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Dockerized API Project, contains an optimized Neural Network Classification Model built with Keras. Performance of the model is analysed with WandB and Jupyter NBs. The project is further extended with a Web API and User Interface created with Flask, JS and Jinja for a seamless experience.

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Toolkit Usage and Python Development by Tobias Hoesli & Marco Colombatti

Build Instructions

These are instructions on how to run this directory's python scripts with a Python3 VirutalEnvironment on Ubuntu/MacOS or Windows machine.


Download Python3.8

  1. Check if python3 is already installed
python3 --version
  1. If the python level is lower than 3.8 or not installed, continue with the next step:
    Update and Refresh Repository List:
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install Python3.8
sudo apt-get install python3.8
  1. Check if it's the Version downloaded:
python --version

PIP & Virtual Environment

  1. Install pip for python3. (Pip is a package manager for python)
apt install python3-pip
  1. The venv command is used to create python virtual environments. virutalenv allows you to avoid installing packages globally and ensures your project will run on the correct dependencies. We can download virutalenv using pip.
python3 pip install venv
  1. Create a Virutal Environment in the your projects directory i.e. cd myProject to ensure all dependencies are installed correctly.
python3 -m venv my_env_project
  1. Activate the environment
source my_env_project/bin/activate
  1. Check if your python interpreter is now set as the Virutal Environment just created (The directory should be .../my_env_project/bin/python):
which python 
  1. If you want to switch projects or leave the virutal environment, run:

Install Packages, Clone Github Repo and Run Script

Before coping our Repo you need to insure that all packages are installed on the virtual environment: For the Script the packages numpy and tensorflow are required.

  1. Install numpy and tensorflow on your virtual environment:
python3 -m pip install numpy
python3 -m pip install tensorflow
  1. Make sure that all packages were installed correctly on your virtualenv (make sure your environment is still active (my_env_project) should be at the beginning of the command line):
python3 -m pip freeze
  1. When all packages were downloaded correctly, this gitrepo can be cloned on to your system. Make sure git is installed with git --version, otherwise install it:
sudo apt install git
  1. Clone this repository in the desired directory
git clone
  1. Run the script

Jupyter Notebook

For anyone running into complications or with the preference to work with Jupyter:

  1. Download Jupyter with pip
pip install jupyter
  1. Change to the directory this repo is saved on, and open with Jupyter.
jupyter notebook
  1. Run the code.

Instructions for DOCKER-COMPOSE

To run the whole Container Backend of our image prediction application, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed
  2. Open our main directory in your terminal and run the following code:
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build 

The docker images should start completely building. After all the services (PGAdmin & DB) are run the Tensorflow container will start creating a model, fit it. A random image will then be loaded into the DB input_data table. Our script will retrieve it and run our model on it to predict what digit the image is. The prediction will then be persisted into a predicitons table and the script will succesfully terminate.

Instruction for JOKES TABLE

  1. After running the db/docker-compse.yml and reassuring that pgadmin are up and running
  2. Run the script python3 db/
  3. Refresh your database and see the new ms3_jokes DB and new jokes table filled with jokes

Instruction for IMAGE TABLE

  1. After running the db/docker-compse.yml and reassuring that pgadmin are up and running
  2. Run the script python3 db/
  3. Refresh your database and see the new image table inside the ms3_jokes db filled with with an image row. Make sure you run the script prior to running this. Since the database only gets created in that module.

Milestone 4


Docker-Compose Runs

Jupyter Notebook Runs

Milestone 5 Flask

Run the docker-compose file and a webservice will start up.

docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build

On a browser, go to the IP that the dstoolkits container lists. When visiting the page /upload-image you can then upload a specific (handwritten digit) image on our form and our model will predict the number.

Starting Page

Example GET Request with Bash

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"filename": "test_number_0.png", "image": "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"}' http://localhost:5000/image-predict

Example GET Request with Bash

curl http://localhost:5000/about


Dockerized API Project, contains an optimized Neural Network Classification Model built with Keras. Performance of the model is analysed with WandB and Jupyter NBs. The project is further extended with a Web API and User Interface created with Flask, JS and Jinja for a seamless experience.







