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As a global binary:

npm i -g @transmute/cli

As a github action:

- uses: transmute-industries/[email protected]
    neo4j-uri: ${{ secrets.NEO4J_URI }}
    neo4j-user: ${{ secrets.NEO4J_USERNAME }}
    neo4j-password: ${{ secrets.NEO4J_PASSWORD }}
    json: |
        "@context": [""],
        "type": ["VerifiablePresentation"],
        "verifiableCredential": [
Screen Shot 2023-06-11 at 1 32 58 PM



npm i
npm t

Testing Commands

Install a local build of the cli globally using:

npm i -g .

Test a local build with this npm script alias:

npm run transmute -- controller key generate \
--alg ES384 \
--output examples/keys/private.ES384.json

Testing GitHub Actions

You will need to use a remote neo4j instance to test with act locally.

Help wanted resolving related docker network issues.

act -j act-preview-neo4j --secret-file .env