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Mathieu Rampant edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 6 revisions

Billable Items

The billing API provides a consistent view of the following billable items in NEMO:

  • tool usage
  • area access
  • consumables
  • missed reservations
  • staff charges
  • training sessions

URL and parameters

The billing API is accessible by going to /api/billing?start=9/1/2019&end=9/30/2019 Accepted parameters are:

  • start (required): date in format MM/DD/YYYY
  • end (required): date in format MM/DD/YYYY
  • username: username of a user to get billing for
  • account_name: name of the account to get billing for
  • account_id: id of the account to get billing for
  • project_name: name of the project to get billing for
  • project_id: id of the project to get billing for


The response will contain the following data:

  • type: type of billable item
  • name: name of billable item
  • details: more details about the billable item
  • account: account name
  • account_id: id of the account
  • project: project name
  • project_id: id of the project
  • application: application identifier
  • username: username of the billed user
  • user_id: id of the billed user
  • start: start date
  • end: end date
  • quantity: quantity (minutes of tool usage, area access, staff charge or training, number of consumables, etc.)