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File metadata and controls

105 lines (86 loc) · 3.95 KB


This is a general purpose Clojure analytics library designed to help you build your next analytics backed application.


Add this to your Leiningen :dependencies:

Clojars Project

To use the engine you first need to download the newest version of the free GeoIP data files. To do so you can use the download script provided from clj-geoip project. It simply downloads the newest archives and extracts them into the resources folder.

MaxMind provides new versions of the data files on a monthly basis. So it's a good idea to run the script every now and then.

Viola! Basic setup is done. Engine will run with H2 database without any configuration. If you want to run it with MySQL you need to provide config parameters. Check config namespace and override those .clj files in your project.

Check analytics-template project in order to get started and see how it works in real life.


(ns test
  (:require [analytics.utils :as util]
            	 [analytics.api.core :refer :all]))

(def data
  {:anonymous-id (util/uuid)
   :type "event"    ;; possible values: event/page/screen
   :site-id "TEST-ID"
   :user-id (str "[email protected]")
   :session-id (util/uuid)
   :channel "fn"
   :page "Sample"
   :event "Button Clicked"
   :context {:app {:name "Initech Global"
                   :version "1.0"}
             :campaign {:name "TPS Innovation Newsletter"
                        :source "Newsletter"
                        :medium "email"
                        :term "tps records"
                        :content "image link"}
             :device {:id "B5372DB0-C21E-11E4-8DFC-AA07A5B093DB"
                      :manufacturer "Apple"
                      :model "iPhone7,2"
                      :name "maguro"
                      :type "ios"}
             :locale "nl-NL"
             :location {:city "San Francisco"
                        :country "United States"
                        :latitude 40.2964197
                        :longitude -76.9411617}
             :ip ""
             :network {:bluetooth false
                       :carrier "T-Mobile NL"
                       :cellular true
                       :wifi true}
             :os {:name "iPhone OS"
                  :version "8.1.3"}
             :browser {:name "Safari"
                       :version "9.1"
                       :major "9"}
             :page {:url "/academy/"
                    :referrer {:type "refferrer"
                               :url ""
                               :domain ""}
                    :title "Academy Page Title"}
             :screen {:height 768
                      :width 1024}
             :user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1"
             :timezone "3"
             :hebelek {:test "1"}}
   :properties {:plan "Pro Annual"
                :account-type "Facebook"
                :variation "blue signup button"}

(def data-identify
  {:anonymous-id "4b3a21a8-fc7f-4c61-859d-c9c9f2deaf38"
   :type "identify"
   :site-id "2423486b-1e8d-417b-bcd9-fb183c6eec9c"
   :user-id "[email protected]"
   :channel "fn"
   :traits {:address "Yeni bir adres"
            :age 39
            :email "[email protected]"
            :gender "M"
            :spouse "Seryal"
            :children "Melissa"}

;; To track data run this
  (track data)

;; To identify a user run this
(track data-identify)


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Copyright © 2016 Umut Gokbayrak