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key Description
, get input characters.
. print data character.
< moves head/pointer left.
> moves head/pointer right.
[ loops through the code untill the current head's/pointer's data is 0.
] end of loop.
- subtract 1 from the curret head's/pointer's data, if it is 0 then it will go to 255.
+ adds 1 to the curret head's/pointer's data, if it is 255 then it will go to 0.
` get input string by setting each character's asci code down the "graph".
~ get input string by setting each character's asci code to the right on the "graph".
num repeats last key x times.
() repeats last set of keys x times.
# set color of text in the terminal for fun!
V moves head/pointer down.
^ moves head/pointer up.
\ this will skip the next charicter.
$ inbetween 2 $ it will try to read a formatted file to be then added to a library to be called on in the code latter on.
! same as $ but instead of reading a file, it runs python with exec.

Code examples


this will get a string and print it back out, backwards!


this does the same thing but prints it normally!


this will read a file called "color" then try to add that to a library to then be called on.


this will change the text color to red!


it is best to lean normal Brain Fuck then come back to this, it will make it easier for you.