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uKit AI 2.0 is a system that creates personalized landing pages for visitors.


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uKit ICO

License node yarn npm truffle ganache-cli solidity

Project description

uKit AI 2.0 is a system that creates personalized landing pages for visitors.

It is based on:

  • Artificial intelligence Deciding what kind of website a person will most likely enjoy.

  • Generative design Rebuilding a website on the fly.

  • Blockchain database Giving traffic contributors an opportunity to earn by educating the system.

Repo description

This repository is based on the Truffle framework, which is using for compilation, testing and deployment smart contracts.

Ganache is used for testing of smart contracts in a private blockchain.

Soljitsu is used to combine all imported smart contracts to a single file.

Directory structure description

└─── bin
└─── build
|	 └─── combined
|	 └─── contracts
└─── config
|	 └─── deploy
|	 └─── networks
└─── contracts
└─── migrations
└─── src
|	 └─── shared
└─── test
└─── utils
  • ./bin/ — executable command files
  • ./build/combined/ — combined smart contracts files
  • ./build/contract/ — smart contracts artifacts
  • ./config/deploy/ — deployment configuration files (the name of each file must match the network name)
  • ./config/networks/ — network configuration files (the name of each file must match the network name)
  • ./contracts/ — combined smart contracts files
  • ./migrations/ — migration files
  • ./src/ — smart contracts sources
  • ./test/ — testing files
  • ./utils/ — utility files


We recommend using the latest versions node, npm и yarn.

To install the dependencies, you must run the following command yarn install.



By default, Truffle is configured to use the development network:

	host       : '',
	port       : 8545,
	network_id : '*',
	gas        : 2 * 10**6,
	gasPrice   : 20 * 10**9

Each network is configured by default as development.

To override any values, you must create a file ./config/networks/development.js that exports the overridden directives, for example:

module.exports = {
	host     : 'localhost',
	port     : 8646,
	gasPrice : 10 * 10**9

Transactions in the development network are signed by the first unlocked Ganache account. To specify a different account, you must specify the directive from: <unlocked_address>.

To add a new network, you must create a file named as the network, for example, ./config/networks/live.js:

module.exports = {
	host       : '',
	port       : 8747,
	network_id : '*',
	gas        : 2 * 10**6,
	gasPrice   : 10 * 10**9


By default, project comes with deployment configuration for development network — ./config/deploy/development.js.

Property Required Type Description
token · Object
   name · String Full name of the token
   symbol · String Token short name (ticker)
   totalSupply · Number Total supply amount; can not be different than summ of all allocation amounts; should be an integer
   decimals · Number Number of digits after decimal separator; should be an integer between 0 and 18
controller · Object
   finalizeType · String Controller finalization type; may be burn or transfer
   finalizeTransferAddressType String Name of the one of the addresses from allocations object; required for transfer finalizeType; can not be the name (ico) of the ICO controller address
allocations · [Object]
   name · String Name of the allocation address; name ico is the reserved name for controller address
   amount · Number Amount of allocation; should be an integer
   address String String representation of the Ethereum address; not suitable for the allocation with name ico
   lock Boolean Flag for allocation locking; all locked allocations will be unlocked after ICO finalization
   timelock Number Date till allocation will be locked; timestamp (in seconds) of the particular unlocking date; should be an integer

Example configuration may look like this:

	token : {
		name        : 'Token Name',
		symbol      : 'TOKEN',
		totalSupply : 10**6,
		decimals    : 18
	controller : {
		finalizeType                : 'burn',
		finalizeTransferAddressType : ''
	allocations : [
			name   : 'ico',
			amount : 3 * 10**6
			name     : 'timelocked',
			address  : '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
			amount   : 10**6,
			timelock : Math.ceil( / 1000) + 60 * 60 * 24 * 548 // +1.5 years
			name    : 'locked',
			address : '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
			amount  : 10**6,
			lock    : true
			name    : 'transfer',
			address : '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
			amount  : 10**6


Before starting the deployment of smart contracts, you must have running Ethereum with enabled JSON-RPC option. The network configuration file should contain information about the connection to this node.

To deploy on the development network, you should run the following command:

  1. yarn ganache (in a separate tab) — run Ganache
  2. yarn migrate — combine the files of smart contracts, compile and deploy it

To deploy on a network other than development (files ./config/networks/<network_name>.js and ./config/deploy/<network_name>.js should exist):

NETWORK=<network_name> yarn migrate

Also, you can deploy contracts via Infura (to Ropsten, Rinkeby, Kovan or Mainnet networks) by running yarn migrate with additional (and required in that case) environment variables:

NETWORK=<network_name> \
INFURA_ACCESS_TOKEN=<infura_access_token> \
<NETWORK_NAME>_PRIVATE_KEY=<account_private_key> \
yarn migrate

Note: in case of using Infura you don't need a specific network configuration file, but file ./config/deploy/<network_name>.js should exist.


Tests run by executing the command yarn test (and passes only on the network development). Tests of these smart contracts are both unit and integration.

The command above executes the compilation ./bin/ (preliminary combining the files of smart contracts using ./bin/, then — for each test file, the private blockchain is launched with ./bin/

Each test uses instances of smart contracts that are deployed once at the beginning of the file execution.

Please note that in the ./test/ directory only test files (which are executed sequentially, according to the naming convention) should be located.

Demo App

If you want to try to interact with contracts deployed to development network (demo app supports only UKTToken and UKTTokenController at this moment) you should execute following commands:

yarn ganache # in separate terminal
yarn migrate
yarn serve   # it will start webpack-dev-server on http://localhost:9999

Don't forget about installing Metamask extension into your browser, import the owner address which you may find in ./utils/constants.json and select it.

Command reference

  • yarn combine — combining of smart contract sources to the ./build/combined/ directory and moving the combined files (specified in the COMBINED_FILES variable from ./bin/combine.shUKTToken.combined.sol and UKTTokenController.combined.sol) to the ./contracts/ directory

  • yarn compile — compilation of smart contracts from the ./contracts/ directory and subsequent deletion of files ./contracts/*.combined.sol

    • NETWORK=<network_name>
  • yarn migrate — combining, compilation and deployment of smart contracts in the specified network

    • NETWORK=<network_name>
    • TRUFFLE_GAS=<gas_limit>
    • TRUFFLE_GAS_PRICE=<gas_price_in_wei>
    • INFURA_ACCESS_TOKEN=<infura_access_token>
    • <INFURA_NETWORK_NAME>_PRIVATE_KEY=<account_private_key>
  • yarn ganache — starting private blockchain (accounts are read from file ./utils/constants.json)

    • PORT=<port_number>
  • yarn test [<test_file_name>] — start testing in the development network

  • yarn clear — clear all combined and compiled files

  • yarn serve — start a dev web server with demo app on http://localhost:9999

Contracts on Etherscan


Token address: 0x4cab1c3c861978b6010288323caa45e7f307be60

Token controller address: 0x5595b3d3168bdf20af6a148753c0fce6a125f03f

Token voting factory address: 0x1a42bce0e131c89144b769eda047286891a99b56


Token address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Token controller address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Token voting factory address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000