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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 15, 2024. It is now read-only.

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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

priority:high ❗
priority:high :exclamation:
status:duplicate 🚫
status:duplicate :no_entry_sign:
status:invalid 🚫
status:invalid :no_entry_sign:
status:needs other 💤
status:needs other :zzz:
status:wontfix ❌
status:wontfix :x:
topic:blocks 🔳
topic:blocks :white_square_button:
topic:doc 📚
topic:doc :books:
About the documentation
topic:engine ⚙️
topic:engine :gear:
topic:entities 🐈
topic:entities :cat2:
topic:items ⚒️
topic:items :hammer_and_pick:
topic:management 📈
topic:management :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Projet management and libraries, for the authors
topic:networking 📡
topic:networking :satellite:
topic: // :open_mouth:
topic: // :open_mouth:
Concurrency and parallelism
topic:performance ⚡
topic:performance :zap:
Performance optimization
topic:plugins 📦
topic:plugins :package:
About the plugins API
topic:types 🆎
topic:types :ab:
About the Tuubes' type system
type:broad 😐
type:broad :neutral_face:
Broad issue or unprecise idea
type:bug ⚠️
type:bug :warning:
Bug :S
type:question ❓
type:question :question:
Not an issue
type:research 🔎
type:research :mag_right:
Needs a deeper look into