You need to install driving_log_replayer and driving_log_replayer_cli package.

How to install driving_log_replayer package

Use colcon build

colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-up-to driving_log_replayer

How to install driving_log_replayer_cli package

Use pipx Do not use pip

# install
pipx install git+

# upgrade
pipx upgrade driving-log-replayer

# uninstall
pipx uninstall driving-log-replayer

Why pipx, not pip

For ros, driving_log_replayer uses numpy 1.22.0 See requirements.txt

On the other hand, cli uses pandas, and the version of numpy required by pandas is different from the version we want to use in ros. If you install with pip, the pandas-dependent numpy is installed under $HOME/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages. This will cause version mismatch, so you need to install cli on an independent venv using pipx.

Shell Completion

Execute the following command so that you can complete the command in the shell.


_DLR_COMPLETE=bash_source dlr > $HOME/.dlr-complete.bash
_DLR_COMPLETE=bash_source dlr > $HOME/.dlr-analyzer-complete.bash

echo "source $HOME/.dlr-complete.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source $HOME/.dlr-analyzer-complete.bash" >> ~/.bashrc


_DLR_COMPLETE=fish_source dlr > $HOME/.config/fish/completions/
_DLR_ANALYZER_COMPLETE=fish_source dlr-analyzer > $HOME/.config/fish/completions/


refer document

(For Developer) Release Process

This package uses catkin_pkg to manage releases.

Refer this page

Release command

Can only be executed by users with repository maintainer privileges

# create change log
# edit CHANGELOG.rst
# update package version in pyproject.toml
# edit
# commit and create pull request
# merge pull request
# When you type the command, it automatically updates CHANGELOG.rst and creates a git tag
git checkout main
git merge develop
git push origin main