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In this example , we are using ArgoCD to deploy cluster-autoscaler,other addons and workloads.

To better understand how ArgoCD works with EKS Blueprints, read the EKS Blueprints ArgoCD Documentation

Reference Documentation


Ensure that you have the following tools installed locally:

  1. aws cli
  2. kubectl
  3. terraform

Minimum IAM Policy

Note: The policy resource is set as * to allow all resources, this is not a recommended practice.

You can find the policy here


To provision this example:

terraform init
terraform apply

Enter yes at command prompt to apply


The following command will update the kubeconfig on your local machine and allow you to interact with your EKS Cluster using kubectl to validate the deployment.

  1. Run update-kubeconfig command:

    aws eks --region <REGION> update-kubeconfig --name <CLUSTER_NAME> --alias <CLUSTER_NAME>
  2. List out the pods running currently:

    kubectl get pods -A
    NAMESPACE        NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS          AGE
    argo-rollouts    argo-rollouts-5d47ccb8d4-854s6                              1/1     Running   0                 23h
    argo-rollouts    argo-rollouts-5d47ccb8d4-srjk9                              1/1     Running   0                 23h
    argocd           argo-cd-argocd-application-controller-0                     1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-argocd-applicationset-controller-547f9cfd68-kp89p   1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-argocd-dex-server-55765f7cd7-t8r2f                  1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-argocd-notifications-controller-657df4dbcb-p596r    1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-argocd-repo-server-7d4dddf886-2vmgt                 1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-argocd-repo-server-7d4dddf886-bm7tz                 1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-argocd-server-775ddf74b8-8jzvc                      1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-argocd-server-775ddf74b8-z6lz6                      1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-redis-ha-haproxy-6d7b7d4656-b8bt8                   1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-redis-ha-haproxy-6d7b7d4656-mgjx5                   1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-redis-ha-haproxy-6d7b7d4656-qsbgw                   1/1     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-redis-ha-server-0                                   4/4     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-redis-ha-server-1                                   4/4     Running   0                 24h
    argocd           argo-cd-redis-ha-server-2                                   4/4     Running   0                 24h
    cert-manager     cert-manager-586ccb6656-2v8mf                               1/1     Running   0                 23h
    cert-manager     cert-manager-cainjector-99d64d795-2gwnj                     1/1     Running   0                 23h
    cert-manager     cert-manager-webhook-8d87786cb-24kww                        1/1     Running   0                 23h
    geolocationapi   geolocationapi-85599c5c74-rqqqs                             2/2     Running   0                 25m
    geolocationapi   geolocationapi-85599c5c74-whsp6                             2/2     Running   0                 25m
    geordie          downstream0-7f6ff946b6-r8sxc                                1/1     Running   0                 25m
    geordie          downstream1-64c7db6f9-rsbk5                                 1/1     Running   0                 25m
    geordie          frontend-646bfb947c-wshpb                                   1/1     Running   0                 25m
    geordie          redis-server-6bd7885d5d-s7rqw                               1/1     Running   0                 25m
    geordie          yelb-appserver-5d89946ffd-vkxt9                             1/1     Running   0                 25m
    geordie          yelb-db-697bd9f9d9-2t4b6                                    1/1     Running   0                 25m
    geordie          yelb-ui-75ff8b96ff-fh6bw                                    1/1     Running   0                 25m
    kube-system      aws-load-balancer-controller-6cf9bdbfdf-h7bzb               1/1     Running   0                 20m
    kube-system      aws-load-balancer-controller-6cf9bdbfdf-vfbrj               1/1     Running   0                 20m
    kube-system      aws-node-cvjmq                                              1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      aws-node-fw7zc                                              1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      aws-node-l7589                                              1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      aws-node-nll82                                              1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      aws-node-zhz8l                                              1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      coredns-7975d6fb9b-5sf7r                                    1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      coredns-7975d6fb9b-k78dz                                    1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      ebs-csi-controller-5cd4944c94-7jwlb                         6/6     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      ebs-csi-controller-5cd4944c94-8tcsg                         6/6     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      ebs-csi-node-66jmx                                          3/3     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      ebs-csi-node-b2pw4                                          3/3     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      ebs-csi-node-g4v9z                                          3/3     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      ebs-csi-node-k7nvp                                          3/3     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      ebs-csi-node-tfq9q                                          3/3     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      kube-proxy-4x8vm                                            1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      kube-proxy-gtlpm                                            1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      kube-proxy-vfnbf                                            1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      kube-proxy-z9wdh                                            1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      kube-proxy-zzx9m                                            1/1     Running   0                 24h
    kube-system      metrics-server-7f4db5fd87-9n6dv                             1/1     Running   0                 23h
    kube-system      metrics-server-7f4db5fd87-t8wxg                             1/1     Running   0                 23h
    kube-system      metrics-server-7f4db5fd87-xcxlv                             1/1     Running   0                 23h
    team-burnham     burnham-66fccc4fb5-k4qtm                                    1/1     Running   0                 25m
    team-burnham     burnham-66fccc4fb5-rrf4j                                    1/1     Running   0                 25m
    team-burnham     burnham-66fccc4fb5-s9kbr                                    1/1     Running   0                 25m
    team-burnham     nginx-7d47cfdff7-lzdjb                                      1/1     Running   0                 25m
    team-riker       deployment-2048-6f7c78f959-h76rx                            1/1     Running   0                 25m
    team-riker       deployment-2048-6f7c78f959-skmrr                            1/1     Running   0                 25m
    team-riker       deployment-2048-6f7c78f959-tn9dw                            1/1     Running   0                 25m
    team-riker       guestbook-ui-c86c478bd-zg2z4                                1/1     Running   0                 25m
  3. You can access the ArgoCD UI by running the following command:

    kubectl port-forward svc/argo-cd-argocd-server 8080:443 -n argocd

    Then, open your browser and navigate to https://localhost:8080/ Username should be admin.

    The password will be the generated password by random_password resource, stored in AWS Secrets Manager. You can easily retrieve the password by running the following command:

    aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id <SECRET_NAME>--region <REGION>

    Replace <SECRET_NAME> with the name of the secret name, if you haven't changed it then it should be argocd, also, make sure to replace <REGION> with the region you are using.

    Pickup the the secret from the SecretString.


To teardown and remove the resources created in this example:

First, we need to ensure that the ArgoCD applications are properly cleaned up from the cluster, this can be achieved in multiple ways:

  1. Disabling the argocd_applications configuration and running terraform apply again
  2. Deleting the apps using argocd cli
  3. Deleting the apps using kubectl following ArgoCD guidance

Then you can start delete the terraform resources:

terraform destroy -target=module.eks_blueprints_kubernetes_addons -auto-approve
terraform destroy -target=module.eks -auto-approve
terraform destroy -auto-approve