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Package icon Basic Backup - Package for Synology NAS (DSM 7)

Basic Backup enables GUI-supported, file-based data backup based on rsync, as well as version backup according to the generation principle using hard links. Possible backup sources and destinations are internal volumes and USB/SATA data carriers connected externally to a Synology NAS, as well as rsync-capable remote servers connected via SSH.

System requirements

Basic Backup is specifically designed for use on Synology NAS systems that use the DiskStation Mangager 7 operating system.

Installation instructions

Download the most recent version of Basic Backup from the Releases section. Then open the Package Centre in the DiskStation Manager (DSM), select the Manual Installation button at the top right and follow the Wizard to upload and install the new Package or the corresponding .spk file. This process is identical for both an initial installation and for performing an update.

After starting BasicBackup, the locally installed version is compared with the version available on GitHub. If an update is available, the user is informed about it via the app and a corresponding link to the corresponding release is displayed. The download and the subsequent update process have already been explained above.

  • Activate Rsync service

    Please activate the rsync service in advance. To activate the rsync service, go to DSM Main Menu > Control Panel > File Services and switch to the tab > rsync. Activate the checkbox Enable rsync service. By default, port 22 is used as the SSH encryption port, which you can adjust if necessary.

  • Activate SSH Terminal Service (if required)

    Please activate the SSH Terminal Service on your local Synology NAS as well as on the remote Synology NAS in advance. To activate the SSH terminal service, go to DSM main menu > Control Panel > Terminal & SNMP and switch to the tab > Terminal. Activate the checkbox Enable SNMP service. If the Remote Server you are using is a device other than a Synology NAS, please make sure that the SSH Service is enabled beforehand.

  • Enable User Home Service (if SSH service is enabled)

    Please also activate the User Home Service in advance, as the required SSH connection data is stored in the corresponding User Home folder of the logged-in SSH user. To activate the user home service, go to DSM main menu > Control Panel > Users and Group and switch to the tab > Advanced. Under the menu item User Base, activate the checkbox Enable User Home Service. If the Remote Server used is a device other than a Synology NAS, please make sure that a corresponding User Home Service has been activated in advance.

  • Extend App Permission

    Under DSM 7, a 3rd_Party application such as Basic Backup (referred to as App in the following) is provided with highly restricted user and group rights. Among other things, this means that system-related commands cannot be executed. For the smooth operation of Basic Backup, however, extended system rights are required, e.g. to be able to access the folder structure of the "shared folders". To extend the app permissions, Basic Backup must be added to the administrators' group, but this can only be done by the user himself. The following instructions describe this process.

    • Extending or restricting app permissions via the console

      • Log in to the console of your Synology NAS as user root.

      • Command to extend app permissions

        /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/BasicBackup/ "adduser"

      • Command to restrict app permissions

        /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/BasicBackup/ "deluser"

    • Extend or restrict app permissions via the task planner

      • Open the Task Scheduler in DSM under Main Menu > Control Panel.

      • In the Task Scheduler, select Create > Scheduled Task > Custom Script via the button.

      • In the pop-up window that now opens in the General > General Settings tab, give the task a name and select root as the user: root as the user. Also remove the tick from Activated.

      • In the Task Settings tab > Execute Command > Custom Script, insert the following command into the text field...

      • Command to extend the app permissions

        /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/BasicBackup/ "adduser"

      • Command to restrict app permissions

        /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/BasicBackup/ "deluser"

      • Save the entries with OK and confirm the subsequent warning message with OK.

      • Mark the task you have just created in the overview of the task planner, but do not activate it (the line should be highlighted in blue after marking).

      • Execute the task once by pressing the Execute button.

  • Limitation of the data transfer rate

    When synchronizing large amounts of data, the availability of your Synology NAS and remote servers involved in this process may be severely limited for the duration of the job due to the high read and write load triggered by the rsync process. This behavior can be noticeably improved by reducing the bandwidth and taking into account the read and write speed of the data carriers used. For this reason, it is possible within Basic Backup to define a limitation of the data transfer rate as a freely adjustable value between 1 kB/s and a maximum of 1250000 kB/s.

    If the 3rd party package SynoCli Monitor Tools of the SynoCommunity is installed, Basic Backup automatically uses the ionice program contained therein. ionice can optimize the high read and write load that is normally triggered by the rsync process to such an extent that the availability of your Synology NAS and the remote servers involved in this process is guaranteed at all times.

Version history

  • Details of the version history can be found in the file CHANGELOG.

Developer information

Help and discussion


This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful to you, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY**, even without the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, see the GNU General Public License file.