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fzjax - pure parametrized functions on trees with paths

WORK IN PROGRESS, API likely to change

This library poses a "pure" alternative to "PyTorch"-like jax libraries/frameworks such as flax, dm-haiku and equinox, where "Modules" such as flax.linen.linear define parameters as object properties, thus introducing side-effects.

Instead, we define such "Modules" (pfuncs) as pure functions, expecting pytrees with paths (ptrees) as input. As a structured and typed container for pfunc parameters, we provide @fzjax_dataclasses which can be used as a native dataclasses.dataclass.1

ptrees and fzjax_dataclasses

We provide an alternative to jax.tree_utils.flatten, which flattens pytrees by path (i.e. dataclass property names, dictionary keys but also list and tuple indices). The implementation is based on chex.dataclasses and dm-tree.

For example:

class Params:
    lr: Meta[int] = .1
    weights: Differentiable[tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]] = (w1, w2)
    states: jnp.ndarray = s1
p = Params()

is flattened as

# ptree_flatten(p)
    "lr": FlattenLeaf(.1, (JDC_META_MARKER,)),
    "weights.0": FlattenLeaf(w1, (JDC_DIFF_MARKER,)),
    "weights.1": FlattenLeaf(w1, (JDC_DIFF_MARKER,)),
    "states": FlattenLeaf(s1, ())

This facilitates generating and modifying subsets of trees.


Annotations are passed onto every child node.

The Meta annotation moves parameters into the treedef (equivalent to jdc.Static 1). The Differentiable annotation marks parameters for the ptree_differentiable function, e.g.

ptree_differentiable(p) = {
    "weights.0": w1,
    "weights.1": w2

The NoDiff annotation marks itself and its children as non-differentiable, overriding Differentiable annotations.

Higher Functions

This alternative formulation now allows computing the gradient of a function w.r.t. parts of a PyTree). For now, we have implemented pfunc_value_and_grad and pfunc_jit, which could be used as follows

def bilinear(weights: tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray], x: Donate[jnp.ndarray]) -> jnp.ndarray:

vg = pfunc_value_and_grad(bilinear, ["weights.0"])
value, grad = vg(p)
# grad: {"weights.0": jnp.ndarray}

IDEs and fzjax_dataclasses

Since PyCharm to this date still does not fully implement PEP 6812, a workaround is to define fzjax_dataclasses as:

class Params:


  1. Shamelessly stolen and adapted from the great jax_dataclasses library. 2



Pure parametrized functions on named trees








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