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Image Processing API

Quick start

  • Run npm start to quickly start the local development server. This will refresh on every change to the source code.
  • Run npm run format to format the codebase with Prettier.
  • Run npm run lint to lint the code with ESLint.
  • Run npm test to test the source code with Jasmine and Supertest.
  • Run npm run build to transpile Typescript to Javascript.

Project structure

  • .husky includes the existing and newly created Git hooks that are run with Husky.
  • public includes the static files that are will be exposed to the client after resizing. An output folder will be created when processed images need to be stored.
  • src includes all of the source code and tests in Typescript.

In order to allow for the application to scale easily, the following structure has been set up for the source code:

  • middleware includes all of the Express middlewares that can be used to compose endpoints.
  • router includes the Router object to which endpoints can be added. New API roots should be added to the Router.
  • routes includes all of the HTTP endpoints of the application.
  • utilities includes any utilities that are shared in different modules in the application.

Spec files for tests are to be added in the same folder as the unit to be tested. This is to make sure we do not have to manage mimicking the project structure in a seperate tests folder and will make it easier to manage single modules in the application.

A dist folder will be created when building the project. This folder includes all of the transpiled Javascript and can be used to deploy anywhere and run with Node.


  • /api/resize accepts the following query parameters: filename, width and size.


For the creation of this project, the following resources were used:


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